Payee in Quicken is entered as Purchase in my Royal Bank express web

I would expect to see the payee in the payee sllot but repeatedly the Royal Bank recently started in my downloads just putting "Online Banking" for some payments and "Purchaser" for vendor . WHat can be done?
If I go online, I find the name of the payee right there. why is it not coming downloads to Quicken??
@Deke_271 In the subject line, you have indicated you are using Express Web Connect to download transactions. Some time ago, after using EWC to download transactions from RBC for - literally - decades, I abandoned EWC in favour of Web Connect. My reasons for switching had to do with multi-factor authentication and incorrect transaction posting dates in the EWC data. I get accurate data using Web Connect and haven't encountered the "online banking" issue you've described.
I suggest that you test whether you get the same or different results with Web Connect. If you get different results, your only viable option is try to take the issue up with RBC. Sometimes Quicken support can be compelled to attempt to communicate these issues to the bank. BUT, it is the bank that needs to fix it and communicating with RBC - or any bank in my experience - about such issues tends to be very difficult. The banks are a bit more responsive about issue with Web Connect. Getting the bank's attention on an EWC issue is typically very difficult. You might have to go so far as filing a complaint with the ombudsman to get any response. I'd start with testing WC and then evaluate the situation.
Post back here with what you find in your WC test, etc.
ADD/EDIT - Your question about why is the data that you see online not coming down to Quicken. Well, I have the same question about transaction posting dates. Why does EWC download transaction posting dates that are different from the transaction posting dates shown online. Incorrect posting dates cause issues when reconciling to the monthly statement. I gave up fighting the battle with incorrect dates and now use WC, as inconvenient as that is.
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Since you use QWin Canada perhaps you can also see in the register exactly what was actually downloaded by the financial institution. If this is possible, Account Register > click on the upper right Gear icon > Register Columns > check the box for Downloaded Payees.
Now you should have a column for that added to the account register.
Do the Downloaded Payees look like the incorrect Payees you have been seeing in the Account Register or do they appear to be correct?
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