January 2018 stock prices won't update

AbbyKay Member ✭✭
edited November 2018 in Investing (Windows)
Windows 10, Quicken 2016 Deluxe.  Dec 2017 prices in my portfolio updated, January transactions updated, but Jan 31 equity prices did not update.  Connection fine, window says connection to accounts OK, indicates info was downloaded, but stock prices not current. 


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Go to Tools/One step update summary. At the bottom it should say XX of YY quotes and investing headlines updated, and you can click on show report to see which ones were not updated.

    If this line is missing from the summary, make sure Download quotes and investment information is selected in your One step update settings. 

    If specific securities were not updated, go to Tools/Security list and make sure Download quotes is selected for the securities of interest. Note that for prices to be downloaded, the security's ticker must be in Quicken's provider's database, you must have the download box checked and you must have either a non-zero share balance or have the Watch list box checked

    [instructions for QWin 2018]
    QWin Premier subscription
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
     ... but stock prices not current. 
    From where are you expecting stock prices to be updated?  There are two possible automated sources - your brokerage and Quicken's servers. 

    Your brokerage will typically download prices for the day prior to the download (or the day of the download if you do it late enough in the day).  It may be that you can request through their site data as of 1/31/18 and get the 1/31/18 prices.  That is up to them. 

    Quicken's servers will download historical prices on the following scedule
    • Daily for the last 30 days
    • End-of-week for the weeks before that back to a year ago, and 
    • End-of-month for the months before that going back to five years ago.  
    So that schedule may not catch the 1/31/18 prices if a download quotes or download historical prices was not performed before about March 2 (30 days after 1/31/18).  

    The access from the brokerage is typically through a One-Step Update that includes transactions from (connectivity to) the brokerage account.

    The access from the Quicken servers may also be from a One-Step Update but can also be from other actions in Quicken that you initiate.  

    You may want to pull up a portfolio view (Ctrl-U), set the As of Date to 1/31/18, and manually enter in the prices in that view from your January 31 brokerage statement.  For a limited number of securities, that can be the most timely, productive method of filling in the missing data.

  • AbbyKay
    AbbyKay Member ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Thanks for the info and tips.....funny thing is, using 1-step update, I got December 31 and February 28 prices when I performed 1-step update today (3/14/2018), but Jan 31 didn't update.  Is it possible that Jan 31 is in a black hole right now due to the rules you outlined?  If I try again sometime later (days), it might show up?  How do I tell where I am getting prices (brokerage, Quicken, etc.?)  I have dozens of prices to manually update and would rather try to make the system do it.
    Quicken's servers will download historical prices on the following scedule
    • Daily for the last 30 days
    • End-of-week for the weeks before that back to a year ago, and 
    • End-of-month for the months before that going back to five years ago.  
    So that schedule may not catch the 1/31/18 prices if a download quotes or download historical prices was not performed before about March 2 (30 d
    ays after 1/31/18).  

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    AbbyKay said:

    Thanks for the info and tips.....funny thing is, using 1-step update, I got December 31 and February 28 prices when I performed 1-step update today (3/14/2018), but Jan 31 didn't update.  Is it possible that Jan 31 is in a black hole right now due to the rules you outlined?  If I try again sometime later (days), it might show up?  How do I tell where I am getting prices (brokerage, Quicken, etc.?)  I have dozens of prices to manually update and would rather try to make the system do it.

    Quicken's servers will download historical prices on the following scedule
    • Daily for the last 30 days
    • End-of-week for the weeks before that back to a year ago, and 
    • End-of-month for the months before that going back to five years ago.  
    So that schedule may not catch the 1/31/18 prices if a download quotes or download historical prices was not performed before about March 2 (30 d
    ays after 1/31/18).  

    How do I tell where I am getting prices (brokerage, Quicken, etc.?)
    If you go to Edit the security details, then Update / Edit Price history, your price history info for that security will pop up.  If the data is only closing price, it came (most likely) from your brokerage.  If the data includes Close, Hi, Low, and Volume, it came from Quicken servers (Download Quotes and/or Historical Prices).
    Is it possible that Jan 31 is in a black hole right now due to the rules you outlined?    
    Yes.  If you already have the Download Quotes data, you won't get anything additional out of Quicken's servers.  It may be that the 12/31 (Sunday) data was really 12/29 data (Friday).  Your review of the Price History data should reveal that.  1/31 data (Wednesday) would not fit the rules I outlined, so If you had not run a One-Step Update in February, you would have missed your 30-day shot at the 1/31 data. 

