Tax Planner Summary - Source of Projected Amount

Les Member
I have to change the "Source of Projected amount" in wages each time I access the Tax Planner Summary. The same thing happens for wage withholding's. When I exit the Tax Planner Summary the "Source of Projected amount" defaults back another source I don't want to use. Can you help me with advice

Best Answer


  • mgkahn
    mgkahn Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    The above answer, while very useful, does not address the question. In Tax Planner, one has the option of which method should be used for estimating future values, for example "YTD estimate" or "Scheduled Bills and Deposits". The default is always YTD estimate. If one changes from the default to one of the other method, leaves Tax Planner, returns to Tax Planner and returns to the same screen, the previously change estimation method is gone. Even "saving the scenario" does not prevent returning back to the default estimation methods. Is there a way to make the selection of estimation method "stick" across sessions with Tax Planner? That's the question being asked.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    mgkahn said:
    The above answer, while very useful, does not address the question. In Tax Planner, one has the option of which method should be used for estimating future values, for example "YTD estimate" or "Scheduled Bills and Deposits". The default is always YTD estimate. If one changes from the default to one of the other method, leaves Tax Planner, returns to Tax Planner and returns to the same screen, the previously change estimation method is gone. Even "saving the scenario" does not prevent returning back to the default estimation methods. Is there a way to make the selection of estimation method "stick" across sessions with Tax Planner? That's the question being asked.
    The Tax Planner has a long history of "forgetting the settings" for "some people, in some cases".
    There isn't a "setting" you can change when this happens to you.  It is a bug in the software that has never been addressed fully as far as I know.

    About the only thing that can be suggested is try Validate and Repair and see if that helps.
    File -> Validate and Repair File ... -> Validate File -> OK

    You might also try it in a new data file to see if it is in fact the data file that has the problem or not.
    This is my website:
  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2021
    I never go directly to the section to be modified from the Tax Center summary view anymore.  It does not seem to remember the changes made no matter what I do.
    What does seem to work pretty well for me is to click on Show Tax Planner > click on the section to be modified (i.e., Wages and Salaries) > make the desired change > click on Next at the bottom right of Tax Planner (instead of exiting Tax Planner or simply clicking on the next section or subsection) > click on the next section to be modified or exit Tax Planner.  When I do it this way it seems I experience far fewer issues with Tax Planner remembering the customization(s) entered.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • mgkahn
    mgkahn Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    The power of the community in action..... I tried Boatnmaniac's suggestion first without success so I followed Chris_QPW's suggestion. After correcting a number of errors due to deleted categories, Tax Planner worked correctly with my changes "sticking" across sessions. That said, before trying any of the above suggestions, I also found that entering values under "User Entered" (that I obtained by looking at Projected Amounts: Scheduled Bills & Payments), those values also "stuck". Thanks to both of you for getting me back on track with this tool.
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