Asset classes not downloading for one of my mutual funds

I have a 529 plan with Fidelity (New Hampshire plan) with positions in 3 different funds from the plan's menu. I've had it connected to download transactions and quotes for as long as I've had this account going back to 2004. All three have the "Matched with online security" box checked in their Security Details in Quicken, as well as the "Download asset class information" box..
However, the asset classes only get downloaded for two of the funds. For the third one, the asset class remains as "Single" and "Unclassified", no matter how many times I synchronize it. I am still able to download transactions and quotes for this security, so I know that Quicken has correctly linked that with the corresponding holding in my Fidelity account. So, why can't I download the asset class for this security?
If it matters, it happens that I only recently started owning this security. The other two in the account, I've held all along. Not sure if it's possible that somehow the asset-class download hasn't worked for any of them for a long time, and Quicken just remembers the last downloaded information? Though, I did check that what currently shows as downloaded does match the allocation that Fidelity shows on their site for those two
Also I realize I can specify it manually, but I don't want to take the chance that the mix might change someday and I won't know.
My guess here is that this is a Fidelity "home brew" fund that doesn't actually exist is a stand-alone security that's available to be traded outside of Fidelity.
Certainly that "Symbol" isn't a symbol that I can find anywhere else than at the Fidelity site, and I know that this approach of combining the activity of two or more "real" mutual funds in this fashion exists in other 529 Plans.
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Could be, but why is it that this only seems to be a problem with just this fund and not the other similar ones. They all seem to be basically the same to me except each one is just a different X percent equities, Y percent bonds etc. And none of them has real ticker symbols. I have a few other securities in 401k/403b plans that also have no ticker but they still manage to download quotes and asset mixtures; I don't actually know how that works but had just assumed that the financial institution that the respective Quicken accounts connect to is somehow supplying that information themselves to Quicken as part of the sync
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If a security doesn't have a ticker symbol that's recognized as a security listed on an exchange then the quote for that security has to come from the broker. If this is a "home brew" security and you have other Fidelity home brew funds that are downloading quotes, with similar odd-looking symbols, then I'd first start with Fidelity and ask "how come?" If they say "don't know, you should be getting the quote, ask Quicken," then Official Quicken Support is your next call.
Something in that chain of Aggregator (Intuit) > Quicken (the company) > Quicken (the program) might be busted.
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Try selecting the Radio button for "Mixture".
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro