Returns-Year to Date

Portfolio View——Columns——Return-YTD
I just noticed that interest and dividends are not included in Returns YTD. Market gains YTD were correct when compared to Fidelity and Vanguard, but dividends and interest not included in Quicken
The definition of the Return YTD column is
"Dollars invested" is the starting balance plus any new purchases. For YTD, the starting balance would be the closing market value as of 12/31/24.
What I am seeing is that dividends received in cash are included in Returns. Reinvested dividends and other distributions are included in the ending balance. If you see something different, please provide a specific example.
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Jim—Thanks for taking the time to reply
All my dividends are received in cash. No reinvestments
I think there is a problem with Quicken. When I receive a dividend from Fidelity or Vanguard, it's category is recorded as dividends. Same for interest received—Category—Interest income.
I checked all my accounts this morning in Quicken and compared to Vanguard and Fidelity.
Dividends and Interest for this year are not included in the Returns YTD
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Gary, we need to be very specific here. When you receive a dividend, does it show in the investment account Transaction List with "Div" in the Action column, or some other way?
When you select a transaction, does the Category show as "_DivInc" or something else?
Confusingly, Quicken has default Categories called "Div Income" and "Interest Inc". Interest Inc is supposed to be used for bank account interest, not for investing accounts. I don't know what you are supposed to use Div Income for, but it is not for investing accounts. The investing income Categories are chosen automatically when you enter income in an investing account. They begin with underscores and are hidden by default (a bad decision I think).
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Action—-Intinc—Interest Income
Action—Div—Dividend——Example from my accounts register yesterday
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This is the heading of the register
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I just ran an investment income report and the interest and dividends received this year are included in the reports
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I just ran the investment performance report——-It looks like dividends and interest are excluded from the report. This makes absolutely no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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OK, what was the market value of that security on 12/31/24?
What is the As of date in your Portfolio view?
What is the Market Value on that date?
Have there been any other transactions for that security this year?
What is the amount in the Return YTD column for that security?
Assuming there are no other transactions, I think it should be (As of date value) - (12/31 Value) + (Income received)
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OK—I'll take one account
Vanguard Brokerage
12/31/2024 Balance——-$123,905
1/16/2025 Balance 125,749
Increase—-$1844 (No additions or withdrawals)
Vanguard shows this exact amount for Year to Date Performance for Market Gains
However, Vanguard also shows the interest and dividends for another $800 this year for a total YTD performance of $1844 + $800
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It looks like Quicken does not include Interest and dividends received in the Year to Date Totals
I have checked eight accounts with the same results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Maybe some others can weigh in, but I honestly think there is a glitch in the Quicken program
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Let's stick to one issue at a time.
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I want to go over a simple example with one security, not a whole account.
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OK—Fair enough
I'll just take one security
Give me a minute
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I just checked individual securities that received interest this year. I compared the 12/31/2024 and 1/16/2025 balances and the YTD returns include the interest. However, the account performance is still way off from the brokerage on line records. I'm just completely confused .
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OK that's a good start.
How are you measuring the account performance? Remember that the Investment Performance Report and Portfolio view Avg Annual Return percentages are annualized, so that they assume YTD gains or losses will continue at the same rate for a whole year. For a more realistic YTD view, set the IPR period to Yearly and Current year or set the Portfolio view As of date to 12/31/25. This assumes that the performance will be flat for the rest of the year.
Also note that the IPR has issues depending on how you subtotal it. See this discussion
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I'm getting a real headache from all this. I think I'll just use the brokerage report numbers for returns and ignore the Quicken YTD return numbers.
Thanks for weighing in-
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or you could review our prior discussions, where we covered much of the same ground. Here is a sampling.
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I just spent 30 minutes on the phone with Fidelity—-II have a Dr. appointment now—-will get back later with update
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Issue has been resolved!
Return YTD in Quicken does include interest and dividends
Fidelity performance old view shows ending account balances with "Accrued interest"
The new experience view for performance excludes "accrued interest"
It took 30 minutes for Fidelity agent to realize why my numbers were so far off from Quicken.
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So the problem was not with Quicken after all, it was a change in Fidelity's website.
