Portfolio Value won't show for one account. It asks for data but all the transactions are there.

In viewing a portfolio I wanted to look at the unrealized gains. When I used the menu, a message indicating that I needed to import a file appeared ("No holdings data available"). ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE PRESENT (they can be seen under the "transactions" tab/button).
I have been unable to back out of this setting. Any selection of another option under "unrealized gains", "realized gains", or "portfolio value" is ignored (no change in display).
I would like to be able to get back to the view where I can see the value of the holdings in the portfolio.
This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.0
Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .0
ROI is high on my wishlist as well. At least we don't have to wait a year for the next group of enhancements.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
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I vaguely recall seeing the "No holdings data available" message in the past. As I recall it was due to a problem with the system's TOY (time of year) clock. It was set to the start of the current Unix epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000, and NTD (Network Time Daemon) failing to start.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
As the Portfolio view uses the current system date and time to determine what is to be displayed, you might want to check that they are set correctly.0 -
It's only for the one portfolio and only when I tried to change the view.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
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Odd, if I set the date before 2010, I get a chart of the portfolio value (ending at the current date). As far as I can tell the system (macOS) date is set correctly. This problem is confined to Quicken (as far as I can determine). This file does have ~30 years of data but that shouldn't be an issue.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
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Which date are you setting? The system date or the date on the right side of the Portfolio tab?CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
If sounds as if there is some corruption in your SQL database but I can't imagine how it would occur and only impact one account.
If you click on the group in the sidebar that holds the account and select group by account in the Portfolio Value and Unrealized Gain views, are the securities held in the account displayed under the correct account?
If you open the group's transaction view can you find transactions involving any of the securities held in the account in question?
Another thought! if you open the account's transaction list are there any placeholder entries that would remove all securities in the account? Another way of determining if this is occurring is to display the Shares and Share Balance columns in the transaction register.0 -
all the transaction information shows up in the transaction view.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
Yes, correct securities in correct account.0 -
All the securities were listed(with correct amounts) until I asked to see the "unrealized gains"CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
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I continue to use Quicken Premier 2017 as my primary financial software as Quicken Mac 2017 does not yet support the investment transactions that I frequently use. I still have some 5-1/4" floppy disks for installing Quicken DOS in a box although the Tandy 2000 that I bought in 1989 has long disappeared.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
In 2014, I was involved in Beta testing what would be released as QM2015. During the Beta testing, I discovered some irrecoverable corruption in my Quicken Premier data files that prevented me from successfully importing my data into Quicken Mac.
In 2011, I moved my investments from Smith Barney to Raymond James and used the ACATS transfers to reconstruct my holdings and split them into their correct lots using "Add Shares" transactions. To resolve the import problem, I had to delete my Smith Barney accounts and use the Quicken Premier year-end function to remove all transactions that occurred prior to 01 January 2011.
QM2015 and QM2016 had an issue with "Add Shares" transactions and used the date of the transactions instead of the date acquired to identify lots. When Quicken first introduced the ability to display holdings in the Portfolio view, it would report errors whenever I set the Price and Holdings as of date to a date before my holdings were transferred to Raymond James.
In one of the QM2016 3.5.x releases, Quicken corrected the problem with the dates associated with lots. So, now, instead of an error being reported, the Portfolio Value displays a cash balance of $0.00 when the date is set to a date before the account was transferred to Raymond James.
When I switch to Unrealized Gain on that date, the message "There are no unrealized gains for this account." is displayed.
I was able to reproduce the "No holdings data available." and "Please add an investment account or import data to generate graph and table." messages for the Portfolio > Portfolio Value display. No graph was displayed nor were the Update Quotes, Portfolio Value, Unrealized Gain, and Realized Gain buttons displayed.
To accomplish this, I had to use the "Remove Shares" transaction to remove the 3 securities held in the account. What made this really weird is that I had to leave 0.001 shares of a mutual fund in the account to generate the above messages. When I removed the exact number of shares, the Share Balance column showed -0 shares held instead of 0.00 shares that is normally displayed when you sell or remove all of your shares in a security. In addition, the security continued to be displayed in both Portfolio Value and Unrealized Gain displays.
If you see the "No holdings data available." message, there should be in your transaction register transactions to sell or remove all of your securities from your account.
If your investment account is configured to automatically download transactions from your brokerage or financial institution, one potential problem is the downloading of an OFX fille with an empty <INVPOSLST> section or where the individual <POSMF>, <POSSTOCK>, <POSDEBT>, <POSOPT>, or <POSOTHER> entries report that you no longer have any holdings in a security.
