Quicken Net Worth Reports

Quicken calculates my Schwab accounts correctly but on the Net Worth reports they are all incorrect. Is there a solution?
Unless you tell us more about what's wrong, it will be hard to offer you much help.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Are the number of shares right? Is the report using the same price per share on the same date? If the number of shares is right you might have a price dated in the future or a wrong price listed for the current date. Edit the price history to check. Or even a transaction dated in the future.
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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All my data and information transfers well into quicken (Shares, price, values, etc.). When I run a 'Net Worth' report out of 'Reports' all my accounts are accurate and the same as the account value EXCEPT the Schwab accounts which are completely accurate in quicken but have incorrect values in the report making the 'Net Worth' report useless. Is there any more information you are looking for that will help you understand the problem we are trying to solve?
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When you say the Schwab accounts are "completely accurate in Quicken" but wrong in the Net Worth report, can you provide more detail. To start, where is is "completely accurate"? In the Portfolio view? In the left sidebar? Both?
And just to make sure we're on the same page, in the Reports tab, are you clicking on the Net Worth folder, and then selecting the "Net Worth" report (as opposed to any of the others there)?
When you select the Net Worth report and click Edit, are you selecting today's date (the default) or some date in the past, like the end of last month?
Do your Schwab accounts consist solely of funds in US dollars?
Now, let's try a different variation of the report. Click once on Net Worth by Month, and click Edit. Set the date range to be 12/1/24 through 1/18/25 (or today's date), and click OK. This will generate a report with three columns. We're only interested in the last one, with today's date. It the value for each of your Schwab accounts here the same or different than the value for those same Schwab accounts in the left sidebar?
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
jacobs: I am having the same problem as RPS77. I am using the net worth report as opposed to any of the others and either selecting today's date (the default) or the end of the previous month. Either way, the net worth reports are still incorrect for 1 investment account. Following your instructions to try a different variation of the report, I generated a report with 3 columns. The last column, with today's date, shows the value of my investment account as different than the value for the same account in the left sidebar. When I look at the Portfolio view of the same account, it is the same $$ as the left sidebar. None of the other investment accounts in my net worth report have the same issue. Any idea what could be going on here?
Of note: I am a long time Quicken Windows user of 32 years. In the middle of January, 2025 I migrated to the MAC version. So far all is working ok except for this issue (not including some frustrating things in the MAC version like not being able to turn off the security updates altogether).
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might have to help me solve this issue.
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The values in the actual accounts and are accurate. If I go to the finder bar click 'reports' and then click 'net worth' all my accounts are accurate except for my schwab accounts. Vanguard, Wells Fargo, etc all have accurate data, Schwab does not and only in the report.
Please look into this, it's very frustrating.
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I agree with Bob. Quicken: please fix this frustrating problem.
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I have the same result as BBV when running reports as you request.
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@BBV @RPS777 A this point, I suggest you may want to contact Quicken Support — which this site is not. Quicken isn't looking into or fixing something in a discussion on this site. Without seeing your actual data, it becomes difficult for fellow users like me to suggest what might be causing what you're reporting; all we can say is that we don't see the problem with our data… which doesn't help you. 😉 Quicken Support phone representatives can connect with your Mac and hopefully identify what setting is causing the disparity you're describing.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Hi Jacobs- Thanks for your suggestion. I will do that but want to wait for another month to see if this works itself out.
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I did that, they said they are looking into it andnthat I should ask the didcussion board to see if others have the issue. Not a lot of help
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@RPS777 Did they screen share with your Mac so you should show them what you're seeing and they could document your settings? Or create a sanitized (all personal information removed) version of your data file they could send to the developers to examine? And did they create a case or ticket number? If not, whatever representative you talked with unfortunately probably isn't "looking into it" further.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
jacobs —Thanks for your comment to RPS777. I don't have an issue with screen share when I call Quicken support, but I didn't know they can create a sanitized version of my data file to send to developers to examine. Any other advice is more than welcome.
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@BBV Actually, you can create a sanitized version of your file; it's on the Help menu, and can also be done within the Help > Report a Problem window. So what I was actually suggesting is that if they do a screen share and verify what you're reporting without finding any explanation for it, they create the sanitized version (or have you do it) while they're sharing your screen, and upload it to them for them to pass on to the developers.
You could document what you're seeing, with screen shots showing the different net worth values in different places, and use Report a Problem to send those screenshots and your sanitized file to Quicken to report a bug. The problem with doing so is that it's a one-way communication; they will not respond, so you have no way of knowing if they see the problem and identify it as a bug or not. For that reason, I'm suggesting trying to do a phone session with Support because it's a conversation and not a black hole. 😉
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I didn't know I could create a sanitized version of my file so appreciate that advice. I had already thought of making screen shots of the net worth values in various areas which shows the difference and sharing that when I speak with them. Reporting a bug in the other way won't get me a solution. 🙏
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@BBV A sanitzed file isn't of much use unless you're sending it to Quicken to try to analyze a problerm. If you create one, you'll see that it replaces every account name, category nam, tag name, payee name, etc. with a test string (like "Account1" or "String1234") while leaving all the amounts and everything else the same.
If you screen share with them, you won't want to show them screen shots; you'll want to be able to show it live in Quicken. So I suggest before you do a call, you make sure you are set up to show them which screens or places are showing different values from each other.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Yup, I created a sanitized file and confirm your comments. And, to your point, showing the discrepancies live to the Quicken support folks is really the better way to proceed rather than screen shots. I will be MORE THAN prepared. 😉
I migrated to Quicken MAC from Quicken Windows after 30+ years, so your advice is greatly appreciated.