Using Chase I get an OL-301-A when attempting to send payments [edited]

nt5 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
OL-301-A comes up after attempting to send payments, but the payments actually still go through on the Chase end, but they appear in Quicken as failed.

The "refresh" that is often cited failed to fix the problem, still coming back with the error on all my accounts

So you try again and again and get lots up duplicate transactions at Chase which the their support team have to reverse. What a mess!
Surprisingly downloading transactions is fine. Sometimes its better not to do the upgrade as it is clearly nor tested.

Best Answer

  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and post your issue, although I apologize you're experiencing difficulties downloading transactions into Quicken.

    There is a known issue with Chase Bill Pay returning the OL-301 error that has been reported here.

    An Alert has been created and can be found here.

    I suggest bookmarking the Alert so that you can be automatically notified of any updates/changes as they're posted.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Natalie



  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @nt5

    Thank you for reaching out on the community and telling us about your issue. We're currently seeing in increase in OL-301-A errors. We're currently also trying to collect more information from our users. If you have a chance please contact Quicken Support Via phone or web chat so we're able to get logs and get the issue escalated. I'll also leave our hours down below so you can find a time that works best for you.


    Quicken Francisco

    Quicken Phone Support Current Hours of Operation:

    Monday through Friday

    5:00 am to 5:00 pm PDT


    Quicken Chat Support Current Hours of Operation:

    Monday through Sunday

    5:00 am to 5:00 pm PDT

  • robertlstein
    robertlstein Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Now this is weird. I tried to send payments using direct connect between Quicken and my bank. It has previously worked great.
    Today, however, I am getting an OL-301A message "your bank rejected the transaction" message.
    But guess what? The payment in fact is showing on the Chase website and is scheduled as it was in Quicken. Quicken shows the "Send" (not SENT) status in its register.

    Chase tech support told me that Quicken will no longer support direct connect, which is news to me (I moved my checking to Chase specifically for replacing QBP that's going away). In any event, Quicken support says talk to Chase, and Chase says talk to Quicken.

    This is unacceptable if it's true that Direct Connect is going away.

    (As a test, I have a Bank of the West checking account with Direct Connect, and payments process normally, so this is a Quicken-Chase issue, but who can we talk with that can fix this?)
  • dvatani
    dvatani Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I am having this issue too. The One Step Update dialog now shows "Chase Error Recovery" and now I am getting a different error code of OL-220-A. I'd also gotten the OL301-A code yesterday. I could not get through to Chase to talk with anyone and am extremely dissappointed to learn that Direct Connect is going away.
  • robertlstein
    robertlstein Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    The good news is that after I posted, I spoke with Quicken Support. They, of course, have no information that Chase is cancelling Direct Connect and I suspect the Chase support person totally confused QBP wi Direct Connect.

    I'm guessing that this in fact is a Chase server side problem.
  • garacine
    garacine Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'm having the same issue. My transaction was entered about 10 times at Chase before I went and looked. Chase help line said it was a Quicken issue. I'm a 25+ year Quicken user and this is a big issue for me!
  • garacine
    garacine Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    My errors are OL-301A and OL 393-A . I'm pretty dependent on this interaction between Chase and Quicken working, so if anyone has a solution I'm all ears!
  • robertlstein
    robertlstein Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I was disappointed at Chase's offshore support. Pretty useless, but they promised to escalate. With Citi, all the support/service reps are US based and can access the people who can actually troubleshoot and fix stuff.
  • TracieK
    TracieK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am having the same issue with not being able to send payments after upgrading to R27.42. I reported the problem through my Quicken software. Any update or fix?
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    There is another posting on this brand new Chase error...
    Be aware, that even though Quicken is posting an error -
    the uploaded payment transaction may have in fact been received by Chase -
    Check your payments via the Chase online website.
    I've asked the threads be merged.
  • robertlstein
    robertlstein Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Yes, @ps56k that was mentioned in my OP. Indeed, this can result in multiple duplicate payments received and processed by Chase, while QFW shows "Send" in the transaction, as if it never got to Chase.
  • Joe7
    Joe7 Member ✭✭
    I am having the same problem w ol-301 after the update. Receive error that states rejected, but when I go to account at Chase it shows payment went through. I have also noticed that since update, one step update is taking forever to complete as it states WAITING for all accounts and then finally starts to proceed.
  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and post your issue, although I apologize you're experiencing difficulties downloading transactions into Quicken.