    Even 3-dozen prices would be quicker to enter manually that trying to automate to fill in 1/31 data.  Ideally, you can sort the Quicken portfolio view into something close to the brokerage sequencing.     
  • AbbyKay
    AbbyKay Member ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    You are very helpful - thank you again.  I looked in price history - I get close, hi, low, volume - so it looks like it's coming from Quicken.  And, I got price info for Fridays in January through Jan 26th.  But, I did not get Jan 29, 30, 0r 31 - not sure which days the market was open, but no month-end data.  Going back, I have full data for December and February.  So, something odd about January.  I'll go ahead and enter the prices manually, but this would appear to be a bug.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    As q.lurker has indicated, the price history data you have will depend on when you updated prices, usually via a One step update. If you did not do any updates during February, but did one on March 2, you will get the data you describe above. 

    You will only get prices for days when the markets are open, not weekends or holidays. If Quicken does not have the price for a given day, it uses the most recent earlier price that it has in the price history for that security.

    You can review your update history by going to Help/Log files/Connection log and looking at the dates. 

    It might be a nice enhancement if Quicken got the month-end data in addition to the weekly data for the previous 12 months, because that is more likely to line up with users' statement data.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • AbbyKay
    AbbyKay Member ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    First time I used the community. Nice job, folks. Thank you!
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    AbbyKay said:

    You are very helpful - thank you again.  I looked in price history - I get close, hi, low, volume - so it looks like it's coming from Quicken.  And, I got price info for Fridays in January through Jan 26th.  But, I did not get Jan 29, 30, 0r 31 - not sure which days the market was open, but no month-end data.  Going back, I have full data for December and February.  So, something odd about January.  I'll go ahead and enter the prices manually, but this would appear to be a bug.

    If you did a one-Step Update (OSU) 12/31 or 1/1, and for prior dates, you would get the full 30 days of data for December.  If your next OSU is March 2, you'd get all the February data plus the Fridays in January.  If your next OSU is March 9, you'd get March 3-9 (trading days only) filled in. 

    Since I can't know when you were doing OSU actions, I can't comment beyond that level of explanation. 

    One thing to consider -- did you somehow in March restore a backup file from end of December or very early January?  Any chance you are missing data other than these January 31 and other January prices?

    I don't see any evidence of buggy behavior just from what you have offered.   
  • AbbyKay
    AbbyKay Member ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    AbbyKay said:

    You are very helpful - thank you again.  I looked in price history - I get close, hi, low, volume - so it looks like it's coming from Quicken.  And, I got price info for Fridays in January through Jan 26th.  But, I did not get Jan 29, 30, 0r 31 - not sure which days the market was open, but no month-end data.  Going back, I have full data for December and February.  So, something odd about January.  I'll go ahead and enter the prices manually, but this would appear to be a bug.

    I appreciate your patience. OSU performed sometime in December after last market day. So December was good. Next OSU was March 14. No restores. No price data for last market day in Jan. Your description of historical price availability seems to support that 1/31 data would be missed. And it was. That seems like a logic gap if I’m trying to reconcile my January brokerage statement. I believe I need to perform OSU within 30 days of month end in order to guarantee month end data. And, it seems Quicken should download month-end as well as week-end data no matter when OSU is performed. Am I seeing this right?
  • AbbyKay
    AbbyKay Member ✭✭
    edited March 2018

    As q.lurker has indicated, the price history data you have will depend on when you updated prices, usually via a One step update. If you did not do any updates during February, but did one on March 2, you will get the data you describe above. 

    You will only get prices for days when the markets are open, not weekends or holidays. If Quicken does not have the price for a given day, it uses the most recent earlier price that it has in the price history for that security.

    You can review your update history by going to Help/Log files/Connection log and looking at the dates. 

    It might be a nice enhancement if Quicken got the month-end data in addition to the weekly data for the previous 12 months, because that is more likely to line up with users' statement data.

    I agree.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    AbbyKay said:

    You are very helpful - thank you again.  I looked in price history - I get close, hi, low, volume - so it looks like it's coming from Quicken.  And, I got price info for Fridays in January through Jan 26th.  But, I did not get Jan 29, 30, 0r 31 - not sure which days the market was open, but no month-end data.  Going back, I have full data for December and February.  So, something odd about January.  I'll go ahead and enter the prices manually, but this would appear to be a bug.

    it seems Quicken should download month-end as well as week-end data no matter when OSU is performed.  Am I seeing this right?
    In that regard, I agree with you.

    It is rather odd that if you download on March 14, 2018, you will not get 1/31/18 prices, but if you come back a year later (3/14/19) you will get 1/31/18 prices (but not intervening end-of-week prices if those had been missed before).
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