Apple Stock Split



  • jbajor
    jbajor Member ✭✭
    and I used yesterdays date (8/30)
  • jbajor
    jbajor Member ✭✭
    transact on Mac version shown
  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    " But then how do we explain that some of the recent values, as shown in the screenshots I posted above, do seem reflect split-adjusted pricing? Is it just Quicken's quote provider is messed up?"
    YES.  From what I've seen in here it does seem like the screw-up in pricing was different between Windows and Mac, and I have no idea why that would be the case.  The late Friday download of Apple prices in the Windows world had the correct (pre-split) price for Friday but had post-split prices for Monday -Thursday.  Then today's download (after the market opened) had the correct post-split price for today, but had changed Friday's price - which had the correct Friday pre-split closing price - to a post-split price.  Splits have just always been a problem for quotes in Quicken.
    "And does this sort of thing get corrected, or do we have to sift through the mess that's been created and re-enter prices for years of history."
    That I don't know.  I've always corrected prices in near real time (Windows) and the problem does seem to limit itself to a few days around the split.  I think you need to address a moderator because, clearly, the problem was much more extensive in Mac and you can't really ask your customers to clean up Quicken's mess.

  • Henryth
    Henryth Member ✭✭
    Stock split function in QMac is not working! At least not for Apple. Got the latest software Version 5.17.5 (Build 517.34953.100).
    Also tried to manually add shares in the account, and that also was not working. Can anyone help? Quicken?
  • jbajor
    jbajor Member ✭✭
    Henryth, thanks for confirming that it is not just me! Cheers!
  • Henryth
    Henryth Member ✭✭
    Update! Restored from an August 27 automatic back-up copy and applied the stock split to that copy and that worked! Don't know why? Maybe something got messed up somewhere.
    Thus my suggestion is to go back in time and restore from back-up and try again. Good Luck.
  • jbajor
    jbajor Member ✭✭
    on it! What date did you use for the split?
  • jbajor
    jbajor Member ✭✭
    Henryth, you are the man! Worked like a charm!
  • cdp650
    cdp650 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I think Quicken needs to find a new quotes provider. We have:
    * This problem with stock splits where they report historical quotes using post-split accounting instead of pre-split.
    * They are currently unable to present current mutual fund prices. They are all delayed until the next day, and they can't figure out why a week after it started.
    * They only have a database of the most simplistic quote symbols.
  • gpalermo
    gpalermo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Okay this whole stock split is screwed up in quicken,

    My investment account as of this morning is showing the 4X the share in the account but there is no specific transaction for this split to be downloaded into quicken. I did the stock split transaction in the investment registry and it correctly set the new cost basis based on the 4 to 1 split, however, the number of shares owned is wrong it is still showing the pre-split number.

    Like others if you looks at the portfolio value over time it is based on the current split price corrected for tim, however the value is based on the pre-split number of shares not the new number of shares. If I look at the historical price like others, it show 8/24 forward as the post split price and everything prior to 8/24 is the pre-split prices but the portfolio gap is correct so it is ignoring what is in the down load table for pricing.

    Does anyone know how to get Quicken to register the new number of share since the split transaction is not working. I do not want to move out and back in to fix this problem.
  • gpalermo
    gpalermo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2020
    > @Henryth said:
    > Update! Restored from an August 27 automatic back-up copy and applied the stock split to that copy and that worked! Don't know why? Maybe something got messed up somewhere.
    > Thus my suggestion is to go back in time and restore from back-up and try again. Good Luck.

    There was maintenance they did on the 26th and 27th and they said not to try and connect to their servers during this time otherwise it could cause problems. They were not specific, since I was online on the 26th and at midnight I got the message saying I could not connect and got the warning about not trying to connect. So this could have causes this problem with their maintenance.

    My back up from the 27th also works, the next back I had was from the 16th and i would have lost manually entered data if I had to go back that far, lucky for quicken that did not happen.

    Also you need to show the split occurring on the 30th not the 31st so the daily gains and loss are correct for today as well.
  • David24
    David24 Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2020
    The Day Gain/Loss total for the account holding AAPL share is -$293,067.44.

