Quicken one step update not downloading Schwab and Fidelity stock/fund transactions

DMF018 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
edited March 12 in Investing (Windows)

As of 11/15/23 Quicken Premier one step update has failed to download any stock or fund transactions. Very frustrating. Solution??


  • Exact same issue with 4 Schwab accounts as of a couple days ago. Deactivated and reactivated all accounts, twice. Still not downloading any transactions. Is Quicken aware of the issue?

  • Just chatted with support. Aware of the situation. Said it may take up to 4 weeks to resolve and that they will not advise the community of the issue. Crazy.

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    please tell us what version

    Help —> About Quicken

  • imdcareys
    imdcareys Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    This has been happening since mid-September. When I review the .OFX logs, there is no mention of Schwab accounts (I have 4). Even if there were no transactions, there should be a section of all current positions in each account. I have reset the connections for each account, and have also de-activated them, removed their name and account number from the General tab in Account Details, restarted Quicken, and re-added them.

    When I select to do OSU on only Schwab accounts, these are the only entries in the Log (from last evening), which show that nothing is being downloaded:

    ==== OSU End (20231118/18:57:15) ====

    ==== OSU Start (20231118/19:24:16) ====

    ==== OSU End (20231118/19:24:26) ====

    ==== Mini-OSU Start (20231118/19:30:16) ====

    ==== Mini-OSU End (20231118/19:30:25) ====

    ==== OSU Start (20231118/19:48:36) ====

    ==== OSU End (20231118/19:48:43) ====

    Each Start and End combo is Schwab Only.

    When the OSU is done, there is no listing of accounts downloaded or how many transactions were downloaded. The dialog screen is just blank.


    Update: @Quicken Anja - I also tried the steps here:

    Step 2 says:

    Do this: Login to Schwab, Open "Profile" in upper right corner, and Select Security Settings from the drop-down. In Security Settings, Select Third Party Access.

    Step 3 says:

    Note: the "+" button is not the one on your keyboard, If you have the Accounts Panel on the left side of Quicken, it's on the top row of the panel

    These steps did not fix this issue for me.

    - Carey

    Win 11 - Quicken Premier - v54.16

  • DMF018
    DMF018 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I am the OP on this thread. I am running Quicken Premier Classic version R53.16 on Windows 10. Quicken one step update has stopped downloading transactions for BOTH Schwab and Fidelity brokerage accounts. The problem seems to have started with the latest automatic software update that was pushed from Quicken last week. Until recently there were no problems with one step update downloading transactions. Especially horrible time of year to have this problem show up. Response with immediate fix from Quicken support please!

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am on version R53.16 on windows 11. I have a similar probem with one step update not working with fidelity investment accounts. For me, it seems to have started today (11/28/23). one step update seems to be downloading transactions, but not updating stock prices. Has there been any update on this issue?

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Update: I checked this morning. the one step update for Fidelity investments did download transactions, but did not update stock prices. I have to select "ouotes" from the menu to update the prices.

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    update: I checked this morning (11/30/23), one step update appeared to work correctly. It downloaded transactions and updated stock prices.


  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Update: Sorry, I looked at the wrong data set. just ran one step update (11/30/23) for Fidelity Investments. it appears to run fine and it downloads transactions, but does not update stock prices. I have to select Quotes to get quicken to download current price.

  • imdcareys
    imdcareys Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    If you are looking at Prices in the Holdings window of your account, those prices do get updated when you 'Download quotes and investment information" in One Step Update. However, behind the scenes, your investment prices and shares do update, and if the shares don't match the total in the Quicken Account you may get a screen that tells you the difference between your broker (Fidelity) and Quicken and also provides an opportunity for you to correct the shares differences.

    Win 11 - Quicken Premier - v54.16

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Imdcareys, thank you for your reply. My change after updating to R53.16, is with the one step update process.

    Prior to the update to R53.16, when I would run the one step update for fidelity investments, the one step would run and the progress screen would indicate that quicken was updating "balances", "holdings", and then "sending instructions", which assume is downloading transactions since the last download. When the one step progress screen completed, Quicken would then display a summary screen with the number of transaction downloaded. When I would compare Quicken accounts to my online fidelity accounts they would match, with a few explainable exceptions.