    There is a known issue with Chase Bill Pay returning the OL-301 error that has been reported here.

    An Alert has been created and can be found here.

    I suggest bookmarking the Alert so that you can be automatically notified of any updates/changes as they're posted.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Natalie

  • nt5
    nt5 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    [removed - disruptive/rant/inaccurate]
  • tvmitch
    tvmitch Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I attempted to pay a bill this weekend via Quicken. I received an error on the transaction and it would not send. Turns out, Quicken actually sent the same transaction 5 times to Chase. On my end, it still says not sent. Chase sent 5 checks yesterday for the same transaction! Thankfully I noticed it today and stopped payment. What a nightmare!
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    I just updated to R27.42 - but had uploaded all my Chase billing prior to the upgrade.
    Wont have any new Chase billing transactions until middle of August.
  • Winter001
    Winter001 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Add me to the list of Quicken user's having this issue with Chase.
  • Zoolook
    Zoolook Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Mac Beta Beta
    So if I scheduled a bill several weeks ago to go out tomorrow, is that in flight somewhere or am I going to get the error tomorrow? I don't see anything on my account suggesting it has actually been scheduled. This would have been the first month I was going to use Quicken Bill Pay.
  • haiken12
    haiken12 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    To add even more confusion to this mess, Chase has twice suggested to me that the "fix" for this OLA-301-A error is to move from Quicken Bill Pay to Quicken Bill Manager. While it seems we may need to do this by August 31, 2020 anyway according to this support link:

    Quicken support maintains the OLA-301-A that comes up after attempting to send payments with Chase has nothing to do with moving from Quicken Bill Pay to Quicken Bill Manager. It's frustrating enough to be unable to make payments, but to be getting conflicting information from Quicken and Chase on what users should be doing only adds insult to injury.
  • dgn8675309
    dgn8675309 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    This is likely to be a serious issue for people.

    1) Quicken says to check with Chase for duplicate, accepted instructions. BUT, if you call Chase, a) they will basically say that they cannot help you with Quicken issues, then b) you if you press onward, you will likely get a lot of irrelevant information and no real help.

    2) In my view, Chase customers MUST log on to the Chase web portal, look at your accounts under Pay & Transfer > Pay bills & QuickPay with Zelle > Payment activity. You will then see everything that is scheduled through "direct connect" from within Quicken.

    3) I found that I had over $25,000.00 in duplicate scheduled payments. Every prior attempt to transfer after receiving the OL-301-A error seems to actually have been accepted.

    4) You can cancel the duplicate payments, by clicking "Cancel" to the far right of the table row that corresponds to the "Pending" payment.

    5) Quicken now needs to advise users on how to delete the payment instructions from the Quicken interface. You cannot do this from the Tools > Online Center window, and the method and *consequences* of doing it from the ledger view of an account is not clear at all.

    Note to Quicken: PLEASE update the main alert with more detailed and STRONGER language. Once these duplicate orders hit for people who have not discovered and remedied the problem, the fees associated will be *multiples* of the annual Quicken subscription rate and the hours required unwind the transactions will also be costly.

    This is PANTS-ON-FIRE issue that is not getting the attention to detail that it deserves. I'd like some compensation myself for doing your technical support for you. Thx & best of luck to all.
  • BobC
    BobC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hello all:

    Thanks for all the posts on this subject.  I too, have the problem, which I first noted today, 7/29/2020, at about 11:00 AM, PDT.  I have also looked at the Alert referenced earlier in this thread, (Alert ID: 7831339), and it seems to cover the issue, although the Alert Update posted by Quicken Sarah, has some incorrect information, (apparently from Chase), in it.  Thank you to Quicken for the Alert and associated information. 

