“Venmo Suddenly Requires 2FA Every Time”

This topic was “closed”. The issue discussed in the topic are applicable for me and others. Was there a separate thread that ended with a resolution? If so, how can I view that thread? If not, why was the topic closed without resolution? Thanks in advance for your help 😀
Hello @JackP,
Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue. I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. In response to your first question, the Community is a forum where users help each other and there are a handful of moderators like myself who can do some troubleshooting with you. Posts on the Community are not the same as contacting Quicken Support. A post is not a trouble ticket and will get closed when it has been inactive for about a month, even if the issue is not resolved.
When it comes to 2FA, it is generally the financial institution's decision when it is required; Quicken has no control over that. I would recommend checking the financial institution website to see if they have any sort of "remember me" option, since that can sometimes cut down on the number of 2FA prompts. Its also a good idea to check your web browser security settings since if the security is too high, it may be blocking the cookies needed for your financial institution to recognize you.
I hope this helps!
Quicken Kristina
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@Quicken Kristina thanks for your response! I am curious about your suggestion re checking the security settings in my browser… i was unaware that Quicken somehow integrates with a web browser. If I use several different browsers, which browser’s security settings should I check? Is browser integration with the default browser?
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Thank you for your reply,
If security settings on your browser are too high, it can prevent the cookies that allow your FI to recognize your computer from being stored. If those cookies aren't stored, that can result in extra 2FA prompts. You would want to check the security settings on the browser(s) you use to access Venmo, since that is the financial institution you mentioned is asking for 2FA every time.
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
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@Quicken Kristina I don't see how browser settings come into play at all here. The issue isn't accessing Venmo in a web browser. When I sign in to Venmo's website in a web browser, it gives me the option to remember that computer so it doesn't prompt for 2FA every time I log in to their website. This works perfectly. After choosing to remember my computer in that browser, I no longer get prompted for 2FA codes when signing in to Venmo's website in a web browser.
The issue is connecting to Venmo from within Quicken. When you connect an account to Venmo in Quicken, it does not give the option to remember the device, and every single time you update accounts or do a One-Step-Update, you are prompted for 2FA every time. It's like Venmo thinks Quicken is a new computer every single time you update, and there is no option to have Venmo remember Quicken's connection as a connection that doesn't need 2FA after the initial setup.
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Thank you for your reply,
Sometimes, if browser settings are too high, it blocks the cookie that would allow it to "remember the computer", which can impact Quicken also. It sounds like that is not what is happening this time since you mentioned it works perfectly when logging in from the website.
Requests for 2FA originate from the financial institution and are out of Quicken's control. Have you contacted Venmo about this issue?
Thank you.
Quicken Kristina
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.
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@Quicken Kristina Yes, multiple times. I’ve never gotten connected with anyone who even knows what Quicken is. When I asked to speak with a higher tier of support they informed me that Venmo is not supported by Quicken (which is clearly false since I’ve downloaded transactions for years from Venmo into Quicken). It’s always a very, very frustrating game of finger pointing (Quicken always blames FI, FI always blames Quicken), and the paying customer is always the one caught in the middle.
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@Austin@ I have had this experience with my Amex savings account, and I know going through the 2FA process for every OSU gets tiresome. But I can definitely say that the FI controls the 2FA password requirement.
Amex has several different FI Names you can use interchangeably to connect for online services. When I first connected my account, the FI connection I used didn't ask for any 2FA confirmation. Then recently I was having issues with the connection, so I changed to another one for Amex that worked fine, but it asked for a 2FA password every time I did an OSU. It was pretty cumbersome, but I thought I would just have to "live with it". But just recently, I re-tried the original FI connection and it worked. So now I don't have that 2FA hassle.
I know I was lucky to find another connection for my FI and you probably don't have that option, but I just wanted to share my experience to help find the direction you need to pursue to find a solution to this issue.