Change Account Type?

Quicken Windows Subscription Member
New user. Still much to learn
I have two pocket money account. One is mine, the other is my wife's. Here's is a Cash type.
That's correct. Mine shows Checking. That's wrong. How do I change it to Cash? Or how do I create a new Cash account and merge them?
Account types cannot be changed. You will need to create a new Cash account.
Then, if you wish, you can move all the transactions from the Checking account into the new Cash account. To do this:
IN THE NEW CASH ACCOUNT: Delete the Opening Balance transaction.
- Left click on the Opening Balance transaction.
- Scroll down the register and while holding down the Shift key left click on it. All of the transactions should now be shaded.
- If the transactions are marked R (for Reconciled): Right click anywhere on the shaded transactions > Reconciled Status > select Uncleard or Cleared.
- If/when the transactions are not marked R: Repeat steps 1 and 2.
- Right click anywhere on the shaded transactions > Move Transactions > select the new Cash account from the drop down > OK.
- Once the transactions have been moved you can change the transactions in the Cash account to R (if you wish) and can delete the Checking account.
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