Discover Card transactions are no longer downloading



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I deactivated & reactivated my Quicken Discover account for Express Web Connect. Had to restart my computer for some reason because Quicken stopped.

    Started with editing Discover account for "Deactivate and Reactivate online banking services for a Quicken account".
    Stored Discover account password in Quicken vault.
    Quicken program download from last month's transactions.

    See what happens, next month. Good luck
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Still no resolution here. The balance downloaded correctly when I added the new account, but even after trying everything suggested, days later, not a single new transaction will appear.

    ... and there are no errors appearing.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Have tried all of the above suggestions - I'm using Express Web Connect, "Discover Card" is showing as the financial institution (I don't have any accounts with Discover Bank), have reset the Express Web Connect, added as a "new account" then selected "link to existing account" - and even though Quicken tells me that it has downloaded transactions "for the past 3,127 days", my last successfully added transaction was on September 26. I even checked an old Discover ledger that I have hidden on Quicken to make sure the transactions hadn't been sent there! (No, they don't show there either.) Any other ideas?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Deactivating my Discover Card accounts, going to "Edit account details" and change the Financial Institution name from Discover Bank to Discover Card and then reconnect fixed the problem. It's too bad that no one at Quicken Support knows about this fix to give to the users.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Quicken - can you please provide some insight into this problem? There are multiple threads with everyone saying the same thing and it has nothing to do with reactivating / express connect etc. Something is wrong with the Discover / Quicken interface that you need to investigate.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    I just spoke with Discover. For some reason they're new policy is not to provide support for QFX files anymore. Direct download doesn't work either. No statement about changing the situation. So, it appears the situation is due to Discover.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I also had this problem. When doing the EWC+ conversion for my Discover Bank accounts, it showed my credit cards as well, so I linked those, figuring I could save an account login when doing One Step Update. Bad move. While Discover Bank claims to know about the accounts, it does not download transactions. had to disable online access and clear the financial institution name, then picked Discover when reactivating, and it worked fine.

    Yet another bug with the EWC+ rollout.
  • Member ✭✭
    Are you guys choosing Discover Card or Discover Card Account Center? I've actually tried both (deactivating and then Adding Account and linking to existing). It says it's connected and has downloaded nearly 3000 transactions. It then says the Last Downloaded Date is 0/0/1900. I go to Update Transactions - it does what it normally does and then provides the One-Step Update Summary, which is completely blank. <sigh> I will keep trying, but i'm with k-dub. Ever since the spin off of Quicken and the subscription, i've spent so much time troubleshooting and fixing transactions. :-( (i've been a Quicken user since the 90's.
  • Member ✭✭
    In other news - none of my institutions are downloading any transactions.
  • Member ✭✭
    And after typing my whole report - which was polite, helpful and thanking them in advance - it said that i couldn't submit the problem...
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I also have no transactions download for Discover. I have tried all methods previously discussed to resolve. Perhaps this information below can help support get on the right track to solving the problem:
    For the Discover account "Online Services" tab in "Account Details" shows "Connection Method: Express Web Connect" HOWEVER, the upper left of the Account Register does not show any connection method. It just shows the account name.
    A different account where downloads work shows "Last download October 09, 2022 - 1019 pm (Express Web Connect)" in the upper left of the account register right below the account name.
    Why doesn't the Discover account show "(Express Web Connect)" in the upper left of the account register?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I just created a new, empty quicken file and added just the Discover account as a test. The downloads worked. Also, the account shows "Last download October 09, 2022 - 1155 pm (Express Web Connect)" in the upper left of the account register right below the account name AND the "Online Services" tab in "Account Details" shows "Connection Method: Express Web Connect"
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Glad I checked this forum. Used the "add new account", selected "Discover Card" and link to existing. Downloads working again. I wonder if this problem is triggered by having Discover credit card and savings accounts under the same online ID?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I had this issue and it was due to the reauthorization adding my credit card (that is under the same login ID as my bank account) to the banking section which made the credit card download fail. I was able to resolve by editing the credit card account to be under Discover Card not Discover Bank. (Not exactly sure how I did that now, but that was my root issue). SUMMARY: Now I have three Discover downloads. One for an individual Discover card which uses "Discover Card Account Center" in Quicken; a Discover credit card under the same login ID as my Discover savings account, but they are different in Quicken since my credit card uses Discover Card and the the bank portion downloads using Discover Bank.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Discover says that it is Quicken that disconnected the service.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Used the Bruce Cantor solution (Oct 2) and it worked for me.
  • Member ✭✭
    Dear Freestyle!!!
    I cannot thank you enough! Quicken was getting worse and worse and fewer and fewer downloads worked I thought the update i did today might work, but it did not. I did your Validate/Super Validate steps and voila! I am resetting all my connections and am downloading transactions!!!

