Citi card downloads not working, method of download changed?

JQuick1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

First, the discussion at below was prematurely closed as "resolved" in my opinion. Thus, it may be beneficial to reopen this until you get confirmation from your customers that things are fixed? I'm still having problems downloading from Costo Citi and I'm still trying to figure out what all the backend changes have been done, which I have not seen fully explained by Quicken yet. I will go into more detail further below.

UPDATED: 9/30/24 Citicard - Downloading Incorrect Transactions/Errors when updating/ FDP-390/CC-902 — Quicken

First, my non Costco Citi card. I was able to reactivate this this morning, but it is using "Express Web Connect+" now. I thought previously it was using Direct Connect. Is this expected to have recently changed? Further, when I log into this account via , the entry for "Quicken Windows" still exists, but the "Last Access Time" is 09/27/2024, NOT dated today(the most current transactions were downloaded today). I think the date isn't today because "Express Web Connect+" is being used now within Quicken instead of "Direct Connect". My "Financial Institution" on this account in Quicken is still "Citi Cards". Can someone from Quicken support please confirm what is/may be going on here???? How to move back to Direct Connect?

Regarding my Costco Citi card, I also tried to activate download transactions this morning in the same manner as the non Costco Citi card above, but it is giving the error "400 Bad Request, Request Header or Cookie Too Large". Similar to above, can someone from Quicken support please provide an explanation of what is going on here, what changed, and how to resolve? It seems that changes were made to the backend and you are not clearly helping your customers understand and fix problems related to whatever backend changes were made. Some details to help understand and fix would be appreciated.


  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    We're all just users here in the user forum so if you want "…an explanation of what is going on here, what changed, and how to resolve" you should contact Quicken Support.

    In my opinion, Citi is rebranding their cards which is causing the issue…which has been figured out and solved and the resolution posted in threads here by other users.

  • JQuick1
    JQuick1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Ralph, some of the people apparently have the ability to close and resolve issues, labeled as "Quicken <name>". If you still look at comments posted today, there are many comments still with users today that are having problems. Perhaps these problems are partially resolved and maybe under certain conditions, but surely not for everyone. Thus, more details are needed, both by the still failing clients(to hopefully give some backend engineers more understanding of what is still broken) and by Quicken themselves on what was changed/how this should be expected to work today(if changes are different vs. prior to 9/27). For me, I never really concentrated or had to concentrate on how these accounts were downloading transactions until all of this became broken about a week ago. For example, it is still unclear to me what Quicken entry(ies) should or should not be seen after logging into (see below). Currently, I see nothing here when I log in via my Costco Citi card, yet see the old 09/27/2024 "last access time" when I log in with my non Costco Citi card (Double cash). I had no reason to log into this site until everything was broken, so I don't know what this looked like prior to 09/27/2024, when none of this was broken.

    Active IDs

    Select all



    Registered Date Time

    Last Access Time


    Quicken Windows

    08/27/2019 07:28 am

    09/27/2024 05:27 am

  • niallogara
    niallogara Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    @RalphC I have been a Quicken user for 30+ years but am new to the Quicken Community so please bear with me here. I joined the Community a few days ago in an effort to resolve the same Citi Bank transactions download issue that @JQuick1 is referring to above. Thanks to input from Community members I was able to get Citi Bank transactions flowing again by using the "Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi" workaround that was suggested in the forum.

    Because I am new to the Community it is not clear to me whether the Quicken organization has any formal involvement in the forum. Along the same lines as the @JQuick1 comment above I assumed that participants labeled with "Quicken <name> were Quicken representatives. Based on your comments above I am now thinking that is not the case? Any information appreciated.

  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    @niallogara Other than the site moderators, who are Quicken employees and can help you troubleshoot and forward information to Quicken techs and admins, Quicken doesn't monitor this forum. For hands on "Quicken" assistance, you would be advised to contact Quicken Support.

    I use the forum to monitor arising (or perceived) issues. The great majority of the problems you may face can be resolved here by searching/reading the threads and seeing what other users have come up with. The "super users" can be of great help.

