Getting rid of an * placeholder entry

Andy R
Andy R Quicken Windows Subscription Member
I have an investment with an * placeholder entry. Quicken has an estimated cost, but puts an * in the return calc for that investment and in turn the whole account. How can I tell Quicken the estimate is good enough and use it and then get rid of the *?


Best Answer

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2021 Answer ✓
    To answer your direct question: 

    If you are satisfied with an estimate of the cost, you can enter an Added transaction for the correct number of shares and your estimated cost and acquisition date just before the Placeholder date. This should reduce the Placeholder to zero shares at which point you can delete it and the * should go away. 

    Quicken's cost basis and performance calculations may be inaccurate if you do this.
    QWin Premier subscription


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2021
    If you have not already, please go to Edit > Preferences > Investment transactions and make sure Show hidden transactions is checked. 

    Then review:

    If you need to enter a transaction like Bought or Sold that affects the cash balance  prior to the date of a Placeholder for that security, you will need to delete the Placeholder first.
    Please post back if you have further questions
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Based on the exact question, I think the answer is "you can't".  The only way to get rid of the * is if you get rid of all the placeholders.
    This is my website:
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2021 Answer ✓
    To answer your direct question: 

    If you are satisfied with an estimate of the cost, you can enter an Added transaction for the correct number of shares and your estimated cost and acquisition date just before the Placeholder date. This should reduce the Placeholder to zero shares at which point you can delete it and the * should go away. 

    Quicken's cost basis and performance calculations may be inaccurate if you do this.
    QWin Premier subscription