Transferring stocks from individual accounts to a brokerage

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If this is a duplicate; I apologize.. I entered this question today 9 hours ago and do not see it in the community...perhaps I failed to click Submit.
Q Deluxe; Windows
I have about 10 individual stocks that I set up in Q and those stocks Update their share price on every Quicken OSU. I am moving these Stocks to a Vanguard Brokerage acct. I will add the Vanguard Brokerage acct to Q to download their values. So the stocks in question would be updating values individually and in the Vanguard Brokerage acct...and therefore my Net Worth would be inaccurate.
How do I keep the Individual Stock Registers so that I can keep the stocks History....but stop them from updating their share value, and, stop them from being Included in My Net Worth totals in Quicken?
Q Deluxe; Windows
I have about 10 individual stocks that I set up in Q and those stocks Update their share price on every Quicken OSU. I am moving these Stocks to a Vanguard Brokerage acct. I will add the Vanguard Brokerage acct to Q to download their values. So the stocks in question would be updating values individually and in the Vanguard Brokerage acct...and therefore my Net Worth would be inaccurate.
How do I keep the Individual Stock Registers so that I can keep the stocks History....but stop them from updating their share value, and, stop them from being Included in My Net Worth totals in Quicken?
There is no reason why the prices would be inaccurate. No matter what account you have a security in at any given time it has a price. The price isn’t determined by what account you have it in.
Quicken gets is prices from three different sources, but only one “wins” at any given time.- From the quote service that Quicken Inc pays for.
- From the financial institution with the downloading of transactions.
- From manual entry.
# 1 wins over #2, and I believe that #3 wins at least for that day.
As for the net worth you should be recording a transfer of the securities from the old account to the new Vanguard account so that the old account is now zeroed out and as such doesn’t give you a duplicate of your securities in your net worth.
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For more information on sources of security prices in Quicken you can search the in-product Help for Price Hierarchy.QWin Premier subscription1
I do not want to transfer the 10 Individual stocks into the Brokerage acct. When I connect with the vanguard acct for the 1st time all these stocks which were transferred into the Vanguard will download into Quicken. I would just like to remove the Individual Stocks from being part of my Net Worth and just let those Investments add into my net worth based on the vanguard brokerage acct.
So how would I keep the individual Stock Registers and just prevent them from Updating going forward their Share prices...and the overall Value not add into my Quicken Net Worth. Hopefully there is away....
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What happened in real life? Were these stocks in a brokerage account all along and you want to reflect that in Quicken, or did you actually hold them individually, as certificates for example?
I would recommend a different solution depending on your answer, to make Quicken show what actually happened.QWin Premier subscription0 -
These stocks were not in a Brokerage acct. I hold these as I guess you could call it, certificates. Each of these 10 Stocks are in Quicken in individual registers.
I have arranged to have Vanguard transfer them in Like Kind into a Vanguard brokerage acct. So after they are at Vanguard I will add the Vanguard acct to Quicken and all of these stocks will download in the Vanguard Acct and from thereafter track, Update, etc within that Vanguard Quicken acct.
So I just need to Stop the individual stocks from being added into Quicken Net Worth because if they do it will duplicate values....the stocks themselves and Vanguard.... Also no reason to continue letting the Individual Stocks Update their Share price....I just want these individual stocks to stop in time....when I Create the Quicken vanguard acct.
I want the individual stocks to remain in Quicken so I have the History but, have Quicken ingore them like they do not exists other than to View.....0 -
OK, thanks for the additional details. [edited for clarity]
The way to handle this is to create the Vanguard account in Quicken, then go to each of the individual stock accounts or registers, click on Enter Transactions, and select Shares transferred between accounts. When you enter the information and click OK, this will put one Removed transaction for all the shares in the stock account and, in the Vanguard account, one Added for each tax lot of the stock. This transfers the holding to Vanguard and preserves the original acquisition dates and cost basis.
Repeat for each of your stock accounts
The original transactions will remain in the stock accounts but each account's value will go down to zero because there are no longer any shares there.
When you do the initial download from Vanguard, if the shares have already been transferred you will see several Added transactions, one for each of the stocks that were transferred in. You should delete these transactions because you have already told Quicken that the shares were transferred.
If you want to view your performance over a period that includes the transfer date, you should include both the old and new accounts in the account selection.QWin Premier subscription0 -
Is it not possible to just start these shares like brand new when I connect and create the vanguard Brokerage acct...all 1o stocks will download with current Shares and Stock share prices and continue to Update from that date going forward.
