Re: Transactions With Tags showing up / not showing up Randomly
I would not call it corruption, but sometimes due to internal changes to the structure of Quicken, old saved reports do not work the same way they did when originally saved. Also when you save a repo…-1 -
Re: Investment Transaction Matching - New vs. Near Match issues
@Chris_QPW I think you are right about Match vs. Near match. What I do when I get a Near Match is to edit the transaction in the Transaction List to agree with the download before accepting the downl…-1 -
Re: Quicken Classic for Win - OL-295-A Errors at Vanguard
I realize there has been a lot of incomplete and sometimes conflicting information about reconnecting Vanguard accounts in Complete mode. Here is an attempt to summarize the steps. Some of these step…14 -
Re: Quicken Classic for Win - OL-295-A Errors at Vanguard
@geoffj — repeating from an earlier response — If the One Step Update (OSU) result details are not displayed, you should be able to correct the problem with the following procedure. Note this will no…-1 -
Re: Can You Customize The Columns on The Investing Account Overview (Holdings) Screen? (7 Legacy Votes)
Unfortunately you can't customize the data shown in the Account Overview, other than the four preset views (Value, Recent performance, Historic performance, and Tax Implications) that you can pick at…1