    THANK YOU!!!!!
  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    I did what Freestyle said, and it worked. Thanks!
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Thank you !!! seems to got the discover card transactions working again. Very Big thank you to Freestyle and Bruce Kantor and the rest. much appreciated.
    so for discover bank, I leave that unchanged from my savings account ??

    was fighting chase as well, thinking I might need to do a similar process for my 2 CC I have there.
  • Quicken Windows 2016 Member ✭✭
    To resolve this issue:

    1. Deactivate all my Discover Card accounts
    2. Go to each accounts account details by right clicking an account and selecting "Edit/Delete account"
    3. Clear the Financial Institution name (This fix will work if it is populated with Discover Bank)
    4. Now reconnect to "Discover Card"

    Voila! Your transactions will start downloading again!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Freestyle’s approach got my Discover transactions working again! Whew! Unfortunately when I updated transactions today after installing the latest Quicken update multiple payments to Discover were no longer present. Quicken has been a real mess since September but at least I can download transactions now.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Changing the financial institution to Discover Card fixed it. Thank you
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I am having the same problem - no errors but my latest payment doesn't show up in the downloaded transactions section. I have tried resetting my account. I tried deactivating and then setting it back up. I can download to a brand new account just fine, but then I have to look at the old account for history. I tried validating and super validating. Nothing works. It's hard to pay a subscription and have things break every time there's an update. I keep losing more and more functionality.
  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    I have seen all the comments above as well as the reauthorization instructions from Quicken. I have a Discover Savings account and a Discover credit card account. Today I deactivated the credit card account, closed and reopened account list, added a new account using the Discover Card institution and relinked to my existing card account. Account List shows my Discover Card connection is Express Web Connect with the Discover Card institution. When I try to download transactions, it goes through the process but no transactions download. Initially it said it downloaded 3700 transactions which would be about 10 years worth of activity, but nothing new appeared is the list of downloaded transactions. When I check my download folder, there are no files there. I have tried the download multiple times with same results, no new transactions downloaded. At bottom of Quicken register for the account, it does show my correct online balance as of today. I later deactivated both the Discover Savings and the Discover Card accounts, then reactivated both. I was still unable to download any transactions. Not sure where to go from here!!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    > @"Bruce Kantor" said:
    > I had the same problem and I have successfully resolved it. My Discover Card was using Discover Bank for online transaction download. I deactivated online transaction download and removed Discover Bank as the Financial Institution. I then re-established online transaction download using Discover Card for the Financial Institution.
    > I hope this helps resolve the problem for those that are experiencing this issue.

    Another person where this suggestion solved the problem.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    As of 10/29/2022. Was working a few days ago. Tried to update today and back to same point where transactions are not being downloaded. I will stop using my Discover Card until it is fixed.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    After multiple attempts, following "Freestyle's" instructions above returned everything to "normal" - not only on my Discover account, but my Citi Mastercard also - both which were Express Web Connect, and not downloading individual transactions anymore.

    Muchas Gracias ... truly appreciated.

    It was the ONLY thing that eventually got everything working again.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    > @"Bruce Kantor" said:
    > I had the same problem and I have successfully resolved it. My Discover Card was using Discover Bank for online transaction download. I deactivated online transaction download and removed Discover Bank as the Financial Institution. I then re-established online transaction download using Discover Card for the Financial Institution.
    > I hope this helps resolve the problem for those that are experiencing this issue.

    Thanks Much, this fixed my problem also
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭
    "We're not going to take it, anymore." ~ Dee Snider, Twisted Sister singing in the latest ad blitz regarding customer privacy protection.

    I hope you read your Discover Data Sharing Agreement that comes with EWC migration:

    And the Quicken terms of use and customer privacy:

    Quicken user since 1994.
    Quicken Forum/Community Contributor since 2005.
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