Accounts Show N/A

JBStewart Quicken Windows Subscription Member
Several of my accounts now show in the Account List as N/A. I searched for this issue and it seems many have experienced the same. I also see that restoring a backup from prior to the issue is apparently the only fix. I have backups, but typically overwrite my most recent, so I don't have a backup that will solve this problem. Are there any other solutions? This seems like it would be a database corruption error. When I try to correct the account name from N/A to what it should be, I get the error that the account name is already in use. Any suggestions?

Best Answers

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello @JBStewart,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    We would normally recommend restoring a backup file, yes. However, if you do not have a backup available to try and restore then, the first thing that I suggest you try is to validate your data file by following the steps below--
    1. First Save a backup of your data file (just in case) 
    2. Go to File
    3. File Operations
    4. Validate and Repair
    5. Validate File
    6. Ok
    7. Close the data log that will pop-up after the validation has completed
    8. Close Quicken
    9. Wait at least 5 seconds
    10. Reopen Quicken
    11. Try again to see if the issue reoccurs/remains the same or gets corrected
    You can also try super validating which are the same steps as above except that you will hold Ctrl and Shift on your keyboard when clicking on Validate and Repair in order to get the option for Super Validate.

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Thank you for the update.

    Before resorting to a new file, I first recommend that you create a copy of your data file by following the instructions provided below in an attempt to rebuild all of the internal lists and database tables.
    1. Go to File
    2. File Operations
    3. Copy...
    4. Leave the presets as is and click OK
    5. Wait for the copy procedure to complete
    6. Select New copy and click OK  

    Note: When choosing Copy..., you will have the option to choose a date range. Since you mentioned your data dates back to 1996, you can see if shrinking the data file by shortening the date range for the copied file will help, if you're comfortable doing so. Your original data file will not be affected by doing this.

    Once the newly copied file opens, see if the issue persists or resolves. If it does persist, please, try validating and super validating again.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.


  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello @JBStewart,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    We would normally recommend restoring a backup file, yes. However, if you do not have a backup available to try and restore then, the first thing that I suggest you try is to validate your data file by following the steps below--
    1. First Save a backup of your data file (just in case) 
    2. Go to File
    3. File Operations
    4. Validate and Repair
    5. Validate File
    6. Ok
    7. Close the data log that will pop-up after the validation has completed
    8. Close Quicken
    9. Wait at least 5 seconds
    10. Reopen Quicken
    11. Try again to see if the issue reoccurs/remains the same or gets corrected
    You can also try super validating which are the same steps as above except that you will hold Ctrl and Shift on your keyboard when clicking on Validate and Repair in order to get the option for Super Validate.

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • JBStewart
    JBStewart Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I tried the Validate and Repair as well as the Super Validate as instructed. Neither of those solved the issue. I performed a system restart and did the same procedures again, still to no resolution. Is my only option at this point to start a new Quicken File and begin anew with all of my accounts? My current Quicken File has accounts and transactions that date back to 1996.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Thank you for the update.

    Before resorting to a new file, I first recommend that you create a copy of your data file by following the instructions provided below in an attempt to rebuild all of the internal lists and database tables.
    1. Go to File
    2. File Operations
    3. Copy...
    4. Leave the presets as is and click OK
    5. Wait for the copy procedure to complete
    6. Select New copy and click OK  

    Note: When choosing Copy..., you will have the option to choose a date range. Since you mentioned your data dates back to 1996, you can see if shrinking the data file by shortening the date range for the copied file will help, if you're comfortable doing so. Your original data file will not be affected by doing this.

    Once the newly copied file opens, see if the issue persists or resolves. If it does persist, please, try validating and super validating again.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • JBStewart
    JBStewart Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Tried this procedure. First time with default options including dates, which had the transaction range back to 1996. Received the message "File NOT Copied." Repeated procedure changing date range to 1/1/2010 to current. Received the same message. Since the copy failed both times, I obviously never reached the point of opening the file as directed in Step 6 above.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Thank you for trying that, though I apologize that that did not resolve it for you.

