Quicken Mobile is an absolute menace
I have complained in the past about Quicken Mobile (in my case for iOS) corrupting my Quicken Classic for Windows file to the point that I've had to turn it off and dispense with using it on my iGizmos. Recently I've had occasion to add a Loan to my setup and somehow that did, rather insidiously, turn ON Quicken Mobile for me and I sat and watched the "sync with Cloud" window with a feeling of abject helplessness. I turned it OFF again, and thought everything was OK, but no, my QDF file is once again messed-up in re: Memorized Payees of all things.
I have carefully selected a number of stores we shop at to have fixed splits, and when I select those for inputting a new e.g. trip to the grocery store, they present me with all the splits I want, each with $0 so I can enter them anew. Well, the act of enabling Mobile broke those, just as it has in the past and one more reason why I don't use Quicken Mobile.
No need for anyone to reply—I just needed to get this off my chest. The problems with Quicken Mobile do cause me to believe that no one at Quicken uses it!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!???!!!!!
Tom, Been there done that. I have complained about the very thing you are complaining of, memorized payee splits being blown away when Quicken Mobile is running. I even had these splits blown away from my old reconciled register payees on my Quicken Classic desktop. I tried everything that was recommended ie. reset cloud account, but it constantly strips my memorized payee splits during syncing. THE ONLY thing that works…….DO NOT turn on the Quicken Mobile Sync. Which means, I cannot access my Quicken on iphone or ipad, just the desktop. We are not alone because I have seen others complain of this, and I have yet to see any solid recommendation to resolve. I think that people that do sync must have accepted the memorized payee splits being corrupted, and just manually enters the splits EVERY time.