  • JQuick1
    JQuick1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have downloaded transactions working now for my two Citi accounts (see below), but they are using Express Connect+ now. It would be nice to get Quicken's confirmation, as my theory is that the Citi/Quicken integration(at least some of the Citi accounts) no longer supports "Direct Connect" and this is the crux of what caused these problems over the past week. Essentially, clients that had these accounts defined to use Direct Connect(via the "Citi Cards" Financial Institution definition) broke, requiring manual Quicken client changes to be made by EACH SUCH END USER in order to resolve this problem. It would be great if one of the Quicken moderators could confirm or deny this change. If Direct Connect still/can work for Citi, is there something "special" that needs to be done? For my non Cosctco Citi account, I have gone into the site, authenticate fine, and confirm Quicken is shown as being allowed. However, DC doesn't get used when setting up this account with downloaded transactions, Web Connect is used instead. For the Costco Citi account, I can't even get "Quicken" to be listed as 'Allowed' after authenticating to . I know both of my "Financial Institutions" prior to 9/27 were "Citi Cards" within the Quicken app, and I'm pretty sure both were Direct Connect as well.

  • niallogara
    niallogara Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    @RalphC thanks for taking the time to respond to my question - it helps to know that the moderators are Quicken employees. FYI I have used Quicken Support a handful of time over the years when I couldn't figure something out my myself. For the most part dealing with Quicken Support people has been a positive experience. Along the same lines this forum has been very helpful over the past few days - I certainly expect to use it again in the future.

  • Skyking86
    Skyking86 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 3

    This whole CITI/COSTCO card issue isn't resolved.

    It isn't resolved until Quicken posts a way to make it work from their IT team.

    It isn't resolved if you connect and your balances are WAY off with something that is populating from many months ago.

    and it isn't resolved if you get repeated "Yes, you are authorized" from CITI's website, and then Quicken refuses to see that the CITI account is working from CITI's end of the ops.

    Quicken, closing comments and discussions is absolutely the wrong way to approach customer service.

    This is still an issue.

    Absolutely not resolved.

  • Jean-Marie
    Jean-Marie Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Why do they keep closing it and marking it resolved? What is the purpose of this behavior?

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Since you previously had DC via the Citi Cards connection setup, you might want to consider doing the following. Be sure to follow the steps to the letter or you will probably have EWC+ connections, again.:

    1. If you have not already done so, you might want to enter and save the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount into the Memo field. Do this for every account (not just the Citi accounts). It is not mandatory to do this but it can save you a lot of time troubleshooting account balance issues that might pop up when changing account connection methods because sometimes doing that will change the dollar amount of those transactions. Having the correct dollar amount saved in the Memo field can made it very easy to know when this issue has occurred and what you need to do to correct it.
    2. Back up your data file.
    3. Go to the Online Services tab of Account Details and click on Deactivate. Do this for both of your Citi cards.
    4. Then go to Add Account and TYPE IN Citi Cards in the search field. DO NOT click on the Citi Cards or Citibank buttons.
    5. Click on Advanced Options…DO NOT click on Next.
    6. Click on Continue > select Direct Connect > click on Next > follow the prompts to complete the DC setup. NOTE: If you are taken to your online account in your browser just cancel the action and start Add Account again. This will only happen if you did not precisely follow the steps here.
    7. When prompted by Quicken, make sure to LINK the downloaded data to the accounts that are already in Quicken.

    When completed, your 2 Citi cards should be set up with DC, again.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If the steps in my prior post do not produce a DC connection for you, it might be that you will need to add 3rd party access for Quicken. To do this, log into your online account at and go to the Data Management Hub as shown here. Once you have added Quicken with 3rd party access you will have 10 minutes to go to Quicken and set up Citi Cards with DC.:

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 3


    My setup with ATT Universal Card (Citi) was DC and since the last issue it will not connect via DC anymore. I tried all suggestions including yours from here and the other post couple of days ago which I saw you had the same card. I checked my FI's data management and everything is okay. During the add account process, Citi authorizes me fine and when it passes the token back to Quicken, Quicken fails rest of the process. I must have tried it 20 times, even in my test data file and Quicken failed all. I tried many creative combinations of FI selection and connection methods - and the only one that establishes the connection is by specifically selecting ATT Universal Card as the FI, and the result is of course EWC+.

    I gave up. It seems to be very inconsistent among users. Regards.

    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Interesting. When I had an AT&T Universal Card I first set it up with that AT&T FI. It worked OK but I found out later that I could link that card to my online account. After doing that I was able to set it up with DC using the Citi Cards link. Maybe you could try doing that to see if it works…just make sure during the setup process to click on Advanced Options so you can then select "Direct Connect."

