Quick Pay Failed - Why?

"Error: Quicken was unable to complete your payment before the specified expiration time. Your payment has been canceled."

I don't get it. And no further explanation as to why the problem or how to avoid in the future. (Rant... a common pet peeve of late; unhelpful error messages that might just as well say "you're screwed; go figure it out.")


  • markumharris
    markumharris Member ✭✭
    I had two payments fail with this same error today 2/27. No explanation.
  • stumantoqu
    stumantoqu Member ✭✭
    I had one on the 15th and got another one today. I submitted a new payment directly from my bank which worked correctly. A day or 2 later, I happen to look at the website of the Payee and saw that the quick pay payment was actually received and processed by the payee resulting in double payment. The one from today was entered prior to the weekend but got the same error msg as the first one "Quicken was unable to complete your payment before the specified expiration time. Your payment has been canceled." I will wait a day or 2 before submitting another payment to this payee.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2023

    Hello @dennisw1mac, and @markumharris,

    We are sorry about this issue with Quick Pay. Thank you for mentioning this to us here on the Quicken Community.

    First, can you tell us what biller(s) you were trying to make a payment to? Also, have you already validated your bank? You may have to log into the biller's website to do this, if you have not done so already.

    Hello @stumantoqu,

    We are sorry that you seem to be affected by this issue as well.

    What banking institution were you making payments through, when this happened?

    I look forward to your responses.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared

  • markumharris
    markumharris Member ✭✭
    Quicken Jared, my two billers were Verizon and Unisource Energy Services. Both long time successful quick pay accounts through the same long time payment account. Both billers had the same due date and pay date, 2/27.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2023

    Hello @markumharris ,

    We are sorry about these problems with making payments. Thank you for answering the earlier questions about what seems to be happening.

    Can you provide a screenshot of the error message you see when trying to make a payment to these billers? You can follow the steps explained in this FAQ in order to do this. Also note that you may drag and drop your images into your comment in order to submit images, as well.

    I hope to hear back from you, if you have the chance to check back in with us.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared

  • Richard@
    Richard@ Member ✭✭✭

    I had two qick pay payments fail today, 2/28 - American Express and Peco - Never had a problem before with these billers. I am going to try to process a quick pay again but am worried that there is a problem with Quicken's payment system. I alson have a payment scheduled for Verizon in a few days and am concerned about that payment.

    FYI - The error message read “ Quicken was unable to complete your payment before the specified expiration time.” What does that mean?

  • Judgeroyb
    Judgeroyb Member ✭✭
    Last 3 payments failed. Citi and Pacific Gas & Electric for the above error. Lowes/synchrony error that web site is down. Of course you can log on to their respective payment sites and pay no problem. Add chase issues (months and months now), AT&T and Crosscountry mortgage inability to pay and you have to ask yourself why have the Quicken quick pay product? Note: Quiken for Mac
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If your bank recently required you to reauthorize your checking account and/or your bank has changed from "Direct Connect" to either "Express Web Connect" or "Express Web Connect+" you can no longer use Online Bill Pay direct to the bank or Quicken Bill Manager's Quick Pay function. The bank no longer supports this function through Quicken.

    You have these alternatives (in no particular order of preference):

    1. Use Quicken Bill Manager's Check Pay making sure to submit payment early enough (at least 3 weeks before due date) to allow time for delivery and processing.
    2. Logon to the bank's website and schedule your bill pay payments to be executed by the bank. In parallel to that, in Quicken use a regular Scheduled Reminder to record your payment. Repeat every time another payment is due.
    3. Bypass Bill Manager. Logon to the biller's website once and set up their Autopay, APS, Direct debit, etc. service to make the current payment and all future payments on Due Date directly from your checking account. In parallel to that, in Quicken use a regular Scheduled Reminder to record your payments before they come due.
    4. Write (or print with Quicken) a paper check and mail it to the biller, making sure to mail payment early enough (at least 10 days before due date) to allow time for delivery and processing.

    I've been using a variation of method #3 for decades, since before the Internet and dial-up were even introduced. It's easy to get used to this process. And I have yet to miss a single payment.

  • stumantoqu
    stumantoqu Member ✭✭
    Jared, The 2 failures I've had are 1) Southern California Edison and 2) Southern California Gas Company. I have previously used Quicken capabilities to make payments for years prior to deployment of Quick Pay.
  • markumharris
    markumharris Member ✭✭
    @quicken Jared: unfortunately, the error appeared as a popup then disappeared after I clicked on it. The error, as previously stated, was "Quicken was unable to complete your payment before the specified expiration time.” The two payments this happened to then appeared in the register as Failed with no amount.
  • krgraham
    krgraham Mac Beta Beta

    This month all four of my QuickPay transactions FAILED. These same transactions have occured previously without any problems and I cannot find any issues with my financial institution or any of these Payees. Appears to be a Quicken Mac issue.

  • I had 5 different billers for which I got the above message for the same month (Feb) with no other explanation, and it doesn't give me much time to pay before it is past due. In the past, if Quicken couldn't pay on time, they paid any fees. Now they just say, "couldn't do it...too bad...go figure it out yourself"! This new BillPay system sucks and if I can't reliably count on the bills getting paid, I might as well not use this program which I have used for the past 20 years.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    As I keep saying (please re-read my earlier comment above) Quicken Bill Manager appears to be DOA.
    I recommend you bypass Bill Manager Quick Pay functions entirely if your bank no longer supports it and switch over to using the alternate procedure outlined in method #3 above.

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