Access to Prudential/Empower retirement account error OL-301-A



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Prudential used to. Empower got rid of it, probably had to pay a licensing fee to Quicken (QFX is proprietary).

    The real question is why did quicken eliminate CSV import many years ago for investment accounts (probably to force companies into using QFX).

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    In case it saves someone else time and hassle, I spent a Quixotic hour or so with Prudential support and got no where. YMMV.

    This has been going on for around two months now and really needs to be fixed.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I just got a downloaded transaction today, for the first time since mid July!!! It was a dividend reinvestment. I've been entering these (as well as purchase transactions) manually for the last several weeks. Hope these downloads continue to happen!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    No downloads for me

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I got 4 dividend transactions as well, but none of the other transactions that have been accumulating for 2 months.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    There is no rule saying that if/when the problem is fixed, that historical transactions will download correctly, especially since we know the date is updating every time you download, thus it won't try to download transactions from before that date. It is possible if you remove online services and re-add them that it will download the historical transactions (also possible that you won't be able to re-add online services…..). You can try resetting the DTSTART or whatever, if that still works. In that case in theory it should download 90+ days of transactions, if the issue has indeed been fixed.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Last night (9/14) a set of dividend reinvestment transactions downloaded into quicken dated 9/13 on Prudential (Empower's site). I had been keeping up by manually entering transactions during this issue. Not sure if Prudential/Empower works the same for every company (probably does) but in the transaction history on Prudential, I expanded the specific transaction detail and copied everything from the date, transaction and amount line at the top down to the transactions total at the bottom for each entry and was able to paste into excel (format copied in). Then I could summarize the shares and transaction amounts for easier data entry into quicken. Important as I had a mix of dividend reinvestments and overall fund changes that crossed pretax/rollover of which I don't care about in quicken. The same could apply if a person has PreTax and Roth options. Also helped that I could copy in numerous missed transactions to excel quickly and not worry about prudential logging me out. For others, depending on whether you want all the detail missing, you might be able to summarize your missing transactions in a way that works for you.

    Lastly when I was all done with the data entry, in the account itself, I was able to use the "Reconcile Shares" to confirm Quicken and Prudential are in agreement. (Gear Icon, Reconcile Shares). Also reconciled a few funds share amount and dollars to Prudential/Empower to be sure.

    Hoping this means that the issue is resolved or nearing completion. Would be nice is Quicken moderators could get an update from the developers and update the official issue status. (eg Resolved, Rolling out across users/Prudential clients, etc along with the dates transactions re-started and whether history is being considered). An official status update will help people with the likely month and a half of transactions they may very well will need to enter.

    While as a user it is frustrating, I appreciate the moderators posting something and navigating internal company bureaucracy. Phone support didn't seem to have any status updates info/detail as of a week ago when I called (or weren't allowed to share).

    All great news, regardless, and I appreciate Quicken immensely. Only product I am aware of that can handle this complexity and can be kept locally on one's PC / out of the cloud as much as possible these days.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Update - finally received transactions from Prudential into Quicken! The only issue was that Quicken wanted to match them with transactions that I had entered manually earlier. No problem I just changed them to NEW before accepting them into the register. Thanks to Prudential and Quicken for solving the issue!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    You must be the chosen one, because transactions are still not being downloaded on my account.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I did not receive all past transactions just current ones. The older transactions I entered manually. Have you had new transactions that did not download?

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    My last transactions in Quicken for this account were July 14th. Since then, online at Prudential, I've had four transactions (401k contributions), none of which make their way to Quicken.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Worked for me just as raustin316 described. For me, tentatively resolved. Want to see it work next investment cycle (bi-weekly) to consider closed.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Are you guys manually entering transactions into Quicken, and now when you connect, Quicken actually matched those transactions based on what it saw online? In my case, I am not manually entering anything, and am waiting for Quicken to add the last four transactions. If there's a fix, perhaps it's being rolled out and hasn't hit everyone yet.

  • I have only received new transactions (dividends) from this week. All previous transactions have not downloaded either. I did manually enter them all. I have another contribution this coming Friday, so hopefully that will come in as well.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Not sure what happened but my latest transactions just downloaded!! I hope this means this issue is finally fixed!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Everything seems to be working on a going-forward basis. Here's the deal: For the last 2 months, I have been manually entering all transactions. Even though things seem to be working now, those old transactions are NOT being downloaded. Only new transactions are being downloaded, i.e., those that have occurred in the last couple days. However, there is a catch, as someone mentioned above — Of the 50 or so new transactions that were just downloaded, about 5 or 6 of them were classified as "near match" and the remainder were classified as "new." For the ones classified as "near match," quicken was trying to match it to an old transaction that I had entered manually, except it was clearly not a match at all (in fact, it was not even close in dollar amount or number of shares; it just involved the same fund). So for each of these "near matches," I went into Edit and selected match manually or make new, or something like that (I can't remember exactly what it said). This changed the flag from "near match" to "new." Then I accepted all new transactions, and Voilla! Everything is now perfectly in sync with my online Prudential/Empower account. (One caveat - for some reason, one of the funds was slightly off by about 1.15 shares, so I entered a new transaction to "Remove - Shares Removed" for the 1.15 shares and now everything is perfectly trued up.)

