Quicken drops credit card payment transactions every time I log in.



  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    We may maintain as many data files as we'd like.  I don't see any reason you couldn't start that process right now: select File > New Quicken File...  Note:  We may only have one data file open at a time on a machine.  
  • Thanks again for your help. Regarding your last comment, I did open a new Quicken file. I entered nothing and closed it. When I clicked my old icon the new file with no data or accounts opened. Then I was able to open my old file again. So will it always be like that where I can choose to open my new file or go back to the old file when I need to access old information?

    It is a huge task to open a whole new data file and start again. I was hoping to wait for year end so I could relatively clean annual records. However, after a relatively good session where I downloaded much data and only one transaction dropped (2 days ago), I ran into a entirely different problem

    Well into this new session where I was correctly categorizing transactions downloaded a few days ago (Quicken used to be able to correctly categorize transaction types that regularly appear...…..not any more...it guesses wrong much of the time) something weird started happening. On my last credit card account after correctly recategorizing many transactions, after each new recategorization the transaction would disappear when I pressed enter. However, the balance at the bottom of the page did not change. When I looked into the itemized category report I could see the transaction......but I could no longer find it in the regular account register. Any idea what is happening and if it can be fixed?
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks again for your help. Regarding your last comment, I did open a new Quicken file. I entered nothing and closed it. When I clicked my old icon the new file with no data or accounts opened. Then I was able to open my old file again. So will it always be like that where I can choose to open my new file or go back to the old file when I need to access old information?
    It is a huge task to open a whole new data file and start again. I was hoping to wait for year end so I could relatively clean annual records. However, after a relatively good session where I downloaded much data and only one transaction dropped (2 days ago), I ran into a entirely different problem

    Well into this new session where I was correctly categorizing transactions downloaded a few days ago (Quicken used to be able to correctly categorize transaction types that regularly appear...…..not any more...it guesses wrong much of the time) something weird started happening. On my last credit card account after correctly recategorizing many transactions, after each new recategorization the transaction would disappear when I pressed enter. However, the balance at the bottom of the page did not change. When I looked into the itemized category report I could see the transaction......but I could no longer find it in the regular account register. Any idea what is happening and if it can be fixed?
    If you have Quicken configured to use and create renaming rules and memorized payees, Quicken should learn to suggest the appropriate payees and categories again.

    Regarding the register, it sounds like you may have set a filter.  If you haven't already, I suggest you open the register and select Reset.
  • Thank you Sherlock. Usually, I get an email when I get a response, but not yesterday.
    Somehow, (not anything consciously that I did ) the date order got mixed up in a crazy way. I clicked the date heading and the correct chronological order came back.
    There is nothing I intentionally did that would cause Quicken to miscategorize repeat transactions. I looked into the preference area you mentioned above and it looks like the correct boxes are checked so that the Quicken categorization should be correct. Automatically memorizing new payees was not clicked. I clicked it, but I have no idea if that was the problem.
    Now I have some breathing room to start a new Quicken file at a year-end or a more opportune time. About 3-4 of my credit cards dropped key benefits, so I will stop using them. That should make Quicken life easier. I just wanted to double check something. Once I open and start using a new Quicken file, I will still be able to go back to the old file (albeit not when the new file is also open) when I need historical information. Correct?
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thank you Sherlock. Usually, I get an email when I get a response, but not yesterday.
    Somehow, (not anything consciously that I did ) the date order got mixed up in a crazy way. I clicked the date heading and the correct chronological order came back.
    There is nothing I intentionally did that would cause Quicken to miscategorize repeat transactions. I looked into the preference area you mentioned above and it looks like the correct boxes are checked so that the Quicken categorization should be correct. Automatically memorizing new payees was not clicked. I clicked it, but I have no idea if that was the problem.
    Now I have some breathing room to start a new Quicken file at a year-end or a more opportune time. About 3-4 of my credit cards dropped key benefits, so I will stop using them. That should make Quicken life easier. I just wanted to double check something. Once I open and start using a new Quicken file, I will still be able to go back to the old file (albeit not when the new file is also open) when I need historical information. Correct?
    Again...  Yes
  • While occasionally I have a good month, the problem of dropped transactions after reconciliation (presumably from a corrupted file) continues. Sherlock, I am going to follow your suggestion and start a new file in 2020. I suppose I will have to reestablish all one-step bank/credit card connections. To ease the transition, I am going to try to limit my credit card activity to one or two cards for the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020. I would think I will have to go a few months into 2020 to know if I am preliminarily successful. Thanks again for your help.
  • I did my final 2019 reconciliations today after being off quicken for 6 weeks (while away most of the time). Happily, no transactions were dropped. However, some previously cleared transactions were shown as open when reconciling.....but that is far easier to correct. Will open a new data file for 2020 and hopefully, it will not be corrupted
  • Just opened up two accounts in Quicken for the first time in 5 weeks. No downloads were made but still 2 payment transactions (from December) were dropped from a previously reconciled credit card account. I am still cleaning up 2019, but for 2020 I will be starting a new file. Hopefully, this will solve the rare problem of corrupted data file.
  • I am doing what may be my final clean up of 2019 and about 15 previously reconciled credit card payment transactions dropped off (some since I was one two days ago). This is incredibly frustrating and time consuming to fix. The missing transactions are almost always from the previous few months. I have been told the source of the problem is a corrupted data file. I will be opening a new file on Quicken for 2020 and I hope this is the end of the corrupted data problem.
  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    I am opening up a new Quicken file this week starting with the year 2020. I hope this solves the ongoing problem of corrupted data. I will post periodic comments (like this) to make sure this dialogue does not close (Quicken always reopens for me, but I would like to avoid the necessity of that happening).
  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    I just started a new file for 2020 today after multi-year unrelated problems with corrupted data. On a 3 month download, payments on my credit card did not download although they show up on the checking account side. The setting for "automatically create transfers when detected" was checked (by quicken) in preferences for transfer detection. Why no payments showing up on credit card side?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @robert schenker

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue, although I apologize that you haven't received a response

    I have a few questions to help me understand what could be happening.

