Investing Dashboard Today's Change percentage calculation looks wrong

Running Windows version R27.28. The percentage shows 0.01%, but is actually 0.65%. It appears to me that the programmer forgot to multiple the result by 100. It also appears that the testers didn't catch it.

Best Answer


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    In the Investing tab -> Portfolio, select the Update button.


    Does the above give you the correct information?
    This is my website:
  • In addition, the calculation for the individual security "Today %" is wrong. It appears to calculate the percentage as 100 * (today/value). However, it should calculate the percentage as 100 * [today / (value-today)]. That is, the divisor should be the starting value (yesterday's value). Compare this with the "Price day change (%)" value on the Portfolio tab. I sure hope QA gets better. Hint: Be sure to handle the special case of no change (that is, value = today).
  • Chris_QPW --
    The portfolio tab is correct. The Dashboard has the correct total value & $ change (rounded to dollars). But the calculation of the % is wrong.

    I'm seeing a third problem:
    It appears that the Dashboard page wants to show whole dollars, vs. the portfolio page. That is fine. However:
    * The today change $ value shows .00 after the dollar amount. If you are going to show just dollars, showing a precision of cents is wrong.
    * The percentages should match the Portfolio page. That is calculate the percentage using the amounts to the cent. You will generate questions if the 2 tabs show different numbers for the same value.

    I will again say that QA dropped the ball on this one. However, I do like the design of the page.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    If you haven't already, I suggest you review the price history of the securities.  Note: The market was closed on July 3rd so there should be no price quote on July 3rd.
  • Come on Sherlock. If you read the thread, it is clear that none of the problems I describe have anything to do with the market being closed on Friday. Do you have the Dashboard tab, and have investments? If so, do you see the correct values for overall percent changed? Do the individual percentages match those on the portfolio tab? Do you show ".00" for the change amount?

    So I stand by the formula I listed. I will grant you that "yesterday's value" description should be the previous market day's price.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    @User500327 there is another bug widely reported where some prices aren't getting updated because of a change in a patch release, and as there is the assumption/checking to make sure that isn't the problem in this case.

    Frankly the Dashboard is very new and far from "well tested" at this point.

    BTW the Dashboard is a "one day" snapshot, so say you look at it on Saturday it will be missing data.  So given this is a weekend, and long one at that, it is possible their "look back" for the prior day isn't correct.

    And one way to test this is with manually entered prices.  So that you can really see if the .01% is a multiply by 100 problem or if it is something else like picking up the same price for two days and really mean 0%.
    This is my website:
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Come on Sherlock. If you read the thread, it is clear that none of the problems I describe have anything to do with the market being closed on Friday. Do you have the Dashboard tab, and have investments? If so, do you see the correct values for overall percent changed? Do the individual percentages match those on the portfolio tab? Do you show ".00" for the change amount?

    So I stand by the formula I listed. I will grant you that "yesterday's value" description should be the previous market day's price.
    I've read the thread and the 0.01% versus the expected 0.65% indicates a problem with the price history of the securities.

    I was not disagreeing with your observation regarding the percent change neglecting to use the prior value.  
  • Chris and Sherlock:

    Well, I will check it out again this evening when the daily prices are updated. But I cannot believe this is a price history issue. The top of the dashboard shows:

    * Total Value on the left
    * Today's Change on the right as both an amount and percentage of Total Value.

    The Total Value and Today's Change amount were both correct. It was only the percentage that was wrong. Also, the individual security Total $ and Today % were correct.

    Did either of you look at your Dashboard yesterday and look at the Total % change at the top?
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    @User500327 I looked at it, but not close enough to determine if mine was wrong (I don't really use this view at this point).  Note that a lot of time we don't have a lot of information on what might or might be happening for a given person's problem, and there is a tendency to lump problems together when they are "close/similar".  In other words it the price history problem being the cause what just a guess.
    This is my website:
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    @User500327 I think you're correct regarding the total TODAY'S CHANGE percentage not actually being a percentage.  I think we were looking at the securities not at the total when we read your post.

    I suggest you report the issue: select Help > Report a problem...
  • Submitted.
  • Rocket J Squirrel
    Rocket J Squirrel Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    The investing dashboard shows total change, individual dollar amount changes, and percentage changes. But the total change percentage always shows me 0.00%.

    Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, now using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro.

  • Rocket J Squirrel
    Rocket J Squirrel Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    I just found this thread. I posted a similar issue of my percentage always showing zero. Maybe I should have tacked it on to this thread.
    [removed self-referencing link]

    Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, now using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro.

  • Quicken Sarah
    Quicken Sarah Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello All,

    We have received an update on the ticket opened with Development and anticipate the following changes to be released to the Investment Dashboard with the upcoming R28 release.

    In R28:

    1. We are changing the "today change %" calculation to match the portfolio view (change / yesterday's value) rather than (change / today's value).
    2. We are correcting the problem where the "Today's Change %" overall is 0.00% when it shouldn't be.
    3. We have added a security selection option
    4. We have changed the behavior when there are no "movers" to reduce confusion
    I hope this information and update is helpful.

    Thank you,

  • erickton
    erickton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hi, I have reported twice thru the the "Report a problem..." option, that there's an error on the calculation of the "Shares" column on the Investment Dashboard, the shares count is wrongly multiplied by 2 and the "Total Value" is calculated wrongly in consequence.
  • Quicken Sarah
    Quicken Sarah Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hi Again Everyone,

    I've received another update with a copy of a test build that includes the fix for the today's change percentage.

    This fix is included with the upcoming R28 release, however, if you would like to test the fix prior to R28 being released, it is available by downloading, extracting and installing the build available here.

    Once installed, please reply here and let us know how it goes and if the fix resolves the incorrect percentages.

    Thank you again,

  • Quicken Sarah
    Quicken Sarah Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello All,

    The R28.10 is now being made available to Users in a staged release format.

    If you would prefer not to wait for the update to be made available for all users, please download and install the Mondo Patch, available here.

    We appreciate your patience while this issue was under investigation and thank you again for reporting this behavior in the community.

  • erickton
    erickton Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Investment Dashboard "Shares" column value is shown multiplied by 2.

    There's an error on the calculation of the "Shares" column on the Investment Dashboard, the shares count is wrongly multiplied by 2 and the "Total Value" is calculated wrongly in consequence. I'm running Windows 28.10

    Portfolio Values is correct. But Dashboard value is shown duplicated in some cases.

    It's just me or anyone else?
  • bgolden
    bgolden Member ✭✭
    Erickton, I am seeing the same 2x for shares. This only seems to be affecting the Total Value and the Top Movers sections of the Dashboard. The Portfolio by Security and the Value over Time sections appear correct.

    In my case I have two accounts (an IRA and an Investment account). The IRA seems to be the only account in which the shares are 2X. Therefore, the TOTAL VALUE is showing as 2X the IRA holdings plus 1X the Investment account holdings.
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