    After the update to R53.16, the one step update progress screens and summary screens ran as they did prior to the update. When I compared my quicken accounts to my online Fidelity account, holdings, share balance quantity all matched. what didn't match is the share value. I discovered that Quicken had not updated the share price.

    I can use the Quicken "update" drop down box and select "Quotes" and Quicken will show a status progress screen and will update share prices. Once this is done Quicken balances will match the Fidelity accounts. It is not a big deal, but it is a change after the update, that I now have to remember to do.

    I am familiar with the Online center under the "tools" button and use it to compare share balances (quantity) in Quicken to Online share balances. I will look at the "holdings" summary in Quicken to see if my share prices are updated after running the onestep. they are not updated in the account listing totals screen.

    Thanks again for your help

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Update: I just checked my one step update process for Fidlity investment accounts as indicated in my earlier post (Dec1).

    The one step update runs as if there are no problems and it does download the transactions correctly. It does not update the stock prices. I did look at the individual account "holdings" summary as indicated in imdcareys post (Dec1). It did not update the stock prices on that summary.

    So when I select the "quotes" option from the update drop down box. Quicken run the status update and updates stock prices correctly..

    so in essence, the one step update has become a two step update after the installation of R53.16.

    One other thing I noticed today, before the update to R53.16, when I would first open Quicken it would "update account information", before take you to the opening screen. This would include updating stock prices. Quicken still runs on opening, but no longer updates stock prices.

    as I said earlier, it mostly a convience thing, but hopefully a fix for the next update.

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Update: I just did (12/9) a one step update with fidelity investments. It appears that the update process is fixed, in that it downloaded transactions and updated stock prices. I will check again on Monday to confirm.

  • imdcareys
    imdcareys Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    It sounds like you have it working. It may be that you hadn't applied the Download quotes… setting. When I do an OSU, I use the Circle icon and then choose Settings. With Settings open, I will normally have Banking accounts and Download quotes selected. However, if I make a change to also include Investment Accounts, I will click Apply to Save the settings currently on the screen. If I uncheck Download quotes and click apply it will no longer do that automatically. If I always want Quotes I select them and click Apply. As long as I don't uncheck them later (and click Apply) the Quotes continue to download in subsequent session.

    In short, check Download Quotes, Click Apply, and be careful not to uncheck them going forward unless you intend to stop downloading them.


    Win 11 - Quicken Premier - v54.16

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    update: all seems to be working with the one step update. Thanks to imdcareys for his help. When I check the OSU settings tab , I apparently had not saved the update quotes check box, after my last update. thanks again.

  • jnardone
    jnardone Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Schwab is still NOT working on R53.26. No transactions are downloaded. I have multiple Schwab brokerage and retirement accounts.

  • deathrs
    deathrs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Update: every thing is still working with OSU for Fidelity accounts. I can"t speak to the Schwab issues

  • Paul17
    Paul17 Member ✭✭

    Similar for me, except that Fidelity works fine. Schwab does not.

  • mjyen6511
    mjyen6511 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same here, Schwab has stopped downloading transactions for the last 2 months.

  • Serenic42
    Serenic42 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Possibly related issue. Back in November 2023, I subscribed to Quicken and was able to sync all my other accounts. However, I can't get Quicken to sync with my Charles Schwab account, which is the main reason I subscribed to Quicken in the first place. My timing couldn't have been worse as it was just before the holidays and then I was hit by outrageous amounts of overtime at work, so I wasn't able to take advantage of a refund during the trial period. I was relying on all the positive reviews I kept reading about Quicken, but now I'm stuck with a subscription that doesn't do what I need it to do. Very frustrating. I keep hoping they will fix the problem, but I have made numerous attempts to sync. I have contact Quicken support and Charles Schwab support and nobody seems to be able to help. In fact, nobody seems to know the problem even exists.

  • Ksquared13
    Ksquared13 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Like other posts on this thread, Quicken Classic hasn't downloaded Schwab transactions since 11/15/2023, but today when I tried it dowloaded transactions for all 3 of my accounts.

  • ed1
    ed1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 11

    Quicken Classic Premier still doesn't download my Schwab transactions. Last successful download was 11/15/2023.

    Another issue is Schwab doesn't export transactions in QFX format.

This discussion has been closed.