Bank of America - Transactions not downloading (QMAC) [Edited]



  • uconnjhd
    uconnjhd Member ✭✭
    in a different discussion thread, a user posted this on 11/14:

    "BofA just dropped Direct Connect downloads and switched over to Express Web Connect+ downloads. Did you go thru the process to deal with that change?"

    no response from Quicken yet
  • uconnjhd
    uconnjhd Member ✭✭
    > @RioBlanco said:
    > Interim fix is you can download current transactions from BOA website in Web connect format until Quicken revolves the issue

    How do you change from Direct Connect to Web Connect?
  • I am so fed up with the problems in quicken. I have had to reset all of my accounts because they quit downloading transactions. Now it is only a problem with my bank of america accounts. Nothing updated since the last update. Talked to quicken support this morning and they said I just have to wait. I have been using Quicken since the early 90's. This is the first time I am considering dumping it because there is just too many issues.
  • keithgo1
    keithgo1 Member ✭✭
    Saw this in another thread about the current BofA issue.......

    Quicken Kathryn Administrator admin
    November 17
    Update: We have identified the issue with transaction downloads, and are working with our provider to release a fix as soon as possible. This thread will be updated when the issue is resolved.
    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • RioBlanco
    RioBlanco Member ✭✭✭
    > @uconnjhd said:
    > How do you change from Direct Connect to Web Connect?

    I just chose the WEB connect option, and after the file was downloaded, double clicked and Quicken made the conversion for me
  • uconnjhd
    uconnjhd Member ✭✭
    > @RioBlanco said:
    > > @uconnjhd said:
    > > How do you change from Direct Connect to Web Connect?
    > I just chose the WEB connect option, and after the file was downloaded, double clicked and Quicken made the conversion for me

    Thank you. I don't see this selection in the Quicken for Mac version.
  • Quicken for Mac (Version 6.10.3 (Build 610.46328.100)) is no longer downloading transactions from BofA. Last download 11/09/2022. We have two accounts at BofA. Only one is tracked in Quicken.

    I have tried Accounts >> Settings >> and reestablishing the connection. It then opens Safari and takes me to an BofA Authentication site. There it says 1 Account Found. Unfortunately that is the account we do not track in Quicken. The one we have been using with Quicken does not appear.

    Why doesn't it report the other account as found? How can I get this to sync up again. I have been a Quicken User since 2017.
  • keithgo1
    keithgo1 Member ✭✭
    As of this morning, I was able to download BofA transactions successfully but i did need to reset the connections within all 3 of my Quicken account settings first. You may need to re-authenticate with BofA also. Once signed in during that process, all accounts will appear but you may need choose "Link" to existing accounts instead of creating a new one.
  • RioBlanco
    RioBlanco Member ✭✭✭
    > @uconnjhd said:

    > Thank you. I don't see this selection in the Quicken for Mac version.

    The web connect option is selected on the BOA website when you choose to download the current transactions file
  • sduck
    sduck Member ✭✭
    Likewise, as of the 19th downloading transactions from BoA seems to be working again. Thanks Quicken!
  • RioBlanco
    RioBlanco Member ✭✭✭
    Hmmm......reset connection and still not working for me on Nov 22
  • mototom
    mototom Member ✭✭
    > @RioBlanco said:
    > Hmmm......reset connection and still not working for me on Nov 22

    It worked for a couple days for me and is back to not downloading today.
  • mototom
    mototom Member ✭✭
    Resetting the connection again made it possible to download transactions today. But I hope we see a solution soon that doesn't require that I reset the connection every couple days.
  • encinodan
    encinodan Member ✭✭
    I tried to reset but it did not work. It appears that this problem was resolved for those using Quicken Windows.
    Quicken Kathryn Administrator admin
    November 23
    Update 11/23/22: We have released a patch update that fixes the pending transaction issue some users experienced with their Bank of America accounts. If you are not prompted to install the patch in your Windows product, please download the manual patch from this FAQ.

