How do you download two different Vanguard funds with same account number?

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
fund accouint
fund accouint
Are you using an account setup for a single mutual fund?
Because that should be the only reason why you shouldn't be able to have any number of mutual funds in any given account.Signature:
This is my website: -
I am not using the Single Fund Account setup. Each fund has a 4 digit fund ID and a 11 digit account ID separated by a hyphen (xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx). The problem occurs when two different funds have the same account ID. Quicken downloads data for the two funds as though it were a single fund because the account numbers are the same. The Fund ID number is ignored.0
@ChesapeakeEd - Are you downloading from Vanguard with Web Connect (WC) or Direct Connect (DC)?It is my understanding that if you download with DC then Vanguard will download all securities separately into a single Quicken account and your holdings of each security would then be listed separately in that account.But if you download via WC, Vanguard can download each security separately as individual accounts. Could it be that if this is how you download and if the initial download of the 2nd security was mistakenly linked to the account of the 1st security then maybe Quicken is somehow thinking both securities are "the same"?If you have not already done so, you might want to create a new Quicken file (File > New Quicken File) and name it TEST or something similar. Then try adding your Vanguard account via Add Account which will take you through the process of setting up with DC. After the account setup is completed, does the account list both securities separately?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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ChesapeakeEd said:I am not using the Single Fund Account setup. Each fund has a 4 digit fund ID and a 11 digit account ID separated by a hyphen (xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx). The problem occurs when two different funds have the same account ID. Quicken downloads data for the two funds as though it were a single fund because the account numbers are the same. The Fund ID number is ignored.
I think the OFX log would point to what is really going on (Help -> Log Files -> OFX Log).
The structure of the data, and how it ends up in Quicken is
The account number is used for the top level, and the securities are separated by their CUSIP IDs.
Security1 and Security2 should have the same account number, and in fact when downloaded they should be "sub data" to the "account data", not even separated.
What's more when I look at my account numbers both in the OFX data and Account Details the account numbers aren't in the format that you describe (no hyphen). And that goes for the CUSIP IDs too.<MFINFO> <SECINFO> <SECID> <UNIQUEID>922906300 <UNIQUEIDTYPE>CUSIP </SECID> <SECNAME>Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund <TICKER>VMFXX <UNITPRICE>1.0 <MEMO>Price as of date based on closing price </SECINFO> <MFTYPE>OPENEND </MFINFO></code><INVSTMTRS> <DTASOF>20210511160000.000[-5:EST] <CURDEF>USD <INVACCTFROM> <BROKERID> <b><ACCTID>XXXXXXXX</b> </INVACCTFROM> <INVTRANLIST> <DTSTART>20200511160000.000[-5:EST] <DTEND>20210511125956.000[-5:EST] <BUYMF> <INVBUY> <INVTRAN> <FITID>512807884 <DTTRADE>20210423160000.000[-5:EST] <DTSETTLE>20210423160000.000[-5:EST] <MEMO>MONEY FUND PURCHASE </INVTRAN> <SECID> <UNIQUEID><b>922906300</b> <UNIQUEIDTYPE><b>CUSIP</b> </SECID></pre><h2><br><img src="" alt=""><br><br></h2><h2><br></h2><div class="Quote"><br><pre class="CodeBlock"><code>
And when I look at the Web Connect/QFX download options I see that Vanguard no longer has the option to download them separately.
But I do remember see posts long ago saying that you can tell Vanguard that you want your funds to be downloaded (with Direct Connect) into separate accounts. That might be part of what is going on, but even that doesn't fit what you are describing where you say that two different funds are downloading as if they are the same one... Whereas if Vanguard was sending them down that way what you would get is an account per fund, not two different funds being downloaded in to one. What I think might be helpful is a screenshot of the security details of the two funds. And also maybe the top of the price history. As if there are really being treated as on fund I would expect the prices to get mixed up.
Actually backing up, one thought I just had is that somehow you have told Quicken that the two different funds are in fact the same fund. I don't know if that is even possible, but some of the people on here that know more about how Quicken does this can maybe answer that possibility.Signature:
This is my website: -
@Chris_QPW is likely onto something in the last sentence. You may have inadvertently linked the funds together. Go to Security Detail view for each of the 2 funds in question. Verify their symbols are correct. Edit Security Details and uncheck the box "Matched with online security" for both funds.
Next time you download you will be prompted to match the holdings downloaded to the holdings in your account. If you choose correctly, Quicken will re-link them as separate funds.0 -
ChesapeakeEd said:I am not using the Single Fund Account setup.Just a couple of other points of discussion...I've had Vanguard for a long time - and the Mutual Fund acct was always setup in my Quicken as a single acct with the mutual funds held under that umbrella account. This is now a legacy acct setup... as Vanguard is migrating to a Brokerage acct - and requests you migrate from the legacy Mutual Fund Only acct to their single platform Brokerage acct. I recently went thru that transformation, and all is good... still only have Vanguard mutual funds in my Vanguard brokerage acct.
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Thanks for trying to solve this problem but nothing seems to have worked. I am puzzled because setting up the downloads has been extremely easy in the past. However, in the past, each fund has had a unique account number. I have asked Vanguard to assign a unique number to the new fund and twice now they have assigned a new number and each time it is the same as another of my funds. I give up. I will enter transactions for the new fund offline.0