I coul....go into each Stock register and under the EDIT ACCT DETAILS/DISPLAY "HIDE ACCT NAME in Account Bar and Account list? I tried one stock and saw that it did get removed when I opened a Net Worth Report. Now as I am writing this, I am thinking that action removed the stock from net Worth but that action would not stop the Stocks from Updating their share price during OSU. The other option I was thinking of, SELL all shares of all the 10 Stocks. Create a Dummy Acct Register to deposit those proceeds into....that Dummy acct will just be holding CASH... I could than Delete use WITHDRAW and make payment to myself....that would Zero out the Dummy Register. Each Individual Stock Register Register would show Zero shrs, zero Values...history will be preserved....
Now granted your way seems a lot fewer steps...I am having a time of Visualizing your steps although I am sure they are the best steps...but I can with all my extra steps Visualize it should work to provide me with the outcome I want to achieve. I will of course for History prior to Creating\Downloading the stocks when I connect with Vanguard once the Transfers are completed..I will need to view History going back to each Individual Stock Register......but I am OK with that.
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Note that even though it might be possible to "hide" and "not update" the way you were describing, it would be a lot more work, and it would "fragment" your net worth report. The hiding part would have to be done in several different parts of Quicken, and might have to be "redone" for each report you created. The not updating the prices would have to be done by creating new securities and removing the symbols from the old ones.
Note the main reason for "transferring" the securities instead of recording a sell is to keep the cost basis of those securities.Signature:
This is my website: -
If you "start like new" at Vanguard, you may or may not get the correct cost basis downloaded, and the shares will still be in the old accounts.
Hiding the old accounts may not remove them from from reports.
Sell/Buy will definitely lose the cost basis, and you would have to deal with the cash.
You can enter Removes and Adds manually if you prefer that to the Shares Transferred, but the Shares Transferred does it automatically, preserving the original acquisition dates and cost basis.
If you are unsure about the method I recommended, you can back up your data file and try it.
If you don't like the result, you can revert to the backup and can try another approach.
QWin Premier subscription1 -
I am trying my best to visualize how the Transfer between accts will flow...and me getting it right.
I have Not as yet created the Vanguard brokerage Acct as the 1o Stocks have not yet arrived at Vanguard. I am thinking I could ADD the vanguard acct to Quicken now even though there are no Holdings in it as I can see the newly created Vanguard Acct when I go Online at Vanguard. OR, for some reason I should wait to Create the Vanguard Brokerage Acct in Quicken after I confirm Online the Stocks have arrived and are in the Brokerage acct?
For example, I have a Stock and its in a Quicken register ...the stock name is XYZ. I would go to the XYZ register in Quicken, select Transfer Shares between accts, select the Newly Created Vanguard Brokerage acct. I would do this for the other 9 stocks. Lets say I do this Before any of these 10 stocks get deposited into the Vanguard brokerage acct. If I look at Vanguard New Brokerage acct...I would see in HOLDINGS...the 10 Individual Stocks and it would transfer over with all Lots and History. CORRECT?
When these 10 Transferred Stocks in LIKE KIND get into the Vanguard and settle, at a One Step Update...the connection will Download all 10 will I see the 10 Stocks I transferred between Accts that I di manually In Quicken and the same 10 Stocks that Vanguard downloaded? This is what I cannot visualize....Jim Hartman wrote "When you do the initial download from Vanguard, you will see one Added transaction for the shares that were transferred in. You should delete this because you have already told Quicken that the shares were transferred." did he mean one Added Transaction for each of the 10 Stocks I manually Transferred between accts? And I would need to Delete the 10 Transactions? How would I even know the Stocks/Transaction that I manually Transferred in from those the Quicken OSU downloaded from Vanguard? One going back to Mr Hartmans' message...and hanging on to his every Word written, "see ONE Added transaction for the shares that were transferred in" the operative word ONE...meaning all 10 Transferred between Accts will be in the Holdings of the Vanguard Acct as opposed to 10 Holding Entries?
Sorry if I am making this harder than i should...but I want to be sure I get it/do it right.....0 -
- See responses below, marked with >> and Bold
denmarfl said:I am trying my best to visualize how the Transfer between accts will flow...and me getting it right.
I have Not as yet created the Vanguard brokerage Acct as the 1o Stocks have not yet arrived at Vanguard. I am thinking I could ADD the vanguard acct to Quicken now even though there are no Holdings in it as I can see the newly created Vanguard Acct when I go Online at Vanguard. OR, for some reason I should wait to Create the Vanguard Brokerage Acct in Quicken after I confirm Online the Stocks have arrived and are in the Brokerage acct?
>> It is OK to add the Vanguard account now.
