Transactions entered on phone, never show cleared once synced to laptop!

Cietta Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
I like to enter my receipts in the moment, which I just started doing with the new app. (didn't work right on previous apps). Those transactions show on my Mac laptop version, with a brown pencil in the Review column and a blank box in the Cleared column. When I do a transaction update on my laptop, all new transactions I have NOT entered manually show up and with blue dots/blue checked boxes. Transactions I entered manually on the laptop, change to a blue pencil and blue checked box. BUT - the transactions I entered manually on the phone app do not clear!!! It's like the update just skips over them. "Chat" told me to call in. "Call Center" told me reconcile with my paper statement. They thought that while the app was syncing with my laptop, it was also synced the credit card company??? That makes no sense and if it were it should show Blue/Cleared. Going back to my paper statement is NOT why I pay a subscription for this software. Please advise on how to get this to work as it should!

Best Answer

  • Cietta
    Cietta Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I contacted online support again, and got someone who "got it." He called me and we got everything up and working.


  • Quicken Harold
    Quicken Harold Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Hello Cietta. Appreciate your question.

    When did this issue first start happening? 
    Have you tried resetting your cloud data?

    Please let us know so that we can best help you further.

    ~ Quicken Harold.
    Quicken Harold
    Community Moderator
  • Cietta
    Cietta Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I really don't think that is the problem. So, to make matters more interesting - Just figured out that this ONLY happens with our credit card accounts. Banking accounts change to blue, after entering transactions manually and updating later.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Hello Cietta,

    To clarify, do the transactions turn to a blue pencil and the clear column remains unchecked?

    Or, do the transactions have an orange pencil after downloading and never turn blue.

    If the latter statement is what's happening it would appear that those transactions are either, not downloading or the downloaded transaction is matching to a different transaction.

    Can you let us know which situation is happening?

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Tyka

  • Cietta
    Cietta Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm going to go through it one more time to be sure I'm expressing it correctly.

    1) Enter a transaction on Quicken iPhone App., Here are 2 examples:
    Entry A - Checking account transaction; Entry B - Credit Card Transaction

    2) On laptop - Both Entry A and Entry B show up with Brown Pencil

    3) On laptop - Update all accounts. Entry A - Pencil turns blue and shows as cleared (blue checked box). Entry B - still Brown pencil and clear unchecked box.

    Credit card transactions NOT entered on app or laptop - upload and show cleared with check blue box and blue review dot.

    Credit card transactions entered on laptop previously (brown pencil) will turn blue and show cleared.

    Only issue is with transactions entered via the iPhone app.
  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Hello Cietta,

    Is the issue still persisting? If so, and you would like further assistance, I recommend you contact support. Contact information can be found here:

    Hope this helps!

    -Quicken Natalie 

  • Cietta
    Cietta Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I contacted online support again, and got someone who "got it." He called me and we got everything up and working.
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