    Quicken should advise if they working on an update for Mac users.

    I also note that the error message that previously popped up while in Quicken has disappeared but the problem (at least for Mac users) has not been resolved.
  • encinodan
    encinodan Member ✭✭
    A followup to my last comment: I manually downloaded transactions from B of A using Web Connect. When I go to reconcile, I see that that the online balance has downloaded (albeit with pending transactions). So clearly there is a connection but the transactions are not downloading.
  • mototom
    mototom Member ✭✭
    > @encinodan said:
    > I tried to reset but it did not work. It appears that this problem was resolved for those using Quicken Windows.

    You may be conflating multiple issues. It sounds like the update addresses the inclusion of pending transactions in the balance.

    I’m using the Mac version. I did not get an update to get transactions downloading. I suspect that’s entirely a backend problem and all I did was reset the BoA connection. (As I said above, I’ve now had to do this twice. So something is still going on.)
  • RioBlanco
    RioBlanco Member ✭✭✭
    Frustrating....As others have posted, the issue is still not resolved, even with resetting the connection in my case, and the pop up from Quicken stating a repair would be available last week is now absent...suggesting? I hope they are still working on this.
  • uconnjhd
    uconnjhd Member ✭✭
    the BOA downloads have been working fine for a few days
  • Felix B
    Felix B Member ✭✭
    I believe the issue for Mac users has still not been resolved. I just tried this morning and my transactions are still not downloading for my Bank of America account. Very frustrating.
  • mototom
    mototom Member ✭✭
    > @Felix B said:
    > I believe the issue for Mac users has still not been resolved. I just tried this morning and my transactions are still not downloading for my Bank of America account. Very frustrating.

    At least for me, transactions have been working for several days on my Mac since my last connection reset.
  • Felix B
    Felix B Member ✭✭
    Thank you for the feedback. I just tried the reconnection and it worked!! I'm so glad! Thanks again.
  • RioBlanco
    RioBlanco Member ✭✭✭
    BOA downloads worked yesterday, thought I was in the clear, but sadly no, back to the same problem that has been an issue for close to two weeks
  • I have the same download problem. I haven't received transactions since 11/9/22. I could download transactions by going to the web site and download the transactions with a start date. I deleted the password vault and then recreated it and it still didn't work. I think the problem is in the new account authentication when it took the passwords away and said "PASSWORD NOLONGER NEEDED".
  • mototom
    mototom Member ✭✭
    > @tarkus9 said:
    > I have the same download problem. I haven't received transactions since 11/9/22.

    Did resetting the connection help? I reset, it worked for a day or two, then I had to reset again. After the second reset, it's been working for the last several days.
  • Ramerl
    Ramerl Member ✭✭
    Same problem with BOA and USAA. However, BOA problem appears to be cleared. USAA is pending for at least three weeks. Quicken states they are working on a fix.
  • mwoodpatrick
    mwoodpatrick Member ✭✭
    How do I get access to the patch for the BofA express connect download issue. My Quicken says I have the latest version R45.21 Build and there are no updates. My BofA account shows its connected using Express Web Connect says it update but does not actually update the transactions
  • mwoodpatrick
    mwoodpatrick Member ✭✭
    Does anyone know where instructions are posted on How to get access to the patch for the BofA express connect download issue. My Quicken says I have the latest version R45.21 Build and there are no updates. My BofA account shows its connected using Express Web Connect says it update but does not actually update the transactions
  • mwoodpatrick
    mwoodpatrick Member ✭✭
    Still looking for instructions on how to fix the BofA download issue :(
  • JZ78
    JZ78 Member ✭✭
    BofA web connection works sometimes, only after several attempts, and in the last few days only if I select it by itself, not when I do the one step update.
  • Mark1104
    Mark1104 Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    @Jz78 - suggest calling support; I bank at BofA, download by credit card and checking account transactions DAILY and have NEVER had an issue.....

This discussion has been closed.