    I also looked at the AT&T FI and it shows that DC should still be available. But, again, it looks like during the setup process you'd need to click on Advanced Options and then select "Direct Connect."

    For me, both my Costco and Citi Rewards+ (replaced my AT&T Universal) cards set up with DC via Citi Cards was never affected by the Citi download debacle of the last week. Neither was my Sears MC (another Citi card) that I download via EWC. This debacle appears to have been solely related to EWC+.

    BTW, I've been seeing some people posting that they still are having problems connecting their Citi accounts with EWC+. I'm not sure why that is but hopefully things will settle down and become a non-issue on/before Monday. (I do think it's quite possible Citi downloading will become an issue this weekend, again, while Intuit continues to "fine tune" whatever fixes they put in place this week.)

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • BK
    BK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭


    I tremendously value and appreciate your input. As I wrote I went "creative" and tried everything you suggested and more. You know I am well trained thanks to the SuperUsers. I deleted branding folders; I [QCleaned] uninstalled, etc etc. It is not budging. I accept that cuz EWC+ works FWIW! I will try again in a few weeks. Cheers and thank again.

    - QWin Deluxe user since 2010, US subscription on Win11
    - I don't use Cloud Sync, Mobile & Web, Bill Pay/Mgr

  • JQuick1
    JQuick1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    @Boatmanic , I'm in the same boat as @BK! I have just accepted I am going to use EWC+, as no one from Quicken has stated that the Citi DC is expected to still be working. Further, the "Last Access Time" in your Citi Data Management Hub screenshot above is 9/28 - are you getting an updated date that is more current after a recent download attempt???

    Also, as I have shown and stated previously, such as on 10/3 above in this thread, the Citi Costco won't even add "Quicken Windows" entry after logged into the Citi Data Management Hub. I click on "Add Access" and a blank page is returned. In addition, the Double Cash Citi card has a "Quicken Windows" entry, but DC doesn't work for this either, and the "Last Access Date" doesn't update(9/27).

    I believe this is due to recent backend changes and further, I believe people from both Citi and Quicken know what is going on in more detail. Ultimately, this problem has to do with change control and poor communications of these changes, which are requiring the Quicken customers to make manual client changes, as well as dealing with a broken application for far too long. If this was expected, then why no prior notification? Even if not expected, better comms about what is going on and more urgency in fixing needs to be done. Closing discussions as "Resolved" when customers say they are not resolved, requiring opening new threads on the same problem, is unacceptable.

  • cnickel
    cnickel Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    EWC+ appears to work for me without error. However zero transactions are downloaded when in fact going to the Citi site shows numerous transactions awaiting download.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have some FIs which whom EWC+ works very well. But Citi is not one of them. Too often some transactions simply do not download and I will then need to manually enter them into the account register….or sometimes I will manually download and import them in QFX file format from my online account (called the Web Connect method).

    Unless you can find a way to get your Citi credit cards downloaded via DC, you will need to "tolerate" that EWC+ issue until that issue will at some unknown time in the future gets resolved.

    Either that, you can can stop trying to use OSU to download the transactions and instead resort to using the Web Connect method to populate your transactions in Quicken.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @JQuick1 -

    I have just accepted I am going to use EWC+, as no one from Quicken has stated that the Citi DC is expected to still be working.

    Have you reported this to Quicken Support? That is likely the only place you will hear Quicken every saying that.

    It is always always safe to assume that if the Fidir.txt (Financial Institutions Directory) file shows that DC is supported then, unless there is some specific connection issue at the time. The Fidir file contains the list of every FI that supports Quicken, which types of accounts in Quicken that they support and the connection method(s) that they support. Citi Cards and AT&T Universal Card FIs are the only two Citi FIs that I am aware of that still support DC but they are limited in which cards can be used with them.

    It also appears that unless one follows the the instructions to setup the DC connection using Advanced Options, then the connection will default to EWC+ or EWC (depending on the specific card).

    Further, the "Last Access Time" in your Citi Data Management Hub screenshot above is 9/28 - are you getting an updated date that is more current after a recent download attempt???

    Yes, it updates every time. The picture shows an older date because that was the date that I'd taken that screenshot picture. Instead of repeating the screenshot process I simply copied the picture file that I'd created on 9/28. The main purpose of that screen shot is to show what one needs to click on if Quicken access is not shown there.

