What does Quicken mean by sending a request to delete a bill payment?

LivingForEternity Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
Under "Bill and Income Reminders," "All Bills & Deposits" I somehow set up a repeating bill reminder that I can't delete. Quicken says I have to "Send" a request to delete it. Sent to whom???? How do I get rid of this? I don't even understand what happened. I simply wanted a monthly bill reminder.

Best Answer


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    If you have sent instructions to a bill pay service requesting a payment be issued at a future date and decide that you no longer want the payment to be issued, you need send instructions to the financial institution to terminate the original request.  If you haven't already, you may want to review: https://www.quicken.com/support/how-delete-repeating-online-payment

  • LivingForEternity
    LivingForEternity Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Sherlock. Thanks for the reply but the instructions given in the article you referred to are wrong. They don't match the current version of Quicken and they don't work. I don't even know how I got this online repeating transaction in the first place. Since I don't understand what is going on I just want to delete the whole thing. I used to be able to set up a simple reminder and that's all I wanted.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello LivingFor Eternity,

    Thank you for giving that a try.

    What version of Quicken are you currently running? This can be found under Help > Report a problem.

    What doesn't "match" how far are you able to get in the steps provided by Sherlock?

    Let us know!
  • LivingForEternity
    LivingForEternity Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I'm using Windows Quicken version R20.15 Build
  • LivingForEternity
    LivingForEternity Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Basically I don't understand how a scheduled recurring payment is connected between my bank and Quicken. I set one up at my bank's web site. Did that automatically show up in Quicken? Did I accidentally set it up when setting up what I thought was just a reminder in Quicken? I've never used this feature before and don't understand it so I wanted to delete it all and start over but Quicken doesn't let me.
    The article talked about using CTRL and clicking on DELETE, but there is no delete button, only EDIT. I can right click on the transaction and find a delete option which then makes a delete button appear at the end of the transaction line, but even that button only brings up a request to delete and no further instructions. Under no circumstances does holding CTRL and selecting any DELETE button do anything.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Sherlock. Thanks for the reply but the instructions given in the article you referred to are wrong. They don't match the current version of Quicken and they don't work. I don't even know how I got this online repeating transaction in the first place. Since I don't understand what is going on I just want to delete the whole thing. I used to be able to set up a simple reminder and that's all I wanted.
    The instructions are correct. If you're not seeing the Repeating Online tab, the good news is you haven't set up a repeating online bill reminder in Quicken.  If you've only sent instructions for a one-time payment, you may want to review:


  • LivingForEternity
    LivingForEternity Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Oh, I do have a Repeating Online tab and one entry transaction entry in it. That's the one I'm trying to eliminate. I guess I'd be satisfied to understand how this works in the first place.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Oh, I do have a Repeating Online tab and one entry transaction entry in it. That's the one I'm trying to eliminate. I guess I'd be satisfied to understand how this works in the first place.
    I'm not sure where the confusion is.  Assuming we have setup the online bill payment service with the financial institution in Quicken, when we initiate, cancel, or delete an online payment in Quicken, we're queuing an online payment instruction - a message that will be sent to the financial institution when we perform a One Step Update. When we initiate, cancel, or delete an online payment in the financial institution, Quicken is updated when we subsequently perform a One Step Update.

    What happened when you performed the One Step Update after you deleted the entry?
  • LivingForEternity
    LivingForEternity Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Somehow in fiddling around I got rid of the repeating payment in Quicken as well as at my bank's bill pay site. Then I created a repeating bill pay at my bank's web site - each payment to arrive on the first of the month starting 9/1/2019. Quicken then reinstated the old one due 9/1-let's call that payment #1 AND ALSO added another to arrive 9/1 (#2) and entered yet another in my register to arrive 10/1 (to be sent 9/24) (#3). It refuses to let me delete #1. When I do it stubbornly (and stupidly) says to send a message to the bank to cancel it. When I do that, the bank refuses the request saying it's already cancelled!!! The only way I can nullify its effect in my balance is to set the amount in my register to zero, but it won't remove the entry. Quicken has problems and should fix them.
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