Option to move between fields using the Enter key (41 Legacy Votes)

Quicken Community
Quicken Community Quicken Windows Subscription admin
edited 2023 11 in Product Enhancements
Three features of Quicken Windows I wish the Mac version had. In the register, have the option to move between fields using the Enter key. Set for auto-reconciliation when exiting program. Always have the register start-up in (say) the Checking account.

Mod Edit:
Please only vote for the option to move between fields using the Enter key at the top here.

The other 2 IDEAs have been split off for easier voting here:
Be sure to click the little grey triangle under the VOTE count in the blue banner below, so your vote will count (it may take a moment for your vote to register).
(If it is black, your vote has been registered)

Your VOTE matters!

2 votes

Planned · Last Updated

This request has been accepted and added to the development roadmap for future implementation. At this time there is no ETA on when this functionality will be implemented. QMAC-18919


  • Kay Arnold
    Kay Arnold Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 28
    when you are in say the checking account and you go to the Quicken get the drop down box and quit.  Then you reopen the program after it updates your stocks, bonds it goes back to the checking account register.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2016 14
    Correct. But if I have in my register a credit card account, and I use it just before I quit the program, the next time I open it, it will still be in the credit card account. QW has the option to specify which account in the register always opens on restart. I always want it to open up in checking.
  • Kay Arnold
    Kay Arnold Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 28
    you can add this to the wish list. 
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 06
    Thanks for requesting these features.  I've added them to our list.  We have a bunch of new developers starting and I'll be looking for small little feature for them to add and some of these could be included but I'm not sure I would rank these as high as some other things.  If people really like these features, please vote this up.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 06
    Since there are multiple IDEAs in one thread, it is difficult for others to vote on them, so they are being separated to make this easier.

    This one will remain to vote for option to move between fields using the Enter key. The other two ideas can be found here: You can add your VOTE to each of these. First, click on each underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 06
    The IDEA 'to move between fields using the Enter key' has been added to the 
    List of Requests for Data Entry and Usability Options and Feature
    You may want to click on the underlined link to add your vote to more related ideas.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2018 06
    Yes, I keep messing up when updating splits, as its how things worked in QWin....
  • magoodm
    magoodm Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 06
    How about adding the option to pay a credit card after reconciling it?  Quicken Windows has this and it's really convenient.
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2019 15

    How about adding the option to pay a credit card after reconciling it?  Quicken Windows has this and it's really convenient.

    That IDEA already exists for you to vote on. You can add your VOTE to Option to pay credit card when finished reconciling.

    First, click on the underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers.

    While you are at it, you may want to add your VOTE to related IDEAS found on the List of Requests for Reconciliation Process. Click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas. 

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2019 15

    Yes, I keep messing up when updating splits, as its how things worked in QWin....

    That IDEA already exists for you to vote on. You can add your VOTE to change the Automatic remainder calculation to split transactions.

    First, click on the underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers.

    While you are at it, you may want to add your VOTE to related IDEAS found on the List of Requests for Data Entry and Usability Options and Features. Click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas. 

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2019 15

    Yes, I keep messing up when updating splits, as its how things worked in QWin....

    I already voted for this, I was just praising this request.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2019 15

    Thanks for requesting these features.  I've added them to our list.  We have a bunch of new developers starting and I'll be looking for small little feature for them to add and some of these could be included but I'm not sure I would rank these as high as some other things.  If people really like these features, please vote this up.

    Using the enter key to go between fields has always been an option in Quicken.  I've updated my Quicken and can no longer do this.  Wish I had done the update now....
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2019 15

    Thanks for requesting these features.  I've added them to our list.  We have a bunch of new developers starting and I'll be looking for small little feature for them to add and some of these could be included but I'm not sure I would rank these as high as some other things.  If people really like these features, please vote this up.

    Then be sure to add your VOTE above. This will help make the transition easier for you when you are ready to upgrade by seeking to have the features you are used to  end up in the latest version. Your VOTES matter!

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Add your VOTE to Quicken for Mac Product Ideas

    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)