Thanks for the update, @Gary R
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Change with Fidelity performance reporting
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Jim Harman—-I didn't want to start a new topic, but you won't believe this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I needed to enter a sell for Vanguard Money market account of $2800 in the register. My Quicken holdings showed my MM balance of $3,000 all this year. However, I kept getting an error message that my MM balance was 0 shares.
I spent over 30 minutes with Quicken support doing a screen share, and they could not resolve the issue. They had me go to file and click on all three repair tabs. That seemed to correct the issue and was able to put in my sell order.
However, this morning I noticed that my Vanguard Returns Year to Date were just completely way too high, like maybe $50,000 for two weeks. I spent hours trying to resolve this and found the problem.
The price history for all my CD's and Treasuries were all gone. Only the buy price and yesterday's closing price.
I tried to update the historical prices for CD's and Treasuries, but nothing downloaded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm completely screwed
I deleted the last backup yesterday.
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Always keep several backups in case something like this happens. Always make a backup before doing any of the validate and repair operations. Storage is cheap. Don't delete the backup until you are thoroughly satisfied that everything is working correctly.
CD and Treasury prices come from your FI when you update your transactions, not from Quicken's quote provider. If you chose any of the price repair options, the prices from the FI may be lost.
Do you have any backups, even one from a few weeks ago? Look in the BACKUP folder inside the folder where you keep your Quicken file. There should be backups there, unless you deleted them too. They should have names like <your file name>-2025-01-03.AM08.15.QDF-backup. Look for the one with the newest date and time but prior to your session with Support yesterday.
It may be possible to export the prices from an older file and import them back to your current file.
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"CD and Treasury prices come from your FI when you update your transactions, not from Quicken's quote provider. If you chose any of the price repair options, the prices from the FI may be lost."
OMG——How in the world did you know that?
I'm totally screwed—-I deleted all backups after Quicken support fixed all my files.
I have too many individual CD's and Bonds to just enter prices as of 12/21/2024 to start fresh.
Oh Boy—-Lesson Learned!
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I think the caution when you select Correct investing price history is pretty clear. I would never choose that option if I didn't have a backup handy, and I would be sure to keep the backup for several weeks.
Did the Support person tell you to choose the price history Delete and Rebuild option? I can't imagine how that would correct a problem of no shares available to sell.
What is the significance of 12/21/24?
Did you go to Documents\Quicken (or wherever you keep your working file)\BACKUP and verify that there are no automatic backup copies there?
Did you look in the Windows Recycle bin to see if the backups you deleted are still there? Hopefully you did not also empty the Recycle bin after deleting the backups.
If you open the File menu in Quicken and look at the full path of your Quicken file at the bottom, is OneDrive in the path? If so, you may be able to retrieve a previous version from OneDrive. Be sure to make a copy of your current file with a different name before trying this.
You don't have Quicken set to make a backup to an external drive when you exit?
You don't have any sort of automatic backup software on your PC? What would you do if your computer failed?
If none of these will let you retrieve a recent backup, then at least the CD and bond prices do not vary much and you can see some performance information at your FI websites. If you have Treasuries, I think you can download their price history and import it into Quicken.
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I meant 12/31/24—not 12/21/24—-
I back up to an external hard drive daily and only keep one backup. After the agent did the screen share and fixed everything, I deleted the backups from the external drive, one drive, and Quicken back up on my PC.
"Did the Support person tell you to choose the price history Delete and Rebuild option?"
Honestly, I just followed his instructions and can't remember.
I double clicked the windows recycle bin and nothing opened
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Please explain "nothing opened" on the Recycle bin. You should see a Windows Explorer window, even if it has no files in it.
Do you have software that aggressively empties the Recycle Bin? If so, why?
If you right click on the Recycle bin and select Properties, is the "Don't move files to the Recycle Bin" option selected? If so, why? I would recommend that you select the Custom size option and accept the default, which looks like it is 6% of your available space.
If your Quicken backups are stored in OneDrive, did you look in the OneDrive Recycle Bin? Click on the OneDrive cloud icon, then on the Recycle bin.
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I have the option that you are showing above
I always delete my recycle bin daily
There's nothing in it
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I just wanted to recap—
My Quicken accounts are correct and agree with my brokerage firms
The only issue is that Returns Year to Date are useless since Treasuries and CD's have no price history.
I'll have to rely on my brokerage statements for performance returns