Exclude unvested RSU from account total

RPC102 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
edited February 28 in Investments

I recently transitioned from Quicken for Windows to Quicken for Mac. I have an account which includes RSUs and shares that have vested from RSUs. In Quicken for Windows, my account total only reflected the balance of shares that I actually own. In Quicken for Mac, the Portfolio tab on that account correctly reflects that the RSUs are actually worth $0, and the total on that tab is correct. However, in the top of that window, the Market Value as of Today treats the RSUs as if I actually own them and they have some value, and that inflated value also shows in my accounts sidebar and total net worth. Ideally there would be feature parity between the two versions of the software and not count unvested RSU as if they have value, but at a bare minimum I'd like users to have an option to decide whether unvested RSUs should be counted in account value.

3 votes

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  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Since it shows correctly in the Portfolio but not elsewhere, I would think this should be considered a bug rather than an enhancement request.

    @RPC102 if you take take a screen shot or two to visually document what you're describing, you might try submitting a bug report (Help > Report a Problem) with your description and image(s). It's possible, but not certain, that if someone at Quicken tests and replicates this, they might validate it as a bug and put it in the queue to be fixed at some point. That could lead to a resolution well before this Idea thread reaches 30 votes and gets submitted to the developers as a feature enhancement request.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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