Quicken for Linux (Yes... again)

I know this has been suggested over the years and that based on the statistics here, which is very narrow in my opinion, there isn't much interest in a Linux version of Quicken (Classic). I disagree… just because it's not discussed much here doesn't mean there isn't interest. That said, I understand the cost associated with porting or re-writing the code for Linux distros. While it's possible to get Quicken running with Wine, it would be nice to have something more accessible for those not that aren't tech savvy. Here's my proposal: Proton.
Proton is a fork of Wine by Valve to allow Windows games to be played on Linux and, so far, it works flawlessly with everything I throw at it. I suspect Quicken is a lot less intensive than a game, so I think using Proton to make a version of Quicken work with Linux is much more feasible cost-wise as well as the amount of manpower needed.
That said, I understand the cost associated with porting or re-writing the code for Linux distros.
I don't think you do in this case. And I don't think Quicken Inc has the resources to do it even if there were enough interest in it, which I do doubt.
Quicken Windows database is old, probably on the order of at least 30 years old. And I doubt it very well separated from the rest of the functionality of Quicken. To go to any other operating system the database would have to be replaced, that would amount to pretty much rewriting Quicken Windows from scratch. That isn't something that Quicken Inc a company of about 200 total employees can handle at the same time supporting Quicken Windows, Quicken Mac, and Simplifi.
And I wouldn't be surprised to find other libraries used in Quicken Windows that are just about as old and unsupported.
When I look at parts of Quicken Windows like the Tax Planner and the Business forms that are still using Internet Explorer APIs to display web pages, and to connect to the Internet for downloading transactions, it is pretty clear that they have their hands full just trying to keep it all together.
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/0 -
It appears you didn't even bother to read my post fully, and instead just assumed I'm asking for a full conversion. Go back and read what wrote instead of defending 30 year old code and saying "it can't be done." As an aside, if it's that old, then perhaps it's time for a full rewrite anyway.
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I'm sorry, I did read your full post, but didn't understand how Proton worked.
But from the description I just read it requires the user to install it and select and then run whichever Windows program you want, basically like you said, like Wine.
What I fail to see, is how Quicken Inc is involved in this if this something that the Linux user can already do.
And as for a full rewrite. I'm sure that would please everyone involved if it was possible but Quicken Inc doesn't have the resources to do it. Intuit started a full rewrite of Quicken Mac in 2006, and that is a project that isn't "finished" to this day.
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/0 -
Because while Wine works it is not as easy as Steams "check this box" and boom… it works. And Proton isn't really Wine but quite a bit more advanced. A lot of games play fine in Proton while they don't in Wine. How I could see Quicken for Linux working is this: a small install script that does whatever voodoo Proton does to make Windows programs play nice, and then Quivcken for Windows installs. That's it. I don't think it would be super resource intensive on Quickens part to make this happen. I'm sure they could dedicate one or two people of the 200+ you say they employee to this.
As an aside, I think 200+ employees time is much better spend upgrading 30 year old code vs customer support. If the code is updated and streamlined then customer support may not be as intensive.
Regardless, my Linux suggestion is just that: a suggestion. I hope Quicken at least looks into Proton as a possible option to open the door for another platform, but if they don't then they don't.
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Thanks that was helpful to it up for me.
This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/0 -
I just set it up this week with Wine on Ubuntu and while it was tricky, I have it working (I'm going to try to reproduce exactly what I did and document it on WineHQ) and while it has a couple of quirks it seems to be working and to be honest… is seems faster which is weird.