Whenever your holdings in a Quicken investment account don't match those reported by your brokerage or financial institution, Quicken surreptitiously creates Placeholder entries to adjust the holdings in Quicken. These are all created on the date that you opened the account.
When viewing the Unrealized Gain display, the error you reported didn't display until the date used was the day after the shares of all securities were removed. The transaction register continued to display all of the transactions.
I would look for unexpected "Sell", "Add Shares", and "Remove Shares" transactions in your transaction register. Also, I would display the "Shares" and "Share Balance" columns to provide an indication when the problem started.0 -
Well, that might be a path forward but, I am unwilling to dump old transactions. Keeping records is sort of the point of finance software. I think I will keep using Quicken 2007 (mac) until they fix this software. The prettied up interface and all the missing functionality (ROI, IRR, ...) makes this software 'upgrade' a non-starter.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
I did find some odd transactions from the import of my file. It took a day to sort them out. Mostly they were mismatched sell/buy transactions or downloaded transactions and the result was wacky cash balances. I'd rather not have to spend more time fixing programming errors.0 -
Getting rid of those fictitious entries did allow me to get back to where I can see the portfolio, I think I will keep using both 2007 and 2017 until they can bring 2017's functionality up to a useful level (for investment tracking/analysis).CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
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Then you may want to add your VOTE to IDEAS found on the List of Requests Related to Investments and List of Requests for Report TypesCB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
First, click on each underlined link above to go there, scroll down the lists and click on each IDEA you are interested in, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THAT feature and increase its visibility to the developers.
(If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
Done.CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
Gee, if all those happen, it'll be like having a good old version back.0 -
would be nice as a starting point. ;-)CB said:Thanks. That's the plan for Monday. I can still use Q 2007, so all is not lost. I've noticed that IRR and ROI calculations don't seem to be available in 2017. Other than a more colorful interface and nicer graphics . . .
Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
This problem has been reported elsewhere by other users since Q2017 was released.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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I too am having the same issuecneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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Similar issue. It appears that the "number of shares" in the portfolio value calculations are completely wrong. For instance, buy/sell transactions in November affect the number of shares at the end of October , not the end of November. Basically this makes Quicken useless if you are using it to track your portfolio value. An hour on the phone with a Quicken rep confirmed that this is happening and had no explanation or solution for the problem.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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Thanks for sharing.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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Doesn't match up with what I see in my accounts. I have the total shares column displayed in my brokerage accounts and the taotal is correct. In the portfolio view I can set the date to the month before a transaction and the totals are correct.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
You did check that the Quicken transaction date and the account date inside the transactions are both correct...0 -
That's strange. My transaction dates are all correct (first thing I checked). What do you mean by "account date inside the transactions" - maybe I'm missing something. I might think this was unique to my copy of Quicken except the customer service desk was able to duplicate the problem and I've reinstalled QM twice with the same result. I've basically given up on QM 2017 and gone back to running QW in Parallels which is a pain to deal with all the time.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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Someone mentioned a setting for manual vs automatic updates - is there such a setting somewhere? Maybe that's my problem. I'm doing manual updates.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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In the Preferences' General tab, there is an Automatically download quotes checkbox. The automatic downloading of quotes is disabled when the checkbox is cleared.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
However, quotes will still be automatically downloaded at the end of the Update All Online Accounts procedure. If you don't want this to occur, you need to use the Update Selected Online Account procedure.
If you use the latter procedure, you will need to use the Update Quotes button in the Portfolio view of an investment account to download the quotes. The Update Quotes button triggers the updates for all securities regardless of which investment account's Portfolio you are viewing.0 -
Got it - thanks. That is not what is causing my problem.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
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If you open a stock purchase that has been entered there is a date field inside of the transaction for the transaction date. This may be different than the Quicken ledger date. You have the same for a sale transaction. For an stock add there are two dates inside of the transaction, the date the stack was added to the account and the date the stock was purchased.cneal said:This is a user community forum. If one of the other users that try to help has not had the problem or can not duplicate the problem we really can't be of assistance. The only real sugggestion I can make is to call the support number found under Help -> Contact Support. Do NOT serch the internet for the Quickenn support number as there are thrd party companies that will appear as Quicken support and charge money while offering little help.
I was just thinking that if the migration failed to handle any of the dates inside of the Quicken transaction properly there could be a very hard to find problem.0