For example, I have a Stock and its in a Quicken register ...the stock name is XYZ. I would go to the XYZ register in Quicken, select Transfer Shares between accts, select the Newly Created Vanguard Brokerage acct. I would do this for the other 9 stocks. Lets say I do this Before any of these 10 stocks get deposited into the Vanguard brokerage acct. If I look at Vanguard New Brokerage acct...I would see in HOLDINGS...the 10 Individual Stocks and it would transfer over with all Lots and History. CORRECT?
>> Correct. It will transfer the holdings but the original transactions - Bought, Dividends, etc will remain in the old accounts.
When these 10 Transferred Stocks in LIKE KIND get into the Vanguard and settle, at a One Step Update...the connection will Download all 10 will I see the 10 Stocks I transferred between Accts that I di manually In Quicken and the same 10 Stocks that Vanguard downloaded? This is what I cannot visualize....Jim Hartman wrote "When you do the initial download from Vanguard, you will see one Added transaction for the shares that were transferred in. You should delete this because you have already told Quicken that the shares were transferred." did he mean one Added Transaction for each of the 10 Stocks I manually Transferred between accts?
>> Before connecting to Vanguard, it is best to go to Edit > Preferences > Downloaded transactions and un-check the "Automatically add to investment transaction lists" option. That way all downloaded transactions will appear in the Downloads area at the bottom of the transaction list and you can review and delete them if necessary before accepting them.
>> When Vanguard has received the stocks and you connect to Vanguard, you will see one Added transaction for each of the 10 stocks in the Downloaded Transactions area.
And I would need to Delete the 10 Transactions? How would I even know the Stocks/Transaction that I manually Transferred in from those the Quicken OSU downloaded from Vanguard?
>> You should delete the downloaded Added transactions because you have already added then in Quicken.One going back to Mr Hartmans' message...and hanging on to his every Word written, "see ONE Added transaction for the shares that were transferred in" the operative word ONE...meaning all 10 Transferred between Accts will be in the Holdings of the Vanguard Acct as opposed to 10 Holding Entries?
>> Once you have transferred the stocks to the Vanguard account in Quicken, you will see them when you click on the Holdings view in the Vanguard account. If you set the As Of date in the Holdings view before the transfer, the Vanguard account will be empty.
Sorry if I am making this harder than i should...but I want to be sure I get it/do it right.....
QWin Premier subscription0 -
--I edited the title of the discussion to make it more clearly describe what we are talking about, and edited some of my responses for clarity.QWin Premier subscription0
Jim Hartman......
Not a good start.... I did go into Edit/preferences/download and there was no check Mark in "Automatically Add to Investments Transaction List".
I performed ADD ACCOUNT; Vanguard; the new Acct displayed....I added it to Quicken.
When I opened the New Acct...there were no Downloaded Transactions in in the bottom of the Register....all Stocks appeared in the Register as ADDED; all share Count was correct for each Stock. Looking at HOLDINGS; All Stocks displayed with of course no History....nor is there any Dollar Figures in COST BASIS column...and the GAIN/LOSS Column displays the Total Value of all stocks. So in HOLDINGS, the stats are of no value except for the Name of the Stock, its current Stock shr price and Talal $ Value.
I expected, correct me if I am wrong; that the download from Vanguard with the Preference setting Unchecked (and I did look at it again, it was/is Unchecked) the New Stocks would appear in the Downloads Box of the register to be Viewed and where I could delete them?
Rather than create the Vanguard Acct manually, I let Quickens ADD ACCT perform that task. Not sure had I 1st added the Accct Manually and then on the ADD ACCT connection...selected Match to the Manually created Vanguard acct....if the Download would have still been entered into Register or, in the Downloads Box...I really feel the Stocks still would have been added to the register... However, the guidance I got here in this POST which was excellent; was Connect with vanguard and get New Acct created....connection with Vanguard with that Preference setting Unchecked would download Stocks in Download Box at bottom of register where I would Delete all....than I would do a Transfer Stocks between Investment accts...and the Transfer would populate the Vanguard acct as a Transfer vs...ADDED.
Where did I go wrong? I did create a backup Copy of of Quicken File before I connected with vanguard to create the new Investment acct.....
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From what you say you did not do anything wrong. The transfer to Vanguard had completed before you connected and your current holdings were added to the account automatically. Perhaps that happens on a new account regardless of the "Automatically add" setting.
As you have seen, the holdings were added with no cost basis info. That is why you still need to transfer the holdings from your old accounts in Quicken.
What I would recommend you do now is note the data of the downloaded Added transactions and back up your data file in case something goes wrong.
Then delete the downloaded Added transactions from the account's transaction list (register), leaving an empty Vanguard account.
Then complete the Shares Transferred Between Accounts operations we discussed above.
