Investing Activity Report does not agree with drill down popup reports (Bug Issue)

BRETTB Member ✭✭✭✭

Investment Register>Investment Activity Report.

This looks like an issue that has been ongoing and is frustrating. Think the Developers need to fix.

When one drills down on a number to get the details, then those details/amounts should agree.

ISSUE is when I drill down to see what the figures are composed of on the "Investment Activity" there are issues - drill down amounts don't agree or show. I should see how the figures on the Investment Activity are composed by drilling down.

Test 1 - settings for Investment Activity Report
Investment Register > "Investment Activity" report
Date Range = Year to Date

Clicking on the Drill Down on Figure of the Report

Deposits = Pop up Transaction Report BUT does not agree to Investment Activity Amount.
Withdrawal = Pop up Transaction Report BUT does not agree to Investment Activity Amount.

Investing Income = pop up Investment Income Report
Interest = OK
Dividends = OK
Realized Gains = OK

Change in Market Value (Unrealized) = will pop up Portfolio Value Report = ISSUE Drill Down Amount does not agree or show. Think on the Portfolio Value report should have a beginning date and value to do the proper calculations.

Beginning Balance = pop up "Portfolio Value" report does not show. Should have Beginning Balance to tie it in.

Ending Value = pop up Portfolio Value report "Balance Column" - OK

Capital Gain/Loss (Realized)
Short Term = pop up Report "Capital Gains" Report = OK
Long Term = pop up Report "Capital Gains" Report = Ok

Here is another issue: If you put the Investment Activity Report say "last 12 months" (or another date range that create multiple time frame columns) there looks like on many of the reports if you click on one of the time frames columns (like Q1 any figures to drill down and open the corresponding report) should change the date on the pop up report so you can check how the figures are composed??

Please fix this. It's frustrating and saw another guy say it's driving him nuts and it's doing the same to me!

Thanks Brett
