Quicken for Mac gets worse EVERY SINGLE RELEASE

Guys. I work in software development. [Removed - Rant]??

For tens of point releases and months now, editing any number field, placing the cursor in the middle of the number, and hitting any keypress sends the cursor to the end of the field. So, if I want to turn the number "100.00" into "100123.00", and I place my cursor just before the decimal point and start typing, the first character will appear where the cursor was placed, and the cursor will then jump to the end, uselessly adding the subsequent characters as thousandths and ten thousandths. That is to say, in the example above, you end up with "1001.0023". This is literally the most basic thing it is possible to do in Quicken— to enter a number. [Removed - Speculation]?

This was bad enough, but now Quicken doesn't properly handle selling investments, either. I sold all the shares in a Schwab account and transferred the funds out, and let the auto-reconcile work… now the account says I have both the shares and the cash when I have neither. No amount of manually adding these transactions, trying to "remove shares," or otherwise works. Quicken stubbornly refuses to believe that this account has a zero balance and to avoid throwing off the net worth over time, I just have to tell it to hide the account and not count it in net worth. This truly is the worst.

[Removed - Rant].

[Edited - Readability]



  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    Just FYI, no one from Quicken development will see your post here; it's a community forum.

    For your data entry issue, I can't replicate this. If I place the cursor before the decimal point and type three digits, all will appear before the decimal point as expected. Here's a quick screen capture movie:


    For your Schwab account, I would look to see it you have a placeholder transaction, likely at the beginning of your transactions in that account. It sounds like a placeholder is maintaining the share and cash balance irrespective of transactions you enter.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • If indeed Quicken does not monitor these boards, then the support page shouldn't read "get help from community experts and our customer support team. It also makes it somewhat useless to put this here, but just for posterity, I created a video showing the issue (which I cannot post due to limited account age).

  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @iamlindoro Quicken has a handful of moderators who do indeed monitor this site. They keep things organized and enforce postings standards to keep things civil. These moderators can and do also help with some support questions here, but contacting the Support department is the best way to get detailed help and/or to get an apparent bug documented and submitted to the development team. Have you tried calling Quicken Support to discuss your issues?

    Fo your number entry problem, did you view the video I posted above? Are you doing the same thing I did in that video, or something different? As for posting it, this site doesn't allow posting of movie files, so the best thing you can do is post it somewhere else and then post a link to it, which is what I did above. Quick question: is your Mac set to use US settings for Language & Region?

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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