    The actual Day Gain/Loss, adding up the values for each security is +$1,606.52. I followed the instructions posted by the moderator, and the Gain/Loss is still incorrectly reported for the account - even though it is correct for each security and the balance appears to be correct. This is month end - so I will reconcile and transfer the values to a good ol' spreadsheet that has many fewer bugs.

    This product is riddled with known bugs that plague us each time a public company splits its stock.

    Can you please please please test the software BEFORE releasing it?
  • AZCoder1959
    AZCoder1959 Member ✭✭✭
    Interestingly, the split worked perfectly fine in one Quicken file (using a split transaction), but not another (with a different financial entity). I tried even Adding the additional shares but that only succeeded in changing the transaction date of the original investment in the portfolio view; the number of shares didn't change. Weird.

    Also, the recommendation from Quicken did nothing.
  • Perry Smith
    Perry Smith Member ✭✭✭
    I thought I would try and help others with what I did.

    First, this applies to both Apple and Tesla since they both did splits. Apple did a 4 for 1 split and Tesla did a 5 for 1 split.

    The first thing I did was rebuild the price history. From the portfolio view, click on the stock name, click Edit Security, click on the Options pull down and hit Rebuild History. I unchecked both check boxes since I have not entered anything by hand into this stock but you might want to do something different -- but I doubt it.

    That fixes a few problems but not all. When I pulled down the updates from my brokerage firms, they did NOT send over a stock split transaction but instead I got an "Add Shares" transaction. The problem is this confuses the "Gain/Loss 1-Month" columns which you might consider a bug but that's not the topic here.

    My Fidelity account with Tesla, the "Add Shares" was done correctly but it still confused some of the subtle parts of the portfolio view such as the past month. My E*Trade account with Apple did an Add Shares with "Placeholder" for the amount and a Remove Shares.

    In all three cases, I just deleted those transactions and added a single transaction for a Split (as diagrammed in a post above) entering 4 in the left box for Apple and a 5 for Tesla. I dated the transaction 8/30 (Sunday). If you date it 8/31, Quicken is still confused in some of the columns and stats.

    The other additional thing I had to do was add in a "Remove Shares" which I also dated 8/30 because Apple gives out dividends and so I had fractional shares. I guess the fractional shares are not split? I don't know. But I had to add in a tiny (less than 1 share) adjustment to make Quicken's share quantity match what the brokerage firm said I had.

    Now, my "Gain/Loss 1-Month" is correct in the portfolio view for the two stocks, I can click on the calendar in the top right and adjust it to yesterday and it shows the correct gain / loss for yesterday (8/31). It all seems to be adjusted correctly.

    Hopefully this helps some folks.

    Also... not all of this and the problems yesterday are Quicken's fault. I got an email from IEX Cloud (a place that provides stock history) as well as various alerts and messages at Fidelity and E*Trade that things were confused. The IEX message said that the upstream provider was at fault. Probably lots of finger pointing going on. Hopefully everything is stable today going forward.
  • Clare
    Clare Member ✭✭
    Thank you Perry. Your instructions worked perfectly for me to resolve the stock split issue!
  • juanca11
    juanca11 Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭
    Hi, Quicken is not showing the recent 4-1 split that Apple had. I entered it manually and even then the number of shares is not correct. The share price is correct but not the total shares. I do not match my institution. Is this a bug?
    Kindly advise, thanks.
  • ssohani
    ssohani Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    How are splits handled by Quicken for Fidelity brokerage account for options? I have downloaded transactions but I don't see transaction to add new options
  • simont
    simont Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    UPDATE: Since adding another stock split transaction, it is now finally working. Thank you Team Quicken
  • paladin52
    paladin52 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I did what @jacobs suggested (on August 31) to manually add a transaction for a stock split and that worked. I used the date that @Sarah (Quicken) of 8/28 for the transaction but that showed a huge spike in my Portfolio until I changed the transaction date to 8/31. All is good now. I first rebuilt the price history as @Perry Smith suggested (that alone didn't fix my Portfolio but without that I don't know if the manual addition of the stock split would have been as successful).
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