The desktop and taskbar icons stop working

marsonsykes Quicken Windows Subscription Member
These worked for a while. Now, I have to reinstall from the downloaded file to get into the program. What am I missing? When I click on either icon it just stares at me. I had Quicken 2012 installed and I suspect it is trying to start that instead. Thanks for the help.

Best Answer


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    What version and release of Quicken are you running?
    What version of Windows?

    Windows 10: Check if Windows Defender feature Ransomware protection is enabled. Configure it to add Quicken as an "allowed app" without turning off Ransomware protection:

    If you are truly running Quicken 2012, you also need to install the last available batch of fixes.

    Old Quicken Patch downloads 2000+

    When running an old, unsupported Quicken version you may no longer be able to download bug fixes (patch files) directly from Quicken.
    However, they are still available here:
    US version:
    Canadian version:
    If clicking on Help / About Quicken does not show the highest Release number available for your version (year), as shown on this webpage, download and install the appropriate file(s) from the link above.

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