Portfolio value versus Net Worth

Why is Portfolio Value much higher than Net Worth. No debt and property value not included in Quicken data.
What are you using for this comparison? What reports or screens? Are the end dates the same?
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
Dashboard view
The number of shares on some investments are significantly higher than actual. Share count is correct in Account Holdings.
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Up above that panel that shows the securities, what's your account selection? "All Accounts"? "Retirement Accounts"? What?
Do you hold the same security in multiple accounts? Could the inflated number be the sum of your holdings of that security?
Can you use that Account dropdown to narrow down the account(s) with the inflated holdings, and then research the specific account? In the account, the "Share Balance" column can be viewed to try to determine what happened, use it to compare you holdings to prior statements from the brokerage to see where things went off the track.
Also, do EDIT, Preferences, Investments and check "Show Hidden Transactions" to see if there are any Placeholders in the account for the particular securities. If there's Sell/Remove transactions for the securities that fall after any Placeholder, the share position of the security won't change.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
Dashboard view, Total Value, Security
Select Security, Detail view, My Holdings
Shares held are correct per transaction data. However, the shares held quantity noted in Total Value list for a specific security may be way off. Doesn't match any transaction or Holdings data.
This is not the case for all securities but several stocks, CDs, or ETFs.
This is going to take some research. Data goes back to 1995
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Allocation by security OK
Ending & Current balance OK
Transactions OK
Net Worth OK
Portfolio Value high by 30%, some share values 30% higher than recorded anywhere. Primarily Value for CDs and ETFs
Still a mystery!!
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some share values
Does that mean the number of shares, the price per share, or the combination of those = the value of the shares you own? I take it from an earlier post, you meant the first = the number of shares.
Shot in the dark — is there a chance you have any short positions in these securities either on purpose or inadvertently? I suggest going to a portfolio view grouped by account and expanding that security’s holdings to show the lots. You may also find evidence in the security detail transactions.
The related shot would be a placeholder. I am looking for something that might reduce your number of shares but somehow be ignored or missed by the newer dashboard card. (I tend to not trust some of these dashboard features, based on a few posts on this site.).
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The security holding quantity about 30^ high for some securities. The security lot detail is correct. All the detail data appears correct. Just the share count in the Total Value display is trashed
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Any chance each of those securities had splits that might have been misinterpreted or misapplied by the dashboard card?
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No. Several are CDs or ETFs