Quicken locking up when I try to Deactivate or Close Account

Goes211 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
Windows 10 - Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property
Subscription (exp 12/5/2020) y 2020 v R27.28 b

I'm trying to do some housekeeping and clean up old bank / credit card accounts that have been closed.

I click on Edit for each account, then go to Online Services to Deactivate (if set up) or Display Options to Close Account. Whether I click on Deactivate or Close Account, Quicken looks like it's working (spinning blue circle), but the OK and Cancel are greyed out and it just keeps spinning.

I end up having to click the red X, which then brings up "Quicken Windows is not responding" and I have to Close the program, then reopen Quicken. The change I selected (Deactivate or Close Account) is saved, but I have to keep logging in to first Deactivate and then Close Account for each account.

Any idea why this is happening or any suggestions to keep this from continuing?

Best Answer


  • Goes211
    Goes211 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @Sherlock - Thanks! No more locking up.

    Quicken did want me to enter my Quicken ID Password each time I made changes, then said the Online Service was unavailable (2x), but it was easier clicking through those pop ups than shutting down and reopening each time.
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