    Usually, accounts being titled N/A would indicate a corrupted data file (same with the file being unable to be copied). I know you mentioned that you usually overwrite previous backups, but if you haven't already, I would suggest trying to restore a backup anyway. If the account names do still show N/A, see if it will allow you to change the account name in the restored file.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • JBStewart
    JBStewart Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Thanks for your assistance and suggestions. I've decided to open a new Quicken File as a resolution for this issue and retain the previous (apparently corrupted) file for reference. Hopefully this will provide a long-term and lasting solution. I'm also going to modify my backup process to no longer overwrite my most recent backup and retain three to five backups in the event this occurs again.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok, so the horse may have run out of the barn, so to speak ... but ...
    there's a chance that Quicken has a relatively recent Automatic Backup copy of your data file. Have you looked for one of those yet?

    How to properly set up Quicken Backup
    How to make Quicken create a backup for you automatically every time you close Quicken
    What Quicken backups are available where?

    For the sake of this discussion it is assumed that your Quicken data file is located in the Default (and recommended) place: C:\Users\username\Documents\Quicken

    Review the backup settings available in Quicken (under Edit / Preferences / Backup).

    In there you will find two types of backup: Automatic and Manual Backup.

    Automatic Backup should be enabled and always goes to a \Backup folder that's part of the folder which contains your current Quicken data file, e.g. \Documents\Quicken\Backup. Set it to create a backup after running Quicken [1] times and to keep [9] (or more, your choice) backup copies.
    The file name for Automatic Backup files contains a date and time stamp as part of the file name, e.g. QDATA-2020-03-22.PM03.45.QDF-backup

    To create a Manual Backup copy of your Quicken data file on an external device (USB-hard drive or USB memory stick recommended), put a checkmark at "Manual Backup Reminder" to enable the function and set "Remind me after running Quicken [xx] times" to [1].

    Click OK to save the changes.

    From now on, when you close Quicken using the red X button, you will get a popup window.

    When you get this window for the first time, on some versions click the radio button for "Backup on my computer".
    Change the Backup File name's drive letter and path to point to your external device so that it looks something like this: E:\Quicken Backup\QDATA-2019-04-01.QDF-backup
    or use the Change button and work your way through the dialog.

    Do not change the filename portion! Just overtype the drive letter and choose a backup folder name. If the folder does not exist, it will be created.

    Also choose the option to "Add date to backup file name".

    Every day when you run Backup or close Quicken, an additional backup file is created. Without the Add Date option you only have 1 backup copy which is overwritten every day ... and that may prove bad in a problem recovery situation.

    Allow this backup to run to save the changes made on the screen.

    Of course, once in a while you will have to go in and delete some of the oldest backup files, at your discretion, to avoid filling up your USB device.

    One can never have enough backups of a Quicken data file. BTDTGTS!

  • teamlaksa
    teamlaksa Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    We recently have the same problem with N/A suddenly appearing in the payee and memo of random downloaded transactions. We went back two months to an old backup until we found a backup that does not have any N/As already in it. But as soon as we download transactions, about ⅔ of the new transactions downloaded have N/A as the payee and file name. We've tried other tips of turning off all automatic renaming in the Downloaded Transactions and the same problem occurs.
  • BigIguana
    BigIguana Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    edited January 2021
    So my account expired in September of 2020, but I didn't worry about it, since I don't use any of the inline services; I just enter invoices, payments, and expenses. 2-3 weeks ago, I go into the program, and about half of the account names are N/A. All of the info is there, just missing the name. Today, I only have two that have N/A. I have only been using the program for one year, so no large files. New last summer SSD in the computer, so I doubt issues with that.

    I broke down and bought a new version, thinking maybe N/A was part of not being current, and their way of forcing me to get the new version. Also, I wanted to "RENEW" ads to go away, so I could see the full display again. Anyway, updated, and no difference, still two accounts called N/A.

    Also, like some others, I have been asked to log in every time, for the past couple of weeks. I can close the dialog box, and it goes to the program, and I thought maybe that was part of the problem. I have been signing in or the past few uses, and no change.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm very much afraid that your only recourse is to restore your Quicken data file from a recent Manual or Automatic Backup. Going back in time, try to find a backup file that has not been damaged (does not show N/A). Restore it to a different file name and reenter all data from the restore point in time forward to today.

    Review the Backup settings, as described in a prior post above, to ensure you create a backup of your data file every time you close Quicken at the end of the day.

  • rrbaker15
    rrbaker15 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have same issue with N/A showing up literally everywhere after updating to R38.30 - tried steps above with validate, Quicken keeps on crashing on me. Tried to restore from backup or create a copy, it kept on crashing on me. I gave up and tried to rename one of N/A, it said the name already exists so data is there, why is it showing as N/A after a simple update?
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