When you are done with that, you should see all of your holdings in the Vanguard account with the correct share counts and cost basis. The old accounts should all have zero shares.
Good luck!
QWin Premier subscription0 -
So moving forward in a good way with your help and others; Thanks.
Deleted all the 9 Stock Registry entries in the New Vanguard acct shown as ADDED entries in Register (9 individual prior Stocks in individual Quicken Registers will now all be in the Vanguard acct)
Went to a Stock Register ....selected "Shares Transfer between Accts". Was not certain of several entries.... On right side of the Transfer screen; it displays ONE SECURITY or ALL SECURITIES. The "One Security" was already bulletined, and I left as is...but should I have selected "ALL Securities"? That Must be difference since 2 are there to select. Here's an area where Quicken could improve on....I have seen other software's where choices like this is available, a Little "i" (information)...and when you click on you see a brief and helpful explanation.
Second area I questioned what to do, right below Transfer method....there are 3 Choices. The 1st method, "First Shares In" was bulletined, I did not change. Don't think I would select LOTS as it means more choices, but there is also ALL? Should I have picked ALL? Why?
The One Stock transfer using the "ONE SECURITY" and "FIRST Shares IN: selections, the Register where the Stock had been in....showed Zero Security which was the described outcome. This Register had all HISTORY prior to the Transfer date ie.....Value\Cost basis...etc. The Vanguard acct for the Transferred stock displays the History in Holding from only the Date of Transfer...and as I recall I remember one response in this Post writing that is how it would be...History Prior, Original Register, History going forward from date of Transfer...New Acct (Vanguard).
So all looks for the 1 of 9 I have Transferred thus far...looks good...but not sure about the selection One Security or All Securities and the selection First IN...Lots...All. Again, I left them as Bulleted...ONE SECURITY and FIRST IN....are these 2 the best selections or should I change?
I did save a backup Copy of my Quicken data File so if need be I can start all over......0 -
During the transfer next to Transfer you should pick All securities - you want to move all the securities in the account to the Vanguard account. That automatically also selects All under Transfer method - you want to move all the shares of each security in the account, i.e. you want to move everything from this account to the Vangaurd account.
Repeat with the other accounts.
When the transfers are complete, you can click on Holdings in the Vanguard account and you should see that all of your securities have been moved to the Vanguard account as of the transfer date.
Also after the transfers, all of the old accounts should be empty - no securities, account value = zero.
When you click on Holdings in the Vanguard account, you should see a little plus sign next to each security. If you click on that, you will see all the individual tax lots that have been moved from the old account. These show the purchase date, number of shares, and purchase price of each purchase, reinvestment, etc., so when you sell some or all of the shares, Quicken will know what your cost basis was and can calculate the capital gain correctly.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Hmmm...something in your last response that made me wonder and just curious in what I will refer to as being an excellent Leaning process...., since I have only 1 Security\Stock in each Register...(again each stock is in a separate Register) would it matter if I selected One or all? I ask because I have already completed some of the Transfers using one bulleted.
I see the Finish Line ahead.The one entry that I did NOT delete in the Vanguard Register was ACTION\DEPOSIT "OPENING BALANCE" AND IT IS ZERO. Let me muddy the waters a little bit more...Maybe. In Addition to having created the 9 Stocks in individual Quicken Registers, I also create a separate Accts\Registers for the CASH that was in the Old Broker MMF Fund. Perhaps an explanation; I did not create all these Separate accts to make my life tracking these Investments more difficult, the Old broker acct had no Quicken connection for tracking and downloading the Stocks and cash.The Settlement Fund cash at the old Broker Company is being sent by a Check and will be at Vanguard in 4 days or so and Vanguard will Open and deposit it into my acct either in a Money Market Fund or, in the Settlement Fund sub fund.Should I DELETE the "Deposit\Opening Balance" .00 Balance transaction that is in the Vanguard Register as I did with the Stocks? Or it doesn't matter?I am pretty sure that once Vanguard opens the Settlement Fund (or whatever they create) and Deposits the Cash, in a OSU Connection that Fund will be downloaded and ADDED to the HOLDINGS...with a corresponding Transaction as DEPOSIT in the Register.....
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If there is only one security in the account and you select one for the transfer, that is OK. Make sure you tell it to move all the shares. You will know you were successful when the old account is empty.
All cash in a Vanguard account goes to the settlement money market fund and you will see separate Bought and Sold transactions downloaded that move cash to and from the settlement fund.
Since the opening balance is zero, you can keep or delete that transaction, it does not matter.
When the cash arrives at Vanguard, you should see a Bought (not Added) transaction downloaded that uses the cash to purchase the settlement fund or another money market fund that you may have specified.QWin Premier subscription0
This discussion has been closed.