Budgets are now deleted

AWinTx Member ✭✭✭

Quicken Premier Windows - R57.26

I am not a big budget user since I have other ways of managing day to day expenses but recently I I noticed that Quicken had prompted me to create a new budget. I don't see anything in the community about this. I haven't maintained the budgets from year to year, but for the most part, over the last 10 years, I've always had one or two active.

Have other users lost their budgets? I'm thinking that this happened with either the .24 or .25 update.



  • I'm seeing the same thing - must have been recent as I use the budget feature frequently

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If this issue started immediately after installing the latest R 57.26 release update, I recommend the following:

    1. Even if you are on the latest software level already, download and install the latest Manual Patch file from https://www.quicken.com/support/update-and-patch-20182019-release-quicken-windows-subscription-product to ensure your Quicken software is up to date and correctly installed.
    2. Reboot Windows.
    3. Start Quicken. Do not run One Step Update.
    4. Run BOTH Validate and Supervalidate to attempt to repair your Quicken data file.
    5. If nothing helps, try to restore your Quicken data file from an Automatic or Manual backup taken just prior to the problems first occurring. https://www.quicken.com/support/how-backup-or-restore-your-quicken-data

    Validate and Supervalidate instructions
    First save a backup file prior to performing these steps
    • Click File
    • Select Validate and Repair File...
    • Select Validate File
    • If the data file contains investment accounts also select "Rebuild investing lots".
    • If you suspect that a damaged Quotes Price History causes your problems, also select "Correct investing price history" functions "Delete" or "Repair and Rebuild".
    • Click OK
    • Review the Data Log. Anything interesting in there, worthwhile posting here?
    • Close Quicken, leave it closed for about 30 secs
    • Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

    Super Validate:
    • Click File
    • Press and hold both CTRL and Shift keys while you click Validate and Repair File...
    • Select Supervalidate File
    • Click OK
    • Review the Data Log. Anything interesting in there, worthwhile posting here?
    • Close Quicken, leave it closed for about 30 secs
    • Reopen Quicken and see if the issue persists.

  • AWinTx
    AWinTx Member ✭✭✭

    Thank URK - I did install using the manual process and performed the validate (no errors). When I started thinking about your comment about investing lots, I looked at an old validate and I last rebuilt my Investing Lots on 6/12 due to an issue with the Growth of 10k report after the recent NVDA 10:1 split. That could have been around the time that I lost my budget. The issue with the report persists to this day. I may have also updated price history and lost years of data so I no longer compare my investments vs the market since 2013, not it is a max of 5 years.

    Anyhow, the Super Validate had 0 errors. Like I said above, I didn't really use the budget too much as I pretty much manage that through savings and cash flow. I can't go back and re-sync transactions and modify categories for that long of a period just for this. So I just stopped there as opposed to restoring backups to find out when the issue started since I won't necessarily know what update was responsible (although I could probably figure that out with the Quicken backup folder when they do updates).

    I'm not sure the best way for the Community to report the same issue except for commenting like https://community.quicken.com/profile/sfarnsworth as just bookmarking this might not get Quicken's attention.


  • mshiggins
    mshiggins SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Some additional information might help.

    What was the exact wording of the "prompt" to create a new budget? A screenshot would help.

    What were you doing when you got the prompt? What was the last thing you did before receiving the prompt?

    Note (from current Quicken Help): 
    "The first time you view a prior year's budget in a new year, Quicken asks you if you want to extend it to the new year. Just click OK and Quicken creates a new budget for you automatically, copying all of your current budget categories and budget values to the new budget."

    [Actually in the above situation, Quicken doesn't really create a "new budget" (a "new budget" would have a new name): it creates a budget for a new year - for the already existing budget ... for a year that does not already have a budget.]

    The above Quicken action (or similar) has been present for a long time: I see a slight variation of the same prompt in Q2013. 

    But as the current Help says, you only get that prompt if you attempt to view a budget for a previous year that has not been updated to the current year - so it would be easy not to have seen the prompt before if you don't work on your budgets on a regular basis.

    What causes you to believe that "budgets are now deleted"? I'm trying to understand why Quicken would prompt a user to create a new budget, because an old budget had been deleted. I think that when a budget is deleted, all trace of it is deleted. But even if Quicken kept a record that an old budget had been deleted, I can't imagine what would cause Quicken to assume the user should create a new one.


    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • AWinTx
    AWinTx Member ✭✭✭

    I checked my screen grabs and I didn't have the presence of mind to snag it, but I know from prior experience, it did not ask me if I wanted to roll it over like it does at the beginning of the year. It was more in the vein that a "budget does not exist and would I like to create one?". The other day I created a budget based on my previous spending pattern. It was a binary choice. I either was going to create my own and select what categories I wanted or use Quicken to do that for me. In the past, that is my MO as I then go through the categories to eliminate the large one-time expenses and change categories to roll-over, etc.

    As for your comment about how do I know that they were deleted was because I could choose the budget name (I had multiples) and I could choose the year for my current budget (2023 or 2024). Having to create a budget because one doesn't exist is an issue if I had one before. I've been using Q for 11 years now so it isn't like I just started using this.


  • WSUCoug
    WSUCoug Member ✭✭

    Just discovered this morning that my budget was also deleted. SUPER ANNOYING.

  • AWinTx
    AWinTx Member ✭✭✭

    I did hear back from a Quicken support engineer last week asking me about the report that I submitted when Quicken crashed and my budget was lost. Here was the original report with their comment about the build number:

    I have noticed like you have submitted a crash in the build which says “Clicked an icon on the toolbar to go to my Main Dashboard. Received a warning that I had no budgets set up (I do). Then when scrolling on the dashboard, it crashed”.

    I would refrain from creating a new budget for at least one or two updates, if it is at all possible, because I believe the fact that I created a new one will prevent the eventual recovery of the old ones. For me, this is not a big deal as I last went through all the categories about two years ago.


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