Prompted transaction date (Q Mac)

Quicken Mac Subscription Member
We just switched from Mac Quicken 2007 to 2020. In 2007, when a second transaction was entered, Quicken would prompt the date of the previously entered transaction. In 2020 the prompted date of a subsequent transaction seems to be all over the place. Does anyone know if there is a preference that can be set so Quicken will prompt a previously entered transaction date?
There isn't a preference, but I wouldn't say that it is "all over the place."
New transactions in a Quicken session default to the current date. If you alter it, future transactions in that account will pre-populate the date of the last date of transaction entered.
Other accounts behave the same: Default to new date first, then altered date after that.1 -
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately our application is not consistent in doing that. In many of the bank accounts it will prompt the altered date most of the time, but not all the time. The brokerage accounts are the ones that are the worst. Usually it takes 4 or 5 entries before it changes the prompted date to the last one entered. Then it will stay with that date no matter how many other transactions are entered and how often the date is changed. What you are describing is how it worked in Quicken 2007, but our version of 2020 is not at all consistent in functioning that way.0
@drkrlow What John describes above is all I have ever experienced: the default dates for new transactions are consistent and logical when entering multiple transactions.
But I have seen a few other users report what you describe, and I've never seen any resolution as to what could cause the date of a new transaction to be over than described above. There has to be something in your data or your Mac's configuration that it tripping up the program from behaving as expected. I don't really know what to hunt for as an answer to that question.
For starters, is your Mac's Preferences > Language & Region set to United States? And do your formats show they are set to the default values shown here:
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Thanks. I checked Region and formats and they all match up. We are running our real file on an iMac running Big Sur, but also have it loaded on a MacBook Pro running Mojave 10.14.6. so that we can experiment a little and learn the new software. It's doing the exact same thing on the MacBook.0
Ideas to test to try to get a clue about what's going on…
Does it matter if the register is sorted in ascending or descending date order? (I have all my registers with the most recent on top, but some people like emulating the old Quicken 2007 with new transactions at the bottom.)
If you create a new (dummy) account, and create a few dummy transactions, then does this new register behave as you describe, or as John describes?
If you create a new (dummy) file, and create a few dummy transactions, then does this new register behave as you describe, or as John describes?
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
We have tried both ascending and descending orders and we have tried both typing the date in and using the pop up calendar. We have created a dummy Quicken file and accounts, and they all act the same. We did separate downloads on the MacBook and iMac, so the application was not copied from one computer to the other.0
Well, this is pretty puzzling, as it seems your testing has ruled out several possible variables.
One of the unfortunate things (in my opinion) about Quicken's support infrastructure is that they will not accept a "bug" report unless it can be shown (a) how to reproduce it, and (b) that it isn't working as it was designed to work. I think (b) is satisfied here, but they put the burden of (a) on the user. The Quicken employees who are moderators of this site have the ability to enter bug reports in their internal system -- but only if they can describe a way to reliably reproduce the bug. You can report this via the Report a Problem feature on the Quicken Help menu, but if the person who receives the bug report does a test and doesn't reproduce the bug, they toss it. I find this incredibly frustrating. I know from years of software development that finding sporadic issues are often the toughest bugs to solve, and often benefits from tools that can peer inside the program as it's running to look at the intermediate state of variables in order to determine what is happening. But to my knowledge, an issue like this one can never get in front of one of the developers unless users solve the riddle of what causes the problem to show up.
Since I'm not seeing the same results as you, and other Quicken Mac users are seeing what I am and not what you are, all I can do is continue asking questions and suggesting things to test. If you grow weary of this, I understand.
There has to be something in your environment -- hardware, operating system, or data -- that is causing this. the fact that you've tried two different Macs on two different operating systems makes me thing it's not the hardware or the OS (although it could be some OS setting on both machines, this the question about Language & Region settings).
• Have you done your tests in different types of Quicken accounts. That is, are you testing in an investing account or a banking account? (There were some reports awhile back about some next-transaction-date issues in an investing account.)
• Are the tests you've done with manually-entered transactions or downloaded transactions? (If you're downloading a set of transactions to start with, I'm wondering if there's something funky in the dates coming in from the financial institution. Seems like a long shot, but when hunting bugs like this, I try not to make assumptions because the culprit always ends up being something you wouldn't have expected!)Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
The dates work correctly on the checking accounts but not on the investment accounts. I enter all transactions manually. I deleted the application and then downloaded it again. I then set up a new file with three investment accounts and used different brokerage names and entered a few transactions. On two accounts, the date would default back to today's date and not the date of the last transaction. On the other, it defaulted to the date I entered the first transaction for that account. Do the developers ever do a screen share to see the problem if it doesn't duplicate on their computers?
I have been using Quicken since 1993 so I have been used to the correct prompting. A new user might not realize that it should prompt the last used date and they think prompting to today's date is normal and so they do not consider it a bug to report.0 -
@drkrlow, I believe you. (I kind of kept quiet on this thread after my initial post.)
When Quicken for Mac was rewritten, I did manually enter years of older investment transx, and it behaved as you explain: Cash & Credit accounts acted like 2007, but investments accounts kept defaulting to current date.
What is confusing is that I cannot reproduce it now, either in my main file (which dates back to version 1.5 started on a Mac Plus), or in newer files. (Running Big Sur.) So, I suspected the issue was resolved. (We reported it in testing back then.) I haven't heard anything about it recently, outside of this.
I realize this isn't an answer, but do know others have seen it in the past. I thought it had been resolved.
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For what it is worth I don't believe that you are entirely correct about the Quicken Inc bug tracking and such. I haven't been in the beta in years, but when I was at times we got a look at the current bugs. And I can tell you "showing it is reproducible" wasn't the criteria for getting on that list (which was huge BTW). But I can see how it would seem like that.
Here is how I see it. The developers are maxed out. Unless a problem hits a lot of people they don't have the time to dig into problems in the way you might want. So it comes down to this. Do you have a developer spend the day working on trying to reproduce a problem and getting nowhere, or do you give them one that they can reproduce and hopefully fix?
So even though it isn't a "requirement" for the user to provide a reproducible flow, it will greatly increase the chance that it will ever get fixed.Signature:
This is my website: -
@Chris_QPW First, we're not talking about beta testing here; we're talking about a release ("production") version of Quicken. And I believe my description is accurate. Quicken moderators here have said they cannot enter a bug in the bug tracking system unless they can reproduce it.
Beta testers can indeed report what they believe to be bugs, without being able to document it to the nth degree. But the beta bug reporting is supposed to be constrained to bugs specific to the beta software being tested, not to general or longstanding issues with the software. Also, I'd note that bugs reported when you were beta testing still required review by someone at Quicken, who then entered them into their bug tracking system; you got to see what other testers reported, and any response from Quicken beta administrators, but you did not see their internal bug tracking system. (Unless things were different many years ago.)
I absolutely agree that you can't pass every user cry of "bug" on to the developers to investigate; most such reports are not bona fide bugs, and there aren't enough developers to investigate them all. But -- and this is my complaint -- there are cases where users report a problem, other users verify they're seeing similar behavior, other users can't reproduce it, but the Quicken moderators here have their hands tied and can't generate an official bug report if they can't reproduce it. And I maintain that yes, it is a requirement that users (or Quicken moderators) need to be able to describe how to reproduce a bug for it to be put in the official bug-tracking system for developers to look at.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Well That wasn't my impression, but I certainly could be wrong about it. I really haven't seen any "official" posting on the policy.Signature:
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