HSA with Brokerage cannot be correctly reported ?

crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
Our HSA has a Brokerage account attached to it.
There is a transfer from the paycheck to the HSA. There are transfers from the HSA to the brokerage account.
No amount of fiddling with include/exclude accounts and include/exclude transfers provides an accurate category transaction report.
If the HSA account is excluded, the brokerage transactions are missing, if it is included the contributions are missing.

Is there any way to fix this ?


  • dougwowens
    dougwowens Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I agree with your frustration. My HSA is HealthEquity. They lump all transactions (contributions & investments) into the contribution account. I have to manually fix the contribution account, enter a transfer to the investment account and enter all the investment transactions by hand.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @crashmeister3

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, although I apologize that you have not received a response.

    By category transaction report, do you mean you are navigating to Reports > (Quicken Reports) > Transaction Report > Transactions by Category? If not please provide the steps so to access the report that you are using so that I may better follow along with the issue.

    Are these transfers part of one split transaction or are they individual transactions?

    If these are transfers--you would want all of the accounts that include these transfers included in the report as well as transfers enabled.

    Is one specific transfer missing or is there a discrepancy in the report? It may be helpful to capture a screenshot of the issue to detail the issue.

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Ours is Optum. I can download the TX manually (QFX file) for HSA, but not for the brokerage. I have to do that manually.

    > @dougwowens said:
    > I agree with your frustration. My HSA is HealthEquity. They lump all transactions (contributions & investments) into the contribution account. I have to manually fix the contribution account, enter a transfer to the investment account and enter all the investment transactions by hand.
  • crashmeister3
    crashmeister3 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Correct, Tx by Category.
    There are three accounts involved: Checking, HSA Savings, and HSA Brokerage.

    Funding for the HSA is via a paycheck. In the paycheck split, the HSA amount is transferred from Checking (where the paycheck tx is) to the HSA Savings.

    Funds are transferred from the HSA Savings to HSA Brokerage as required.

    If necessary, funds are transferred from the HSA Brokerage to HSA Savings.

    The issue:
    1. The report is meaningless if 'Include all transfers' is selected as things like credit card payments get included.
    2. Transfers to accounts outside of report is the closest option.
    3. This means that ONE of the HSA accounts cannot be selected or the transfers disappear. However, when only one is selected then one set of transfers is lost.

    NB: Financial (Buy/Sell etc) tx are not an issue as they are excluded from the report.

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