adding an expense and home screen

How can I add a new budget expense under a category? I need to all attorney fees. Also, how does one get their home screen to the point that the home screen is on Quicken's main page? just saying..


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2020 05
    Please provide the year and version of Quicken being used: select Help > About Quicken

    To add a sub-category, press Ctrl + Shift + C, select New Category, choose Sub-category of: and select the parent category from the pull-down list.

    To add a category to a budget, open the budget, select Manage Budget Categories, and check the category.

    Regarding having Quicken start on a specific Home view, select Edit > Preferences..., Startup, select the desired view from the Startup location pull-down menu.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2020 05
    The budget tracks categories.  Expenses are entered into a register as a transaction, which in turn has a category.

    To add a new category you can use Tools -> Category List (and set things like its tax line).  You can also create categories by just typing in an new name in the category field in a transaction.

    On the "home screen" I believe you are talking about this image:

    I believe this is in fact Quicken Web not the Desktop home screen, and even that seems to be a little out of date since this is what the current Quicken Web looks like:

    If I'm wrong about it, then it is either the Quicken Mac Desktop or some totally fake marketing image.
    This is my website:
  • CMH hawley
    CMH hawley Member ✭✭
    It worked and thank you. How would one know how to do all of this without your help. Thank you again.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    It worked and thank you. How would one know how to do all of this without your help. Thank you again.

    Your welcome.

    One source of help is Help -> Quicken Help (F1)
    And of course this forum is a great resource.
    This is my website:
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