All bank and credit card accounts marked "deleted"

This started about 8 AM CST. I opened up my quicken, and all of my bank and credit card accounts are marked "deleted" and I need to add them back. When I attempted this, I'm getting I can't connect to the quicken servers.
Please clarify what you mean by "…all of my bank and credit card accounts are marked 'deleted'…" There is nothing in Quicken that will mark accounts deleted. If the accounts are truly deleted in Quicken, they will simply no longer be present nor visible in Quicken at all.
Was this from an error message received when you tried to run OSU (One Step Update)? If so, was there an error code provided?
This message sometimes comes up when there is an issue connecting Quicken to the Quicken servers and/or the financial institutions. Since it cannot complete the connection successfully it cannot find the accounts in the Financial Institution data so Quicken wrongly "thinks" that the accounts have been deleted. This is usually a temporary issue that can sometimes be corrected by running Update Now for each account.
If there is a server issue, then the issue will go away once the server issue is resolved. Generally, if Update Now does not resolve the issue, then waiting a little while and trying to run OSU again later in the day or by the next morning will resolve the issue.
It is not advised to Deactivate the accounts. It is also not advised to try Resetting each account. Doing so when the server connection is not working will often result in the accounts actually being disconnected and then they will need to be set up again later after the server issue is resolved. It's usually best to just wait a while and then try running OSU, again, later.
If the issue is still occurring tomorrow (1/28) come back here and update this thread. I or someone else will hopefully be able to help you troubleshoot the issue.
BTW, this morning when I first ran OSU (about 7:30am CTS) OSU would not complete properly. I tried running OSU, again later this morning and OSU properly completed for all accounts. So, there does appear to have been a server issue earlier today.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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I'm getting a
CC-800error from all of my banking and credit cards. and when I attempt to add the account back in I've been receiving server errors.
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Thanks for the additional information. Knowing the error code is important.
If you are still getting this CC-800 error code now, try doing OSU, again in the morning.
If you still get this error code then, you might want to try doing the following:
- If you have not already done so, for each Spending account (i.e., checking, savings, credit card, etc.) enter and save the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount into the Memo fields of those transactions. This is not part of the issue resolution but it is a proactive step that can be of great assistance should the Opening Balance dollar amounts get changed in the following steps.
- Backup your data file.
- In the Account Register for one of the accounts having this CC-800 error code: Upper right Gear icon > Update Now. If this step works, try doing Update Now for the other affected accounts.
- If Update Now does not work: Account Register > upper right Gear icon > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Reset Account. If this works, you might be prompted to decide what to do with the data that is downloaded. If so, make sure you Link it to the correct account already in Quicken. If this step resolves the issue, repeat it with the other accounts that are still experiencing the CC-800 error code.
- If Reset Account does not work: Account Register > upper right Gear icon > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Deactivate > OK.
- Repeat Step #5 for each additional account you might have with this same financial institution.
- Then do Add Account for this financial institution and when prompted make sure to Link the downloads to the appropriate accounts that are already in Quicken.
- If this works, repeat steps 5-7 for the other accounts that might still be experiencing the CC-800 error code.
- When completed, check your account register balances. If they are out of balance, check the Opening Balance transaction to see it the dollar amount got changed and, if so, correct it to match what you previously entered into the Memo field.
- If the account register balances are still out of balance, scroll backward in the register looking for duplicate transactions. If you find any, delete one of them and retain the other. If duplicate transactions are present in the account register they will typically be found within the last 90-days.
You do not need to do Steps 1-10 for all of your accounts with this CC-800 issue if the first couple of accounts do not get fixed by it. If the first couple of accounts are not fixed with these steps, then having this error code for all the accounts indicates you might have a runtime.dat file corruption issue.
Perhaps the easiest way to fix a runtime.dat file issue is to do the following: Go to File > Create Copy or Backup file > Create a copy or template > Next > you may keep the default file name (the same name as your data file but with Cpy added to the end of it) or you may give it a unique name of your choosing > Save Copy.
- You will now have a copy exact file of your main data file but all download connections will have been severed so they will need to be set up, again.
- This copied file will have created a new fresh runtime.dat file.
- This copied file will have created a new Cloud Account ID. This means if you were using QMobile or QWeb you will need to set them up, again, since this copied file will not be able to sync with what you had set up previously.
- When done, the CC-800 error code should no longer be present and downloads should happen, again.
Please post back here what your status is and if any of this has helped you resolve your connections issue.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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@betweenthelines there were a number of CC-800 error posts yesterday:
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
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