The account balance for accounts downloaded from are incorrect.

yerbmeld Member ✭✭
I have two active accounts that are managed on When I download the account activity for either account, the downloaded transaction file (qfx) has an incorrect in BALAMT. The BALAMT value is always the TRNAMT value of the last STMTTRN in the BANKTRANLIST. My guess would be that either the incorrect variable is used to set the value of BALAMT, or the variable is not updated before setting the BALAMT value.
I have other accounts that are serviced by Synchrony Bank (Amazon, JC Penney, Lowe's, PayPal, and TJ Maxx) that do not have this problem.


  • Diane Bielanski
    Diane Bielanski Member ✭✭
    When you say, "download", do you log onto the respective credit card site and then do a download into Quicken? Is that how you manage all of your credit cards serviced by Synchrony, does the online service vary by credit card, or some other way?
  • yerbmeld
    yerbmeld Member ✭✭
    It does not matter whether it is through one step update or if I download the account activity from The account balance is incorrect. For example, my CareCredit account current balance is $642.82 owed. Yet, the account balance posted from one step update is $33.50 credit balance. That amount is the same amount of a payment posted to my account in February. I have made eight payments with a different amount, and one charge since then.

    I just downloaded my CareCredit account transactions from the web site in a qfx file. The account balance in that file is 67.07. That is the same amount as the TRNAMT in the last STMTTRN block of the BANKTRANLIST section.

    I have other accounts that are serviced by Synchrony Bank that are managed on their brand web site and none of those accounts have this problem. It is only for accounts that are managed on
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @yerbmeld

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community regarding your issue, although I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issue with your account balances with synchrony. I'm wondering here has this been an ongoing issue for a while? What connection method are you specifically using as well? You can double check by right clicking on the account bar and selecting edit/delete. From there select the online services tab and it should be the financial institution. 

    Once you get the chance please let us know more about the issue and we'll see what we can do to resolve it.


    Quicken Francisco

  • yerbmeld
    yerbmeld Member ✭✭
    Yes, this has been an ongoing issue. The connection method is express web connect.
  • NotACPA
    NotACPA SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    yerbmeld said:
    [snip] For example, my CareCredit account current balance is $642.82 owed. Yet, the account balance posted from one step update is $33.50 credit balance. [snip[
    That would indicate that you've got multiple missing transactions.  When was the last time that you reconciled this account.  Have you ever accepted placeholders, or forced a reconciliation, in this account?

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • PatriotMom2
    PatriotMom2 Member ✭✭
    I began having the same exact problem last week (approx June 10, 2021) and have tried everything that I know to try. Quicken user since 1999 for Home and Business. Any suggestions?
  • yerbmeld
    yerbmeld Member ✭✭
    edited June 2021
    @NotACPA No missing transactions, no placeholders. I perform one step update daily. It is a pain because I cannot use the online balance for reconciliation for these two accounts. All of the transactions received through one step update are correct. The register balances are correct. It is only the account balance received through one step update or imported from a qfx file downloaded from that is incorrect.
  • yerbmeld
    yerbmeld Member ✭✭
    @PatriotMom2 You have only recently experienced this issue? I only have two accounts that are managed through now. I have had others in the past that have been closed due to inactivity. But none of my accounts managed through have ever had the correct account balance. It does not matter whether the updates come through one step update, or if I download the account activity as a qfx file from the web site. I just use ctrl-r and enter the ending balance from the statement since I cannot rely on the online balance.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Given that the problem is with Web Connect (a QFX file) too, suggests that this is the financial institution problem.  The reason it also would carry to Express Web Connect is because if possible what Express Web Connect does is exactly what Web Connect does, expect it is automated for you.  As in, if the financial institution provides a QFX file Express Web Connect logs in and gets that file and imports.  If a financial institution provides the information in a different format like CSV then Intuit's servers have to translate it into QFX format and things can go wrong in that process.  But clearly the QFX file is produced by the financial institution, and only they can correct it.

    You need to contact them.
    This is my website:
  • MarkW
    MarkW Member ✭✭
    This just happened to me. Apparently end-users need to report bugs in how Quicken picks up files from banks and then passes them along in the software. In my case, all of my monthly balances change going back to the beginning of time and I am not about to chase down bank<-->quicken issues with undoubtedly finger-pointing.
  • MarkW
    MarkW Member ✭✭
    And on top of this... the issue started after the 34.16 update and continued into the 34.24 update.... but... it's the banks fault. hilarious and stupid.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    MarkW said:
    And on top of this... the issue started after the 34.16 update and continued into the 34.24 update.... but... it's the banks fault. hilarious and stupid.
    People tend to jump to the conclusion that because two events are in the same timeframe that one caused the other when they have yet to prove the connection.

    There is a easy way to prove whether 34.16 caused the problem or not.  Install the patch release before that and see if the problem does go away.

    If you don't have the manual patch files you can get them from here:
    This is my website:
  • Planethill
    Planethill Member ✭✭✭
    FWIW, I am now experiencing this on my Care Credit account as well.  The "online balance" in Quicken is wildly off by several thousand dollars.
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