Reconcile- Bug?

SLF12 Member
I have one account that I'm trying to reconcile, but it doesn't pick up the opening balance on the reconciliation screen. I'm off by the exact amount of my previous months ending balance. When I click "balances" and play around with the opening balance, the amount I'm off doesn't change. Regardless of what number I put into the opening balance screen, I'm still off by the exact same amount...the opening balance field appears to not be functioning. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


  • SLF12
    SLF12 Member
    I'm not sure what the root of the problem is, but it appears to be related to how transactions were being downloaded from this particular account...some were being downloaded more than once, which was messing with the totals. Anywaty, all fixed but I don't know how to delete my original question.
  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    See those three little dots in the upper right hand corner, between the little flag icon and the square box?  Click on those and select "Edit" and you can erase what you posted.  I do think you have to leave some minimum number of characters in that box though.
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