    The Alert indicates that "Chase Bill Payment service will be temporarily disabled while this error is being reviewed".  As of this morning, 7/29/2020, the Chase Bill Payment service, accessed directly by logging into my Chase account with Firefox, is very much alive and well, and readily accepted a new payment, by my keyboard entry on the Chase web site, that I had attempted to send via Quicken to Chase Bill Pay a few minutes earlier, with the subject failure.  I repeated the same experiment with a second payment, to a different payee.  I saw the continued OL-301-A error via Quicken to Chase Bill Pay; I had no problem via manual entry into Chase Bill Pay via direct login to Chase with Firefox, as of about 12:30 PM PDT, today, 7/29/2020.  So it seems there is a work around, that is awkward but functional for me.

    Thus, I conclude that Chase should have told Quicken that the connection from Quicken Direct connect to Chase Bill Pay functionality has been disabled, not that the Chase Bill Pay functionality has been disabled.  All as modified, or adjusted according to a more thorough review and treatment of @dgn8675309's warning, earlier in this thread.

    Thanks to @dgn8675309, for the warning relative to unexpected and multiple payments.  I followed the suggestions, and examined my information on the Chase web site, and unlike @dgn8675309’s experience, I did not find any duplicate or unwanted payments.  I have only one experimental $1.00 payment I made via Zelle a long time ago (year?), and no new or recent entries.  I don’t know why I do not see the same experience @dgn8675309 and others have reported, suffice it to say that it is not universal, and may have something to do with how we have used or are using Chase Bill Pay vs Zelle.

    FWIW, while the above Quicken Update problems occurred, Quicken Direct Connect simultaneously, (with the first of several OSU and Account Update attempts today), properly downloaded two new completed transactions matching prior Chase payments, entered into Chase Bill Pay via Quicken Direct Connect, (with a prior version of Quicken, (Build, a week or two ago, before July 27, 2020).  So it is conceivable that some of this issue could also be related to the most recent Quicken update, although that doesn't feel right to me.

    More FWIW information:
    I am currently running Quicken 2020 Home Business & RP, Version R27.42, Build, and have been since Quicken installed this update on or about July 27, 2020 at about 6:48 AM.  Previously was using Build since July 11, 2020, and before that and after, which was installed on May 6, 2020.  (While we might question the adequacy of these updates, it is very clear that Quicken software folks have been working hard to address issues that have arisen.  Thanks to all those who have been doing the work).  My recent experience in 2019 and 2020 has been on an LG gram 17 Model 17Z90N-R.AAC8U1 computer, using a 10th generation i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30 GHz - 1.5 GHz processor, with 16.0 GB memory, a Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB SSD, a Seagate 5TB Backup Plus USB HDD, connecting through a wired 1 GB Ethernet, then through Comcast to the Internet, and running Windows Pro 10, version 1909, Build 18363.900.

    Like the rest of us, I am awaiting the necessary coordination between Chase and Quicken, and changes as needed, to resolve this relatively new issue.  I have migrated from Quicken Bill Pay to Chase Bill Pay, after assurances from Quicken that Chase Bill Pay, via Direct Connect, would be available and functional through Quicken in the future.  I hope that is still the case.



    Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Subscription, Build,
    Windows 11 Pro Version 22H2 OS build 22621.2283 Exp 1000.22662.1000.0

  • jc828
    jc828 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have had this same exact problem, which began almost a week ago (I believe on Friday 7/24). Like many of you, I'm sure, I spent hours on the phone with Quicken and hours on the phone with Chase. Each of them points to the other as the source of the problem, which is incredibly frustrating.

    Equally frustrating is that I (like many of you) have been using Quicken for almost 30 years and I have to educate the Chase people about it. They told me that their latest information is that Quicken Bill Pay is moving to Quicken Bill Manager. I had to explain how that has nothing to do with this problem.

