Are "cursors" always this bad - QWin on Win11 on Fusion on Macbook ? (edit)


So, first a mea culpa - this is Quicken Classic Windows, Windows 11, on Fusion 13.5.1 on a MacBook Pro running Sonoma. The issue has persisted for many iterations of Windows, MacOS and Fusion. The poor quality of the screenshots are because I had to use my iphone to take them.

The cursors really don't seem to line up will and the whole hand finger thing looks like something from Windows 3.11. This first one is for resizing columns. It never activates over the column separator, always to the left. Trying to hit the target the cursor flips between the three different cursors -Windows, hand-finger, and eventually the left-right arrows. Adding to the frustration, the target seems to be a single pixel wide and above the column headers, which makes it hard to activate. I find it even more clumsy resizing a report, which is another whole mess but I will save that for another post.

Here is the ham-handed pointer. The hotspot is under the palm of the hand instead of the more natural position of under then tip of the finger. Why is this big ugly thing used anyway. It adds absolutely nothing to the UX and looks like something a junior programmer thought was nifty. Is this just on my install?

Finally we have a normal Window cursor. It is accurate and works as expected.

I've used Quicken since some of its earliest years. Originally on a PC but probably the last 15 years on a Mac with Fusion. Maybe this has always been an issue but it seems like it has gotten worse so now it is really bothering me. Maybe this is all a Fusion side-effect which wouldn't surprise me except that I don't have this problem with the few other Windows native apps I still use. Quicken Windows is so much more natural and I'm about to move over to it but it still has a few feature gaps that would cause me problems.




  • splasher
    splasher SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you tried any of Fusion's competitors software to run Windows on the Mac? It would be interesting to know if they display the same issues.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Are there any screen resolution differences / discrepancies between your Mac monitor settings and what Windows "sees" under Fusion? High res Mac monitor vs. low res Windows configuration, perhaps?

    Several years ago, with Parallels on a Retina monitor, you had to check the Parallels configuration and try which one worked best: "Scaled" or "Best for Retina" … might there be something similar in Fusion?

  • Harry Levinson
    Harry Levinson Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the suggestions. I will poke around.

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