    Please navigate to Help > About Quicken and provide the year and release of Quicken that you are currently running.

    Can you also please provide the name of the financial institution of the credit card that you are having trouble with?

    Last, do other transactions download for this credit card and it is just the payment transactions that do not download?

    Please let me know!

    -Quicken Tyka

  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    Thank you. 2020. Version R25.21
    The Chase Sapphire Credit Card and the Chase United Credit Card. Payments are from my checking account at Chase and all 3 accounts are linked within Chase and come through in the same download.
    All other transactions are downloading including the payments on the checking account side.
    Payments for two non-Chase credit cards were downloaded.
    As mentioned in my previous post, I started a new file in 2020. These were the first downloads for each account
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @robert schenker

    Thank you for the response and for providing additional details.

    If this is a recurring situation, where at least one posted transaction is missing from multiple/subsequent downloads, and the missing transaction(s) cannot be found in the OFX Log and the account is connected using Express Web Connect, this may be able to be escalated through Quicken Support.

    To verify that the account is connected via Express Web Connect, Choose the Tools menu in the upper left then select Account List. Click Edit next to your account, then choose the Online Services tab at the top.

    Quicken Care will need to be contacted directly to escalate the issue.


    Support hours have been temporarily changed for both phone and chat support

    Quicken Phone and Chat Support will be available from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday (PDT).

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    Thank you Quicken Tyka. As I mentioned, because of corrupted data problems, I set up a new file for 2020 (yesterday) and downloaded 3 months of transactions. I verified that all accounts are connected via Express Web Connect (which I was prompted to do for each account during the set up process). I do not know where to find the "OFX Log" or what it is. While I have only done one download, I suspect it will be a recurring problem. Please let me know where I can find the "OFX Log" before I contact Quicken Support. Thanks again.
  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    So I opened up a new quicken file. I have made two downloads for 2020. Some transactions for the end 2019 were included in the download and are necessary to maintain in the new file for the account to be reconciled. So far, I believe one transaction from the end of 2019 was dropped. The transaction was a credit card payment on the checking account side (almost all of the previous discussion thread pertained to credit card payments on the credit card side). So this is very unusual. I will continue to monitor.
  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    My latest download did not have any same bank credit card payments, so there is nothing that can be missing. However, I noticed a transfer from savings to checking did not post on the checking account side. So, all the missing transactions are on the account receiving the same bank transfer
  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    So, despite opening a new Quicken file for 2020 on a new computer, the problems still persist. 4 previously reconciled credit card payments (on the same card) in my checking account file were dropped when I downloaded and reconciled today. Yet payments to other cards and previous ones on this card did not drop. Also, one credit card payment on a different card did not download to my checking account file today. As per above, I had other, but similar problems on my previous session. On the other hand, all 3 remaining credit card accounts were reconciled without problems. Any suggestions?
  • I am quite pleasantly surprised. For the first time in memory, I downloaded and reconciled all 4 currently active accounts and had no problems. No transactions were dropped.
  • After a good experience in August, numerous previously reconciled credit card payments (on a few different credit cards) were dropped on my next download today. It takes a lot of work to find and reinstate the missing transactions. A new computer, a new version of Quicken and opening a new Quicken file for 2020 did not help this long running problem.
  • November reconciliations continued to have many dropped payments from previously reconciled months. I still have no idea why. I called Quicken Tech Support, but the person could not help. He told me to explain the problem in the "help" section of my Quicken, which I did but I never got an answer.
    Today was a Xmas miracle. I downloaded and reconciled many accounts and not a single transaction was dropped. I do not understand why some months nothing drops and others have many missing transactions.
  • My reconciliations for January and february so far have had no problems. I don't know why the situation has improved, as I have not made changes. Let's hope it continues.
  • robert schenker
    robert schenker Member ✭✭
    After being away for a few months, I updated my accounts and happily had no dropped transactions. Amazing! I do not understand why the dropped transactions are so sporadic.
  • BethBarr
    BethBarr Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Hi Robert, I have been with Quicken since 1991. I have the same problem with Quicken credit card payments being deleted. I spend hours reconciling my account over the past couple years. I never had this problem with Quicken before it was taken over. I just spent all morning reconciling and looking for the missing payments. I backed up my file and all of sudden accounts don't reconcile. I'm done with Quicken. I've been reluctant to move to a different product because the time it will take me time to set up all my accounts. I manage my Mother's accounts and a condo association in addition to my own, but I figure it will be less time to set up new accounts then figure out what transactions Quicken drop continuously. It's a shame Quicken can't fix this problem.
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