Trying to Subtotal Schedule B Report by Payee

My goal is to create a report to compare with my broker's 1099-DIV.
I get very close by creating a Schedule B report then double clicking on the specific broker under Ordinary Dividends and subtotaling by Payee.
It works great for everything except for reinvested dividends. Instead of using just the Stock (or fund) name for the Payee, it puts the number of share purchased at the beginning of the transaction description so instead of getting subtotals for the reinvested dividends, I get a separate subtotal for each transaction.
For example:
Instead of getting this desired subtotaling:
- Invesco QQQ ETF
(the 4 quarterly ReinvDiv)
- Vanguard Information Tech ETF
(the 4 quarterly ReinvDiv)
- Vanguard 500 Index Fund
(the 4 quarterly ReinvDiv)
I get 12 separate subtotals sorted by the quantity of shares purchased with the reinvested dividends. Quicken is inserting the share quantity in front of the payee descriptions but only for reinvested dividends. The remaining non-reinvested dividends subtotal properly. .
Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can remove the share quantity from what quicken is using for the payee description?
Would be nice if the programmers could remove the quantity from the Security Name so that subtotaling works better.
As an alternative, have you looked at the Income by Security report, with a Date Range = Last Year? I think, that's a little closer to the numbers you're looking for.
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@Geobrick have you tried selecting "Deposits" on the Advanced tab when you do the Schedule B subtotaling by Payee?
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@Geobrick - I have been playing around with the Sched B and I thought the "Deposits" would work, but now come to the conclusion it doesn't. Sorry.
The only other thing I can think of is bring the report into a spreadsheet and sub-totaling by Payee.
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QuickUserPSP, Thanks for the attempt. I'm just going to manually add them for now. There aren't that many compared to the rest.
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I'm not sure why they tack on the quantity.
Thanks for the suggestion. Income by security does what I need when sorted by account.
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I don't bother with a Schedule B report for comparison to 1099s. I use an Investment Transactions report customized to _Div, _ReinvDiv, _STCapGnDst or the equivalent Actions. That report can be subtotaled by Security.
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I'll give it a try.