Essentials Conversion

Quicken Mac Other Member
Running Essentials on El Capitan, looking to upgrade the computer but know the new versions will not run essentials.

Not clear how to take old data to get it over to newer versions



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  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Fortunately, this should be an easy conversion. All you need to do is find your current Quicken Essentials data file(s) and transfer it to the new Mac. (I suggest using the Finder's File > Compress command on your data file, and then copying the resulting .zip file via flash drive, Airdrop, emailing yourself, file sharing, etc.) The current Quicken Mac will import Quicken Essentials data file(s) and update them to the current database format. All you'll need to do after installing Quicken Mac is to select Start from a Quicken Essentials data file on the Let's Get Started page, select your existing data file, and Quicken will create a new Quicken Mac data file with all your data.

    If it's possible for you to have your old computer and new computer running at the same time, you can open Essentials on the old and Quicken Mac on the new and compare them account by account to make sure all your balances are correct and everything looks good. It's not necessary, but it is satisfying to be able to compare between the two versions to satisfy yourself everything imported correctly.

    You will find the interface of Quicken Mac shares many similarities with Essentials, because Quicken Mac was build from the original code base of Essentials. The sidebar has been tweaked, new menus have been added, and there are a lot of new capabilities, but the look of the registers and overall functionality in Quicken Mac will feel very familiar to you.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Other Member
    Thanks for the info.
    Talking to Quicken, they say the Essentials is non-convertible and would have to go through a newer version first
  • Quicken Mac Other Member
    I also see 4 different versions of the .quikendatafile
    Which one gets transfered?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @kcm685 I have no idea why Quicken Support would say you can't convert an Essentials data file in the current Quicken Mac, as it has been and continues to be an option on the Let's Get Started page:

    As for which data file to transfer, that you'll need to figure out yourself. It's possible that simply looking at each file's date in the Finder will make it clear which one you've been using recently versus older copies. If you're unable to determine with certainty which one is which, you may have to open them in Essentials one at a time in order to determine which one contains your most recently entered transactions. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Other Member
    Thanks for your help!
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