    Also, as I have shown and stated previously, such as on 10/3 above in this thread, the Citi Costco won't even add "Quicken Windows" entry after logged into the Citi Data Management Hub. I click on "Add Access" and a blank page is returned. In addition, the Double Cash Citi card has a "Quicken Windows" entry, but DC doesn't work for this either, and the "Last Access Date" doesn't update(9/27).

    Late last night I encountered a problem on the website and I could not access the Data Management Hub at all using the link they provided. What I then did was, while logged into my online account, type in "" and then I got a popup asking if I wanted to allow Quicken to access my data on I accepted it and then went to a test account in Quicken to do Add Access with Citi Cards for DC (using the Advanced Options) and DC was set up and functioning.

    So, yes, it appears that the website is a bit broken with regard to this and Citi needs to fix it.

    I believe this is due to recent backend changes and further, I believe people from both Citi and Quicken know what is going on in more detail. Ultimately, this problem has to do with change control and poor communications of these changes, which are requiring the Quicken customers to make manual client changes, as well as dealing with a broken application for far too long. If this was expected, then why no prior notification? Even if not expected, better comms about what is going on and more urgency in fixing needs to be done.

    Yes, what you say is very possible but we'll never know all the details behind the cause of the issue. Quicken stated that their service provider (the company that is the aggregator providing the data transference connection between the EWC/EWC+ FI and the Quicken software….Intuit) was working the issue which tells me that there was some major data transfer breakdown that occurred between Citi and Intuit. That is also reinforced by the first Alert that was posted in this forum about Citi downloads including incorrect transactions. I fully do agree that all 3 parties were to some degree involved in the resolution of the issue which also contributed to some of the delays encountered because the more parties that are involved the more complex the more complex the logistics.

    Closing discussions as "Resolved" when customers say they are not resolved, requiring opening new threads on the same problem, is unacceptable.

    Generally, Quicken Moderators will keep post threads open for 2-4 wks after the last post has been made. Then whether or not anyone has posted that the issue has been resolved the thread will be closed because it will be assumed that the issue has become "stale" and no longer an issue. I support this because old threads that are kept open longer than this generally become clutter and serve no purpose. It's better to open a new thread and, if appropriate, copy/paste the URL from the closed thread as reference.

    In this particular Citi debacle, Quicken decided to close the threads as soon as they got confirmation from Intuit (and probably from their own Development & Quality teams) that the issues were resolved. Generally, I would not agree with closing the threads so quickly but in this case I was relieved to see them do that. The threads had become very long and unwieldy…heck, one of them was 27 pages long. When they get too long they really aren't very effective anymore because most people simply do not go back and ready through all the posts. And I was getting 100+ notification emails a day which consumed much of my days just trying to sort through them all. So, yeah, I was really ready for those threads to be closed.

    I know for myself that if they had not closed those threads I would no longer have posted anything in them and I would have blocked all notifications for them because it otherwise would have been a complete waste of my time. So, IMHO, closing those threads post-"fix" was perhaps the best thing to do to "clean out" all of the clutter from those no longer pertinent posts about the original issue and workarounds. Instead, let those who were continuing to have connections/download issues start new threads. And it turns out it appears closing those threads was highly effective at cleaning things up because the number of posts by those still having connection and download issues now is pretty small compared to what it was pre-"fix". Now these fewer, smaller threads can get better, more specifically focused attention by others making them more effective threads. So, I'm happy with the results.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • FlaSheridn
    FlaSheridn Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 8

    FWIW, following instructions and reauthorizing did not work for me. Starting to change the download method, giving up, and then trying again (which led to a new web authentication request) worked for both of our accounts. Go figure; still, it‘s above average for Quicken nowadays. (I share the outrage at closing the original thread and preventing people from pointing out that it wasn’t fixed as claimed.) The upside is that I applied for a Chase Amazon card in the meantime, which I’d been procrastinating for a couple of decades. (I’d been a CitiCard customer for 32 years.)

  • PD76051
    PD76051 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I've been struggling with this for weeks. I was able to establish a DC a couple of weeks ago, but it again failed last week or so, and I no longer had the option for a Direct Connect.

    So, thanks to y'all and splicing together several recommendations, and finally as the one by "boatnmanic", I first logged into and authorized a connection. It gave me 10 min to accomplish it. I then went back to Quicken/Add Account/Citi Cards/Advanced Options, and low and behold, an option for Direct Connect!

    Thanks Quicken Community!