Memorized Payee List



  • Member ✭✭✭
    clcrawford66: I'll vote for that! Having same problems.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Anyone else get pushed an R30.19 update today? All release notes state is "Fixed a few Internal Bugs" (Not Helpful). Has this addressed the MPL issues??
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This is supposed to be fixed, but did notmwork for me. I believe you need to go back to a backup file from before the issue occurred, which for me is many months ago. I can not do that. Msync still off for me
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    wfyano said:
    This is supposed to be fixed, but did notmwork for me. I believe you need to go back to a backup file from before the issue occurred, which for me is many months ago. I can not do that. Msync still off for me
    When a bug corrupts data it highly unlikely that any fix will be able to go back an fix that corruption.  So whenever this kind of thing happens restoring from a backup is the usually procedure, and in this case should have been done way back when it happened.

    You might be in luck though for the case of Memorized payees.
    If you restore to a copy of your data file that has the Memorized payees in it (into a copy of your data file, not overriding the current one) then you should be able to use QIF export/import to copy your Memorized payees from one data file to the other.

    File -> File Export -> QIF File... (Only select Memorized payees)
    File -> File Import -> QIF File..
    This is my website:
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    In my case I do not have a backup months old, as I would need. Currently my file is 100 percent accurate and good, and only has an issue after I sync. So until a better solution is provided I will not sync or use mobile product, which does suck.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @wfyano said:
    > In my case I do not have a backup months old, as I would need. Currently my file is 100 percent accurate and good, and only has an issue after I sync. So until a better solution is provided I will not sync or use mobile product, which does suck.

    Agreed... I have same situation. I have several backups going back several weeks... but not nearly long enough to when this issue started.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I did what @Chris_QPW suggested and a couple days later all the extra memorized transactions had disappeared again. I just reimported the extra transactions, but I expect they will disappear again.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you are sure that a Sync process is messing up your data file, may I suggest that you STOP SYNC until further notice, until we all can be sure that the Quicken programmers have found and fixed the problem.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I do have the syncs turned off; but sometimes when I install a new program update, they seem to get turned back on by the update.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    If you haven't already, I suggest to go into preferences to the Data Entry & QuickFill tab and unclick the last option which is "Remove memorized transactions not used in last xx months". I had changed mine to last 60 months and was still having the issue of memorized transactions disappearing; so I turned off that option. No issues since then.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    If you haven't already, I suggest to go into preferences to the Data Entry & QuickFill tab and unclick the last option which is "Remove memorized transactions not used in last xx months". I had changed mine to last 60 months and was still having the issue of memorized transactions disappearing; so I turned off that option. No issues since then.
  • Member ✭✭
    I have had the same problem with memorized categories being removed particularly in split categories transactions (house note). Traced this back to about September or October as those split categories transaction were there but in Nov, Dec and Jan. went to "unspecified category" and no longer split.
    Also most of my memorized payees come up with no category listed that I have to fill in.
    Turned off sync as well.

    Quicken has become a hot mess and instead of a quick 30 minutes daily, I have spent hours trying to fix or recreate files and transactions that have disappeared or become corrupted.

    All worked well before and now - not so much for a subscription program.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am getting really frustrated too!! Quicken removes the accounts from my memorized transactions and I am continually fixing them! This has been going on for weeks! Please get this fixed!!
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Just to set the record straight, this issue was the subject of the thread "Memorized Payee List Data is Incorrect", which was first reported in June 2020 and has since gone into obscurity since this thread was started.

    The issue still exists in my Quicken. Every time an update comes out, I am hopeful that this will be the day that this is finally resolved, and am then shot down when I find that it isn't. I have rebuilt my Memorized Payee List countless times, and running a One-Step Update shoots it all to heck, especially payees with split transactions or payees with more than one entry.

    We're coming up on a year now, gang.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I have completely removed\stopped sync for Cloud\Mobile\Web. Sick and tired of correcting MPL entries that used to work absolutely fine. And now, as of latest "patch" (R32.10 for Windows) any Paychecks for my wife and I that I have set up in Memorized Bills\Income lose all details after a sync and show $0 income and have to be recreated. Then the details go away again after sync'ing. So many issues totally related to Cloud sync. It just isn't worth the headache anymore. Maybe when everybody just stops using it Sync, Q will finally put some attention to making Cloud sync work correctly and stop messing up everyone's desktop file. This is people's FINANCES Quicken... the software needs to stop "corrupting" local data files.

    I have to wonder, do Quicken employees even use their own software? You would think if they did, they HAVE to be running into the same issues many of us are and would WANT things corrected just as much as we do...
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  • Member ✭✭✭
    I have had this problem but it only caused me minor headaches (split memorized transactions lost the splits). I did not have many of these so i could fix it easily. This got fixed on one of the updates of cloud service. However, the latest and greatest fix (I think it happened when you got the pop up notice that said it was updated the cloud data and it may take several minutes). Now my scheduled paychecks are screwed up and some how tax planner is also not working right. Luckily I saved a version of my data file before all this stuff started to happen. I validated this file and have no errors and have turned off sync. Hopefully this will solve my issues but I am tried of spending time on a issue that makes me lose faith in the integrity of the Quicken program and my decades old data file.
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  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited April 2021
    [removed - rant/unhelpful/no soliciting]
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spider223 said:
    Also, when looking at your memorized transactions before and after, any Memorized Transactions that had a category, in a split, or by itself that was an internal Quicken transfer category (The ones that direct to a specific account, ie: [SAVINGS], [VISA], [VACATION], [ROTH], etc...) are all gone. ...
    Just a shot in the dark ... Are all these accounts enabled to be synced or are you excluding one or more of them?

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