Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Michigan?

Started receiving error messages regarding my BCBS/Michigan account a couple of weeks ago (Can't sign in, account may be closed is the gist of the error message). I've logged in successfully directly to BCBS, but noticed they seem to have changed their billing system. Tried removing and re-adding them as an online biller, but still get the same message. Anyone else having this problem?

Best Answer


  • Quicken_Julio
    Quicken_Julio Quicken Windows Subscription Employee, Windows Beta, Mac Beta, Canada Beta mod
    Hi @Mike Donahue,

    Thanks for taking the time to post to our Community.

    I would like to gather some more information to better assist you:

    What version/release of Quicken are you using? This information can be found by going to Help About Quicken.

    What specific error message are you receiving with your BCBS/Michigan account?

    Is the BCBS/Michigan account still connected as an online biller as of right now?

    If it is, I would suggest validating your online Billers to see if this helps resolve the issue. You can complete this validation by going to the Bills & Income tab > Bills > Settings (gear icon) > Validate Online Billers

    Responding with this additional information will give us better insight with the issue and the next steps to take. Look forward to hearing from you.
  • Mike Donahue
    Mike Donahue Member ✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Thanks for reaching out to me. Here is the information you requested.

    Quicken version (windows):
    Year: 2020
    Version: R27.28

    The error message I'm receiving is:
    "Account may be closed. Log in to your biller's website to check the status of this account".

    I am able to log in using the same credentials to their website, and get to the bill. As I mentioned in the original post, they appear to have made modifications to their billing subsystem within the last month. If I had to guess, it looks like they are using a third party for billing, and I'm getting there through a single sign on bridge.

    I have run the validation as you suggested - no change.

    If you need anything else, let me know . Thanks for your help.


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