Help! Many download issues - Discover card, synchrony cards

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I don't know what happened on July 19th but something blew up Quicken. Almost all my connections were lost. I didn't know what was going on for some time and came here to search for answers to no avail. One by one I was able to reset most accounts which was a monumental task to say the least. I still have some to go, all credit cards. When I tried today to reset them I got the ongoing error with discover card which says it failed to connect so on to my Sam's Club card. Well, when I tried to reconnect it is showing my Amazon card instead of Sam's club. I don't see anyway to change this. I know they are all consolidated but they are still different cards and I don't know what to do. Do I use my store card credentials? It's not accepting my sam's club creds even those work when I use them to login directly.

Currently using quicken home, business & rental property


  • Moderator mod

    Hello @karen m,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    Before you begin troubleshooting, please save a backup of your data file first (just in case).

    If you haven't already, I suggest you try to deactivate all accounts for this financial institution, then force Quicken to "rediscover" all available accounts and see if this will help resolve it. Please, follow the instructions below in order to do so.

    1. Open the Account List in Quicken (Tools > Account List OR Ctrl + A)
    2. If present, select the Show Hidden Accounts checkbox at the bottom of the Account List
    3. Edit each account with this financial institution to Deactivate (or Remove From One Step Update) on the Online Services tab
    4. Click on the General tab and remove any info displayed in the Financial Institution, and Account/Routing Number fields. Note: The account must be deactivated first before these fields can be edited.
    5. When finished, close the Account List
    6. Close, then re-open Quicken
    7. Navigate to Tools > Add Account 
    8. Walkthrough this process as if you were going to add a new account, providing the login credentials and answering any security questions/processes presented until you reach the screen where Quicken displays the Accounts Discovered at the financial institution
    9. Very carefully LINK each of the found accounts to the appropriate account you already have set up in Quicken.

    Once that is done, see if the issue still continues to persist.

    Hope this helps!

    -Quicken Anja
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