    I'm able to download transactions just fine. But when I initiate a bill payment from Quicken, it appears in Quicken as if the bill payment was unsuccessful. But, in fact, the instructions were received by Chase. Each time I tried to re-send the bill payment, Chase continued to receive the instructions and I then had to cancel about 10 duplicate transactions.

    As of my phone call tonight to Chase, they said they have put in a ticket for me and it will be researched and someone will call me back within a few days. It's still not clear to me whether this is a problem that Chase needs to fix, or that Quicken needs to fix. Does anyone know the answer to that question? The main reason I chose Chase was because of the Direct Connect bill payment functionality (so I can pay bills and initiate transfers directly from Quicken), which the vast majority of banks just don't have. Do we think Chase will no longer offer that service through Quicken?

    Good luck to everyone!
  • TracieK
    TracieK Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I called Chase today and they told me same thing that it's a Quicken issue and I have to migrate to Quicken Bill Pay but from the thread it sounds like that is not accurate info. Thanks to the person who said to check your Chase online for pending bill payments as I have many duplicate payments teed up that I need to cancel as I retried sending via quicken multiple times when I kept getting the OL 301 error. I have ALOT of duplicate payments to cancel on the Chase site - it will take me hours - has anyone had luck in getting customer service to do a mass cancel??? what a nightmare!
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    Just re-posting this important info - for others....
    I'm able to download Chase transactions just fine. But when I initiate a bill payment from Quicken directly to CHASE, it appears in Quicken as if the bill payment was unsuccessful.
    But, in fact, the instructions were received by Chase.
    Each time I tried to re-send the bill payment, Chase actually received the instructions and I then had to go into the CHASE website and online bill payment screens, and cancel about 10 duplicate transactions.

  • Winter001
    Winter001 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am able to download Chase transactions just fine. Absolutely no issues with that.


    1) When I initiate a bill payment from Quicken directly to CHASE, it appears in Quicken as if the bill payment was unsuccessful, but....the instructions were received by Chase and the payment initiated.

    2) When I initiate an Chase account to Chase account transfer, from Quicken directly to CHASE, it appears in Quicken as if the transfer was unsuccessful, but... the instructions were received by Chase and the transfer was made.
  • jcoley2
    jcoley2 Member ✭✭✭✭
    Over past three days I am having exact same issue, even when trying to send payments to Chase Credit Cards.  Please fix asap.
  • robertlstein
    robertlstein Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    [removed - inaccurate]
    By the way, Direct Connect works fine on an alternate bank I have a checking account with.

    [removed - inaccurate]
  • Jason Gittman
    Jason Gittman Member ✭✭✭
    There is an alert posted on 7/28/20 posted on this site indicating that using Chase Bill Pay through Quicken returns an OL error. The alert says to call the bank if the problem persists for more the 48 hrs. Well I called Chase tech support and the rep wasn't even familiar with the issue, saying it was probably a software issue. Will this ever be resolved because using bill pay through Quicken is the main reason I have a paid subscription?
  • robertlstein
    robertlstein Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2020
    [removed - inaccurate]
  • bachastain
    bachastain Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Also getting OL-301-A on submitting a payment to Chase. Downloading works, uploading a payment doesn't. I am attempting to upload a payment for a Chase credit card using a Chase checking account. I tried pushing the payment date into August but it didn't help.
  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also getting OL-301-A on submitting a payment to Chase. Downloading works, uploading a payment doesn't. I am attempting to upload a payment for a Chase credit card using a Chase checking account. I tried pushing the payment date into August but it didn't help.
    As stated in the posted Alert and many times in this thread, it is pretty likely that each of your upload requests are probably actually now scheduled in your Chase online account.  The issue is Chase's and they are working on a fix so that what is scheduled there is also then reflected in Quicken. 
    If I were you, I would log into my online account and review all the scheduled payments shown there.  My guess is you will find duplicate scheduled payments because of this issue.  Cancel any duplicate scheduled payments there so you don't run into account balance issues at Chase.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

This discussion has been closed.