Discrepancies in Version Installed and Version listed in Help / About (Q Win Canada)

EDITED: This post was originally about setting up invoices and payments for eBay, but quickly identified a bug. in the Version installed and the Version listed in the about.
It looks like you have somehow inadvertently installed the US version and that is what is preventing you from connecting to Canadian financial institutions. The latest Canadian Release is R60.18. You have indicated you are running R60.20, which is (presently) a USA release. Yes, I noted that you see "Canadian" in your About Quicken Notes. However, I've seen this several times before. That "Canadian" is misleading… if you see R60.20 as the version then you are actually running the US version. The (main) problem with running the US version is that it is likely mapping to the US version of the FIDIR.TXT file, which is what controls the ability to connect to financial institutions. If your Quicken installation is using the USA FIDIR.TXT then you won't be able to download transactions from (most/almost all) Canadian financial institutions. You should contact Quicken Support and get them to help you completely uninstall the USA version and then get the Canadian version installed.
The above assumes that your "problem" or part of your problem is not being able to download transactions from Canadian financial institutions… but, your problem statement isn't very clear. Once you get the correct version installed, you should provide a more clear and detailed description of your problem and the guidance you are seeking. Regardless, you should get the version issues sorted out.
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Thank you, the file I downloaded does say Quicken-Canada.exe
Sorry for the confusion, I was not having issues with my "Accounts" as I am able to sync, it was just an intro sentence to my issue with eBay and how to manage the the transactions.
When I sync my accounts, I get a deposit from eBay for my sales.
But I can convert that transaction into a payment on an invoice I created.0 -
Sorry can't answer your Quicken business question, because I don't use it, but I did want to point out that you exposed a bug in the Quicken Canadian install. The full install (not the patch install) will report this:
But looking at the version number in Settings → Apps → Installed apps, the version is:
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That is seriously odd.
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Yes, but this discussion has got off track of the original question.
Hopefully one of the moderators or SuperUsers will be able to answer the original question.
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/-1 -
The original question is not specific to the Canadian version, so I suggest that the OP repost the question in the "Business and Rental Property" tools topic instead of this one. This forum is intended for issues that are specific/unique to the Canadian version.
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So let's add a new twist:
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I recommend you call Quicken support about the version issue. There are many cases of Canadians ending up with the US version for various reasons. I recommend you get this sorted out.
I regret that I can't help with the original question about invoices and payment matching as I have not used those features.
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Thanks Arctic Hare, you have been helpful in other ways too, I've resolved issues I had from other posts you have responded too.
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I just looked back at the machine I installed on and both locations now say, so whatever I saw was "temporary".
I suspect that if you install the last patch the version number will change to 17.60.18.
You can get that from here:
Update and Mondo Patch: Subscription Release of Quicken for Windows
I also suspect that it doesn't matter. I suspect at this point what drives the difference in functionality between the US and the Canadian version what subscription the Quicken Id is connected to. And in fact, I know that it can switch between the two at a data file level. I had a Quicken Id that got tied to both versions because I did a beta on the Canadian version, and every time I created a new data file it would ask me if I wanted a US or Canadian version.
And if you look at the config file structure you will see that the Canadian config files are "embedded" the "US/main" structure.
But to be on the safe side I would install that patch so that you know you are on the "official Canadian version".
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/1 -
@Jeannie78 I suggest that you post another question asking about your original problem. I'm pretty sure that what you needed can be done and has nothing to do with this version number problem. It just needs to get out there where a SuperUser/Moderator that is using the Business features can answer it.
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