Incorrect investment

My Quicken Desktop is showing and incorrect investment downloaded from Schwab. It should be BND, and it is showing VXUS. The number of shares is correct, the rest relates to VXUS not BND. Apparently this has been the case for years. Any suggestions as to how to correct this?
When you do TOOLS, Security List, what shows as the SECURITY? And what Symbol?
And how far back do the transactions in whatever security go?
Also, which version of Q are you running? Because some suggestions to address this MIGHT require one of the higher level products?
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
I just looked up those 2 securities. Both are Vanguard ETF, but one's a bond ETF and the other a stock ETF … so I doubt that there would have been any corporate action to explain your situation.
Which leads me to the conclusion that you, simply, must have set it up incorrectly. And that the Bond ETF is what shows on your monthly statements from Chuck.
What's a bit mystifying is that, when you download into the account, Q isn't complaining about the "missing security".
Please provide a bit more info so that we can work thru this.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
Using Quicken Classic Premier, v. R60.20, Build Security List shows VXUS, but not BND. Schwab account was set up by my financial advisor over 20 yrs ago. Both my Quicken and Schwab statement shows I bought VXUS in 2016, later sold it. I some point BND was bought, and does not show up on Quicken, but I would have to research many Schwab statements to find out when. Single security history on Schwab only goes back 3 yrs. Might have to research all those statements if I really want to solve this, but that will take a lot of time.
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Sounds to me like you never recorded the sale of VXUS and purchase of BND.
Are you downloading into the account? And what shows on the most current monthly statement from Schwab?
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
I don't do anything, my financial advisor does it, I just download, so sale of VXUS and the purchase of BND should have been part of the download.
Attached are what the latest Schwab statement shows and what Quicken shows.
The latest data from my financial advisor agrees with Schwab.
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It seems to me you properly bought (in 2016) and sold (later) the original VXUS shares in Quicken.
For whatever reason, your later BND purchase and subsequent transactions got mis-matched to the VXUS security in Quicken. I would:
- Backup the current file - just in case.
- Create in your security list the BND security. The name should be close to what your broker uses but need not match exactly.
- Edit the VXUS security in Quicken by unchecking the box that it is "Matched with online security"
- Review the transactions shown for VXUS to confirm when all the 2016 shares were sold. I expect there is a gap before you'll start seeing the later transactions listed that should have been BND transactions.
- In the transaction list for that account
- Click the 'Security" header to sort the list by security.
- Scroll down to where you find the first transaction of VXUS that should have been BND
- Edit the security name for that transaction to be the BND security name.
- Highlight and copy that security name. (frequently Ctrl-C, if set to Windows standards)
- Click on the security of the next transaction you need to change. Paste the copied (BND) name over the prior VXUS name.
- Repeat 'e' as needed.
- When you have made all the corrections, click the Date header to return to the commonly sorted presentation.
- Click the Actions gear upper right to get the Reconcile Shares selection. With that selection you should be able to match the brokerages presentation of BND to your new BND security.
Hope this helps
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Thanks. Here is where the error occurred. 495 sh of BND at 80.8651 were bought on 18 Mar 2020, as shown on the attached Schwab statement. Quicken shows that 495 sh of VXUS were bought on that date at 80.8651. The price of VXUS on that date was 37.33. Weirdly, "Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF" was shown in the memo section. Somehow the download was incorrectly read by Quicken. I'll follow your directions to correct.
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Steps d and e didn't work for me as stated. I got a window that said "Void present transaction?" What worked was I clicked the edit button on the line to the right, deleted the security name, and scrolled down in the resultant window to BND, and clicked, and then "Enter." A bit laborious, but it works.
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Perhaps your preferences are not set to "Windows Standard".
Edit / Preferences / Setup. With Windows Standard, Ctrl-V is Paste. With Quicken Standard, Ctrl-V offers to void the transaction. Shift-Insert 'should' work as paste under Quicken standard but does not for my laptop keyboard.
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You are correct, that works now, thanks.