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    So it sounds like only transactions that occurred within the last few days/week are being downloaded? Nobody is seeing transactions that took place in August actually show up in Quicken?

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Correct. You will need to enter those manually.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I should have some buys go through Tuesday so fingers crossed.

    So it tentatively seems like any transactions from approximately the 13th or 14th onward should download and historical will not.

    There is a slight chance that if you deactivate and reactivate downloads, it will download the last 90 days or whatever. YMMV of course. I haven't tried it. May also have to reset the start date and/or other tweaks to get that to work. Since I've entered all mine manually and my holdings match what Pru reports, no need to risk it messing something up.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I gave it a try for the heck of it. Resetting DTSTART, deactivating and reactivating downloads (including exiting quicken and deleting the download logs in between) don't cause it to download historical. It did create some placeholder entries but I think that has happened in the past when resetting online for Pru.

    The only other thing you could try is deactivating downloads, create a new temporary account, activate downloads into that, and see if it downloads the historical transactions. If so you can move them to the correct account and delete the temporary one. Someone else can give that a try though, I don't want to go that deep into it since I don't need to download the historical ones.

  • Member ✭✭✭

    I set up a test account in Quicken just for Pru. It's interesting that the securities info and # shares download however the downloaded info is not accurate at all. No transactions after July 14. It seems it is not fixed/reliable for some accounts.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    For those of you that are able to connect to Prudential through Quicken without getting the error that indicates that the account is not recognized, are you using the account number format below still? I have been using this format for years and since the Empower transition, it just will not connect anymore.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    QuickenUserTM - Yes - Still that same format. The Customer ID in the account details in quicken is your Prudential logon ID/sign on username. Despite it being owned by Empower, it's still the old Prudential site you are logging into. For laughs, try logging into the Prudential site directly with your ID/password and then go back and try again in Quicken. And perhaps, just going into the quicken password vault and re-type your password in. I've seen wierd things unlock accounts that weren't downloading for me over the years. Historically, I've had mixed results resetting accounts when I know the login info is correct.

    And to others, correct… - NO prior transactions downloaded. Those were entered manually to fill in the gap from July.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Depending on the nature of the problem, there's nothing that says the historical transactions during the "issue" will ever download.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Todd45 - I ensured did as you suggested and Quicken still gives the message and I still get the OL-304-A error. So frustrating. I have no idea what's going on.

  • Member ✭✭✭


    I was able to download 30 transaction from prudential - Empower today and this time they got stored in my register - the transactions date from July 31 to today - September 19 - However I am missing the transactions from March 16 to June 30

    I still need to check if the downloaded transaction match the empower web site

    As noted in previous message back in August , at that time I was able to download 106 transactions from May but they did not get recorded in my quicken. Note - I have not changed anything on my configured account , it is the same when Prudential was running the site. It will be nice if Empower allows to download from/To specific dates

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    QuickenUserTM - You're referencing a different error code than this thread is referencing/addressing. Suggest two things for you in checking your specific subplan to make sure that hasn't changed (the zeros' between the "X"'s.) You may have also dummied the info to not display specific account credentials. The plan/subplan #'s should be somewhere in your profile info on the Prudential Retirement site. Otherwise, call Prudential to make sure you have the correct numbers/confirm them for you.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    My bi-weekly transactions did download today and appear to be correct.

    BUT be warned, if you have manually entered transactions previously, it will likely try to match the downloaded transactions to some previous ones (mine were all "near match" and I clicked accept before noticing) so it ends up deleting some of your manually entered ones. Luckily I restored the file and downloaded again and all is matching up now.

    So be aware that you have to unmatch the transactions if you've manually entered ones that are the same or similar. Hopefully that will sort itself out as time goes by and/or the account gets reconciled (quarterly statements due in a couple weeks).

  • Member ✭✭✭

    Well, Quicken did download my transaction back to 7/24. But it did not update my account balances. The balances have not changed since 7/17. I guess this is a start. Quicken still shows a negative shares for two of my funds. This still gives me a negative balance of over $24k. If I try to manually update the shares for the mutual funds, it increases the negative balance.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Check for placeholders, when I reset online services for Pru it always puts in placeholders and I have to delete them.

    None of my transactions from 7/24 to 9/14 downloaded, but my balances are updating fine, so I guess I have the opposite problem, but I've been entering them all manually so hopefully everything is solved now.

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